{fix it}

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"Ten minutes before we arrive".
"This is gonna be amazing right shawn?". Khalid hit my sholder.
"It's gonna be amazing just like last year".
"I so agree alessia". Ruel threw his arm over her shoulder.
I laughted softly at their behavior and quickly turned back to the window where I was reading my head against.
Last year we went to this party too it's basically an event where singer-songwriters go to this event was also created by sing-songwriters alessia, Khalid, ruel, Julia, Justin and me.
Last year was different though last year y/n was here with us.
She just started her career three years ago and has kinda her own style just like Billie and Khalid.
Y/n and I were in a relationship for a short amount of time just lasted a few months.

I should give in to hear her laugh again

"What are you thinking about buddy?".
"Let me ruel". I gazed over the dark streets lights twirling around new York.
Alessia scooted closer to me, grabbing my hand.
"Hey, Shawn what's wrong?".
"I just miss her".
She nodded and sigh
"Well, maybe you can talk to her tonight".
"I don't know if she even wanna see me".
"Just one way to find that out". She smiled.

"Hey, shawn". Lauv walked up to me.
"Long time not seen man happy go be here".
"How is your family doing?".
"They are doing great Aaliyah just adopted a dog his name is oreo".
"Can you ask her once do bring oreo it billy one he needs a friend"
"Of course, I will... How is music going by the way?". I laughted.
"Good gonna collab with shy martin".
I nodded.
"And you any new idea's?".
"I have some".
"I heard about a collab with y/n".
"Oh no, we would but not anymore break up songs aren't for collapse".
"Oh, you broke up?".

He doesn't know

"Yes, we did".
"Oh sorry man".
"It's okay I just gave my all to her and she didn't respect it".
"That's sucks".
"I have her my all and would do anything for her every fiver in my body would to anything posable".
"Shawn, you have a golden heart man you'll get her back".

I sat down at one of the chairs next to Khalid.
"I don't know man".
"Maybe you need a drink". Khalid wanted to stand up.
"Khal I'm even too tired to have a drink".
"Shawn, you have to talk to her". Alessia crossed her arms over her chest. Her white suit reflected the colors of the lights.
"If she wanna talk she has to come to me".
"Maybe she is thinking the same thing".
"She broke me!".
"You messed with another girl while you were on tour!. Not really fair neither".
"I was hurt okay".
"So was she".
"I dont want to get rejected again".

Billie ran toward me shy filing her on the heal. Ruel and Khalid had to stop Willie from running into the bar.
"Shawn, you have to come now". She started dragging my arm.
"Just come I'll explain just come".
"Billie, I have to know what's going on even though I can't help you".
"It's y/n". Shy was out of breath.


"What up with her who hurted her do I need to beat someone up?".
"It's her allergy".
"I warned you to give her rum". I looked back at Billie.
"It was mixed how am I suppose to know".
"Fine what now?". I turned back to shy.
"You're the only one who knows what to do".
"Where is she?".
Billie took my hand and dragged me wall the way back to another ballroom with a lounge.
A crowd was brought together into a cluster.
Billie started pushing people away yelling at them to make room.
I've never seemed a person so convicted in pushing celebrities away.
Shy told people go to back to what they were doing as she kneeled down next to y/n.
"You have to help her she is on the edge of passing out".
She was culled up on the floor delivering and humming in pain.
I kneeled down next to her lifted her body onto my lap and took her hand.
"Y/n hey it's me shawn".
"Shawn where is Denzel I... I need to call him".

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now