{my Juliet}

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"If I told you my secrets and I showed you my weakness would you love me or leave me...".
I looked at the strings of my guitar thought about the new lyrics until one popped up into my mind.
"tell me how would you see me... If I told you my thoughts and showed you all of my scars would you love me or leave me to tell me how would you see me".
A door slammed back into its frame catcher my attention I looked out of my window and opened it when I saw y/n walking out of her house.
Y/n and I... Let's say we like each other our parents don't really agree with our whole talking stuff because I'm the soft boy the good kid the boy who wouldn't hurt anyone ever. And she is the leather jacket girl the rebel the heartbreaker.
My parents think she will break my heart and she is a bad influence on me. Hers think I'm below her that she deserves better because 'their daughter doesn't need a soft boy'.
Both our parents managed to even set Aaliyah and y/n's brother Jordan against each other.

Well not really...

A few weeks ago y/n and I were talking through our windows when our parents were gone. Aaliyah asked me to tell them if they were back to tell then that she was taking a hike with our dog Oreo. She was going out with him.

"Hey, y/n".
She heaved her leather jacket over her shoulder and waved at me.
"Hey denim jacket boy how are you?".
"Aren't your parent gonna tell at us not to talk right now?".
"You know I don't care".

Of course, she doesn't that's why I like her...

"I'm good". I tested my chin in the palm of my hand admiring her.
"What are you starting at the admin jacket boy?". She rolled her eyes.
"Wow never though a soft boy like you could be so smooth".
"Well, I am".
"Oh really? What are you doing?".
"Just playing guitar".
"I've been hearing singing you a new song what's the title?".
"I think I will call it to love me or leave me but not sure".
"Can you sing it for me?".
"Right here right now?".
"No of course now your parent will be so angry and I know that you care about your relationship with them".
"What then?".
"Take your guitar and come with me I wanted to go to my spot".
"My parents are at home".
"Aww, soft boy doesn't want his parents to be mad at him... Come down here shawn". She waves me over.
I looked back at my opened door my parents where talking downstairs.
"Come on shawn your sister sneaks out so many times with my little brother".
I looked back at her and smiled grabbed my guitar and ran out of the house.
She opened the trunk I lay my guitar carefully in it.
"Shawn!?". I turned around to see my mum standing in the doorframe.
"Step away from that girl".
Before I could take one step back y/n grabbed my arm to hold me in place.
Dad walked outside too and stared at y/n.
"Get your hands off my boy".
Y/n raised her eyebrow and smiled.
"You mean him?". She pointed at me and wrapped both her hands around my upper arm. Resting her head against my shoulder.
"Get off our boy!".
In no time the door of y/n's hours swings open to resolving both her parents and Jordan.
"Y/n get back here!". Her father dragged her back from me.
"Shawn comes here".
I looked at the ground and walked back to my parents.
"O my God honey did she hurt you?". Mum took my hand pulled me hind her.
"What were you even planning on going with her?". Dad stared at me.
"I was...".
"Your son really thinks he is good enough for our girl?".
"He isn't he is worth way more if your rat of a daughter could actually get her hands off of him".
"Mum don't call her a rat...".
"Let us do the talk Shawn it's gonna be okay honey".
In the corner of my eye, I saw Aaliyah slowly sneaking over to Jordan and hugging him. He kissed her forehead.
Y/n saw it too then looked at me. Pointed at them and then at herself and at me.

That could be us!

I looked down to hide my cheeks which were burning up. She smiled at me put her hand on her heart. My heart rate picked up and u wished I could have my medican for it now.
Her gaze burned into my eyes.
All of a sudden I got nervous.
Her eyes slide from mine to her car and then back at me, raised her eyebrow. I came back from my trance when she grabbed jogged towards me and grabbed my hand dragging me to her car.
My parents still screaming at hers.
She started the car and drove away.
"Shawn!". Dad ran behind us trying to catch up with the car while I saw mum dragging Aaliyah away from Jordan.
"Jesus why can't they just leave us alone?". Y/n looked from the back monitor to me.
"My parents are pretty protective".
"I can understand with us but our little siblings really?". Her body tempered with anger. I took her free hand and squeezed it.
"Hey calm down y/n".
She looked at me and smiled.
"Thank you shawn".

We drove a few hours until we arrived at the grass hill close to lake Ontario.

She leaned against her car stuffing three peppermint gums in her mouth at once.
"Want some?".
"I'm fine".
"Really... Who skips gum?". She proper the little thing between my lips. Instantly the hear raised from my chest to my face.
"What's up mendes?".
"Shut up". I pulled the cap from my hoodie over my head to mask my face.
"Do you have a little crush on me?". She joked hit my arm and walked to the trunk to get my guitar.
"Play that song for me". She sat down on the grass motioned me to do the same. I sat down opposite her. And looked down at the stings of my guitar not to look at her. And sang the song.

"Is it a breakup song?".
I shook my head.
"Sometimes people are in love with the idea of you but don't treuly know you".
"Shawn you are like glass I can see right through you".
"Yes you can but I'm too soft for you".
"Jordan said once I need somebody soft that my heart is damaged that I'm broken and too cold".
"You're not". I took her hand but she pulled away and stood up. Walked to the edge of the Clif.
I walked over to her looked at the lake.
"What's wrong?". I stared at her, she keeps looking at the reflection of the clouds in the lake, her breath became unsteady and she tried to swallow something back in her throat.
"God I Don't wanna cry". Her voice broke.
I took her hand this time she didn't pull away. Instead she stood still looking at me with tears in her eyes, squeezing my hand.

I've never seen her so vulnerable...

"Hey, y/n it's okay come here". I pulled her into my chest. Wrapping my free arm over her shoulders still holding her hand.
She snuggled her head in my hoodie and hugged me back.
"Sorry". She pulled away again looking down at our linked hands.
"Y/n don't think its bad to cry or to ask for comfort sometimes we aren't supported to always feel good or be strong that's not human".
"You think I'm too rude?". She looked up at me.
I shook my head instantly.
"Of course you aren't if you were rude I would even talk to you but here I am".
She looked at her feet.
"Nobody it's ever gonna love me right?".

What? you know it does you know I love you!

I looked down at her catching her eyes.
"You know I like you you do right?".
"I just need your love shawn I need you to show me what love aculy means". A tear told down her jaw.
I whipped it away with my sleeve and kissed her forehead.
"Do you like-like me?".
"I love you".
"That's a really scary and committing way to express how you feel".
"No I mean it y/n I love you maybe you don't think it's real but it still doesn't change the fact how I feel about you".
"I've always been scared of love".
"Why would you be?".
"I don't know I guess I don't really know what it is". She heaved her shoulders and stared at me.
I leaned in and kissed her lips softly wrapped my arms around me was it pulling her closer.
She pulled her arms around my neck and kissed me back.
"I don't wanna run anymore not from you".
"What do you mean y/n?".
"It feels like I've been running for too long".
"To hide your feelings?".
She nodded.
"I don't wanna be another Romeo a Juliet story".
"We won't we'll be the Shawn and y/n story". I smiled and kissed her head hugged her tightly.

My Juliet

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now