{stubidly attract to you}

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I was playing with the ring on my finger the checking my phone waiting for one of her texts.
I was zoned out staring at my laptop screen which went dark blue looming the letters 'shawn's MacBook' around.
When the door opened I looked straight into her eyes.
"Oh it's you... Where are the others?". I ran my hand through my hair.
"Working from home". She floped down onto one of the chairs.
"So it's just you and me".
"Yeah apparently". She rolled her eyes. Opting for her laptop. I put mine out of sleep mode.
"Okay so do you have the documents?". I looked up from my laptop.
"Documents? Don't we have those on one drive?". She laughed softly.
"Yes we do but I just through... They from your department so...".
"I know how to do my job, Shawn".
"And I'm not telling you how to do your job.... That's not what I meant I... I thought".
Her eyes pried into mine wanting for an answer

This girl!

"Nevermind God uhm I need coffee you want some?".
She only raised her eyebrows quite annoyed by my question.
"Of course you don't". I looked down walking over to the little coffee corner in the back of the room. Tapping my fingertips on the table while waiting for the coffee. Because from the corner of my eye I was y/n starting at me.
Not the 'I like you'  staring the bad starting that stare people give you if they hate you and I swear she was about to kill me if it was possible.
I grabbed my coffee walking to the empty chair next to her taking my laptop in front of me. Opening the documents.
"So look at the numbers of this month".
"I know it's lower than next year bit Shawn we live in corona time it's normal".
"Even in these times y/n God... Does this look normal to you because it shouldn't".
"You know I'm not good with numbers and all!". She was angry.
"I know but... Uhm, nevermind".
"Why did they even put us together?". She leaned back in the chair.
"I know right why us? they all know we have nothing much in common".
She told her eyes.
"Okay, I know you hate me but can we please act like adults?".
"Yeah you're right this has nothing to do with us". She looked back at her laptop.
"So if you look at these numbers it's going down fast how do you think the marketing department can help with that?".
"We can do an A/B test on our site and social media again see what works the best".
"Good, then shipping apartment will see what we can do to make the packages better".
"Good, I'll send a mail to my department what plans we have".

We found common ground finely

I smiled at her. Resting my chin in my hands. She Raised her eyebrow all Confused.
"Oh no, nothing". I ran my hand through my hair. Feeling neeouvse all of a sudden.

She beautiful so damn hot

"Why are you staring at me?".
"I... I think... No nevermind". My voice died off throughout the sentence.
The door opened.
I sat up straight again grabbing a pen out of panic while I was typing my laptop.
Y/n glanced at laughing softly.
Looking back at our boss.
"Shawn y/n office is closing in a few minutes I instant you'll go home now". We nodded and he walked away again.

We walked to the exit tother I held the door for her out of a reflex.
"Hey, you wanna grab a coffee?". She zipped up her jacket.
"You aren't gonna poison me do you?". I looked at her confused.
"Just get coffee with me... Please my boyfriend works from home".
"And you should spend time with him, not with me". i put my hands in my pockets.
"Well let's say he isn't that nice to me". She looked down as her face went sad

That's why she acts so cold she is in an abusive relationship...

"What does he do?".
"He like... Uhm... Hurts me and...". She was on the edge of crying.
"Hey I know I'm not the best person to talk to because you kinda hate me but I'm here if you wanna talk and you don't have to go into detail if you don't want you".
"Thanks, shawn".

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now