{favorite hoodie}

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Shawn was packing his bag while I was sitting onto the bed fidgeting with my fingers.
"Gonna miss you". Looking into his eyes made me almost cry.
"Hey...". He clawed closer to me.
"Hey, don't cry... Don't cry". He whipped my tears away from my cheeks.
"I'm just scared".
He sat down oppose me pulling my leg's around his waist.
"For what?" He pulled my hair behind my ear to see my face better.
"Just... You're not being here what if you have an anxiety attack I can't help you if you're in Portugal".
"Hun... brian, Connor and cez are here with me I'll be fine".
"Don't forget your stickers".
"Ever since I stopped with my medican the stickers are your top priority right?".
"No, you're my top priority". I smoked thought my tears.
"And you're mine". He kissed my forehead.
"I love you".
"So much y/n". He kissed my cheek.
I leaned my head into his shoulder wrapping my arms around his neck.
Just ten more minutes".
"We still have ten minutes". He pecked my lips.
"So let's just cuddle okay". He wrapped his legs around my waist dragging me down onto the mattress.
He snuggled his face in my neck while i was running my finger through his curls.
My eyes fell on shawn's stuffed animal which he has ever since birth and still, he is dragging that thing everywhere.
"Don't you want Leo with you?".
He looked up at the thing them back at me and shook his head.
"You need a comfort buddy when I'm not here".
I laughed softly pulling my arms from his curls and taking off the necklace i wore.
"What are you doing?". He sat up looking at me confused.
I placed the necklace onto his palm.
"For you".
"Y/n that's yours keep it".
"I have Leo from you you get my necklace". I shook my head.
"Thank you, hun". He kissed me.
"Want me to put it on for you?".
He nodded and turned around.
I picked the necklace around his neck kissing his sholder afterward like he always does.
"Thank you, hun, I love this".
I hugged him again refusing to let him go.
"You got everything?".
he nodded.
"Not everything i forgot to pack you".
"I can't go with you i gave it to work".
"Well, I think you would fit in my suitcase".
"Haha, funny stop making jokes i'm small I know it".
"You're not small just fun size".
"But you're just a giant".
"I live longer".
"I don't care as long as i'm with you". He kissed my forehead pulling his arms around my neck.
"You're so pretty".
"You're pretty too". I smiled.
"No, you are more".
"You're the most pretty most beautiful boy shawn".
"You're my everything hun". He pulled his face in my hair i felt his body shake.
I took his face between my hands made him look at me.
"Hey, shawn baby, it's okay i love you so much".
"I'm the worst boyfriend anyone could image right now".

he isn't!

I shot him ahead stare.
"No no shawn dont say that!".
"But hun...".
"No, you aren't, i love you and you're the best!".
"But i will leave to progual for a year".
"No shawn your family is important dont put me above them". I caressed his skin softly.
"You are my family".
A lump grows into my throat tears welled up into my eyes.
"Sorry, i find meant to...".
"Happy tears". I smiled.
He ran his hand through this hair smiling relieved.
"I'm gonna miss you so much". He took my hand laced our finger together.
I started humming October by alessia cara.
"Even your hum sounds horrible'. Shawn laughed softly.
I told my eyes and started singing.
"Okay please stop". He covered his ears.
"Okay then sing for me".
"What do you want me to sing hun?".
"Nobody liked moving on".
He smiled tan his hand through my hair.
"We can build a wall downtown, we can build a wall and found the places where we hang out...". He was cutt off by his phone.

'Walking into the airport to meet cez he opened his arms when he saw me.
"Hey, y/n". He wrapped his arms around my neck.
"Hey cez".
"Girl, you look beautiful as always".
"Damn right she is". Shawn wrapped his arm around my waist kissing my forehead.
"Hey, baby".
"Hey, hun" He whispered in my ear.
I laughted and buried my face into his shoulder.
"Aww, my cute shy girl". He giggled.
"Shut up" i hit his arm.
"Hey man". Connor slabbed shawn's shoulder.
Both the boys did their handshake but shawn held me at my place against his chest, didn't let me go untill brian hugged him.
"Hey, y/n". He held his first up.
"Hey bri". Ut first bumped him.
Turning around i met Connor's eyes.
"Hey shorty".He ruffled thought my hair.
"Hey, con". I squeezed him.
"Con don't cling on my girl!". Shawn crossed his arms over his chest.
I turned around slowly walking towards him after kissing Connors's cheek.
Shawn's face heated up bright red, He looked down.
"Are you jealous baby?" I placed my hand on his cheek.
"Maybe but your mine".
"I am yours". I rested my other hand oh the spot of his heart. It started racing under my palm.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now