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I played a random tune on my guitar smiling at y/n, she smiled back at me through the glass of the recording booth. She once covered 'like to be you' I was completely taken away by how good it was. I still don't know how our voices sound other but I took the risk and asked her to make a song with me, for wonder the album. Her response was priceless she sounded so excited and cute. She has an amazing style of music, I've seen the songs she released through this year and it was quite impressive. Even though we're working on my album I still can help her boost her career I've never worked with an artist so young in the music industry. This was the first time I've heard her sing live her voice is beautiful.

She was humming the tune with me trying to find some lyrics.
I love her voice so much it's perfect.
I put away my guitar for a while sitting on the chair behind the computer turning her mic up a little resting my head in my hands admiring her. the lights above the booth made her hair shine a little her face is so cute looking as smooth as silk she just looks adorable with the sleeves of her hoodie covering her hands, headphones on.

When she walked back to me she flopped down on the sofa, turning her head to me.
"I'm so lucky I have you in my album, you sound like an angel".
Her cheeks turned rosy.

She's cute

"And I think I have an idea for the song".
"Tell me what's your plan?". She pulled herself up.
"Only if you like it too".
"Just tell me you're the professional here". She smiled.
"Okay, so i was thinking about quite an acoustic song with the guitar as the basic instrument or maybe a little piano in it too". I took my guitar on my lap again playing the tune.
"Something like this... Hello hello hello I want you to come home I can't seem to sleep". I looked up at her for her approval.
"Sounds amazing I can't believe you choose me to collab with you're too good". She crossed her legs under her.
"No, you have a talent that's why I choose you". I smiled.
She smiled staring at me.
I stared back at her losing myself in her beautiful eyes.
"Okay, uhm, and lyrics you think will fit".
"I love the beginning which this hello's maybe like...". She walked over to the piano on the other side of the room starting to play the same time as I did on my guitar.
"Maybe it can be like this... ' hello hello hello can I ear an echo you're too far away' sets the feeling more".
"That's perfect I love you echo after hello".
"Yeah so like hello hello hello can I ear an echo uhm and then red and yellow I don't know like the sunrise". She poked back at me.
"Purple red and yellow".
"Like the sunset?".
"Yes". I smiled.

We played for a while piecing lyrics together.
"Okay I was thinking about this too
'You're asleep in London feels like it's been a hundred days since I...' ". I sang this because the first time I saw her was in London by the city awards.
I still remember how she looked hair straightened glitters sprayed on it minimum make up on her face. and a beautiful sparkly dark red princess dress. Like she just walked out of a fairytale.
"Or is there a way like 'counting back from a hundred so I can fall asleep faster' type of thing?".
I nodded repeating the lyrics.
"That's cool". I smiled looking at her knowing were getting somewhere.
"Yeah". She wrote down the lines we brainstormed.
" 'When I'm not with you I just close my eyes' what then?". She looked up from the piano.
I was staring at her completely shut off from every sound around me.
"Sorry what?".
She told her eyes.
"I was thinking about this... 'When I'm not with you I just close my eyes' ".
"All I have to do?".
"All I have to do is dream dream dream dream, about you...". She stated at me wanting for me to a song or with her.
"about you about you about you about you about". I nodded.
"Yeah, you got it". She smiled bumping my shoulder softly.

"Okay, what do you two got?". Scott sat down on the chair.
"I'll send it to you". Y/n grabbed her phone sending the lyrics to him.
"Tom are we recording?". I walked over to Tom who was setting up the booth.
"Yep... Nate you're ready?". He turned towards his friend Nate who plays the guitar parts for this song.
"Yes". He put the guitar mic closer to the strings.
I motioned y/n to the music booth while putting on the headphone.
She looked up the lyrics on her phone. Putting on the headphones to pulling the hood of her hoodie over her head.
Our voices sound amazing together.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now