{dance with me}

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I waited for y/n right outside of the ballet room leaning against the wall opposite from it so I could still see her training. When I first met y/n I thought she was a girly girl because she did ballet but later on I learned that it's just like music it takes time to practice its muscle pain and sizzels everywhere. It's a beginning agent and strong at the same time.
She watched my gaze through the window waving at me shyly. Her trainer snapped her finger at her taking get the focus back on her. I rolled my eyes smiling at her when she blushed.
"That's my girl". I rested my head against the wall smiling at her training.

The girls from her team treated me when they walled out of the room.
"Bye Shawn". Her best friend Tessa waved at me.
"Tessa where is y/n?".
"Talking about her outfit with a coach for the performance". She pointed at the room.
"She got?..".
"The protagonist? yes". She smiled.
"Please let it be a yellow dress". I crossed my fingers.
"I agree yellow looks cute on her".
"Yes, she looks so beautiful in yellow she looks beautiful in everything".
"Aww so cute you're really in love".
I smiled closing my eyes.
"You two are cute I wish I could have a boyfriend too and be super cute with him". She crossed her arm over her chest being a little sad.
"Tessa your amazing I swear you'll find someone". I calmed her down.
"Thank you, Shawn".
At that moment y/n walked through the door, jumping in my arms hugging me tightly.
"Baby you did it I'm so proud of you". I ran my hand through her hair, kissing her head.
"Thank you". He squeezed me tightly, kissing my cheek.
I threw my arm over her shoulder walking out of the building.

I walked back from the kitchen to the sofa setting her plate onto the coffetalve in front of her. Flopping down.
"So we have to find a dress tomorrow?" I turned my head towards her.
"How do you know?".
"Tess told me".
She looked down smiling at her hands.
"Aww, baby I'm so excited". I hugged her tightly.
"Your even more than I am".
"Aren't you happy with the performance?".
"I am so happy but it's gonna be so hard finding a dress". She rested her head on my shoulder.
I sign resting my chin onto her head. I knew she wasn't comfortable buying clothes or mostly the trying part. I already told her it's normal because everyone has that even I do.
"Baby I don't care how long it will take I'd love to find a dress for you".
"Even if it takes ages?".
"Even if I have to spend my whole life looking for one". I kissed her head.
"Thank you, Shawn". She kissed my jaw.
He eats dinner on the sofa mostly we won't but it's an ice hockey game from Toronto Maple Leafs so I have to watch it.

When it ended it was late y/n was asleep curled up against me holding my arm tightly.
I smiled picking her up walking over to my bedroom laying her down on the matters. Changing her into one of my sweaters which she always sleeps in. I loosen her bun letting her hair fall over her shoulders. I kissed her forehead. Taking off my hoodie laying next to her pulling the blankets over us smuggling my face into her neck slowly falling asleep.

The smell of pancakes reached my nose waking me up. I pulled myself up looking over at the right side of the bed. It's empty the blankets crumbled pushed closer toward me.
A smile grew on my face staying there for a while. I pulled my face into my pillow. Just being happy to have her in my life.

I love her

I shuffled over to the kitchen rubbing my eyes sitting down on the counter.
"Hey, shawny". She smiled at me.
"Come here". I stretched out my hand for her.
She smiled turning down the fire from under the pan, walking over to me.
I dragged her between my leg's kissing her head.
"Are you making my breakfast?".
She nodded humming in response.
"Why didn't you stay in bed when you slept your feet were tended up".
"They're fine". She put her feet on the counter flexing them a little.
I smiled pulling her hair from her face.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now