{calm down for me baby}

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I rested my head onto the table training in frustration, Starting back at my laptop screen.
My word document was still empty I made another attempt to write something down sitting up straight facing my hands over the keyboard, but my head wasn't cooperating.
Shawn pulled my chair back sitting on my lap facing me, wrapping his arm around me.
"Babe not now I have to write this". I pulled his away but he didn't let me.
"For when?".
"Next week but I still have nothing so please let me at least start".
"Can I help?".
"No, you can't". I stared at my screen smoothing his curls back to get a better view.
"I don't even know about what I have to do it". I rested my chin onto his head.
"About me". He squeezed me his voice vibrated against my skin.
"Not everything is about you, babe". I kissed his nose.
"It has to be about content creating of 2020 right?".
"Yes". I ran my hand through my hair.
"Well, my documentary is coming out next month... Or my album in December".
I didn't respond. Stating at the empty screen.

I'm such a failure

"Baby?". He lifted his head from my neck catching my eyes.
"It's so hard". My vision went blurry.
"Aww, baby it's gonna be okay". He whipped away my tears.
"No, it's not I have to do this".
"I know baby". He took my face between his hands kissing my lips softly.
"I'll help you come on about what do you wanna do it?".
"About your album".
"Amazing choose mr y/l/n". He pulled back my hair.
"So what do you want me to write about it?".
"What's your assignment?".
I looked at my paper scanning the page for instructions.
"Write about an event like a film or music everything is possible if it has to do with social media".
"Good". He kissed my forehead.
I rested my chin onto his head again typing wonder the album onto my screen.
"Okay so...".
"Babe I can't work if you sitting in my lap". I kissed his head.
"Sorry, you're just comfy". He squeezed me before standing up again shoving a stool closer next to me sitting down.
"So write down. 'Wonder will be released as an album on December 4th the album as fourteen tracks. In this essay, I'm gonna talk about the story inspiration, the music label, USP's, and the people who created it' ". He tested his head against my shoulder.

An hour passed shawn shuffled between the kitchen and my desk to check on me sometimes.
I have had one page filled with words.

One from the twenty

At this point I was stuck again I wanted to be alone to focus better but I can't if shawn isn't here he is kinda like my lucky charm can't live without him.
So I've been playing with my pen for the past half hour. Starting at my screen but still, nothing came to mind.
Shawn walked over to me kissed behind my ear softly. Tracing his hand over along my jaw.
"How is it going?".
I didn't respond turning around wrapping my arm around his neck.
"It's so stressful shawn!".
"I know but you are doing amazing". He wrapped his arms around me kissing my head.
"Why is it so hard shawn?".
"Baby...hey, What about we take a little break dinner is almost ready and we can take a shower and watch a movie if you want".
"But school...".
"Baby it's half past seven just let it be for today". He took my hand and kissed it.
"Come on let's give you some food". He dragged me up from my seat heaving me over his shoulder walking over to the kitchen. Setting me down onto the island counter. Picking up the plate holding the pizza in front of my nose.
"I'm so tired shawn". I rested my head onto his shoulder.
"Baby you have to eat I know how you can get if you don't have food in your stomach". He kissed my forehead.
I shook my head denying that I was hungry.
"Baby open your mouth".
I didn't respond.
"Aww baby please for me... baby y/n". He set up his puppy eyes.
A smile formed on my lips.
"Yeah, there it is that beautiful smile of yours". He kissed my nose.
"Okay I'll eat but I can do it myself". I smiled taking the pizza from him.
"Good". He set down the empty plate next to me suffering through my hair.
"I love you, babe".
He turned back to me humming in response.
"What?". I stared at him confused.
He took my face between his hand caressing my cheeks.
"Say that again".
"I love you".
"I love you more". He kissed me, pulling his body closer to me rested my hands against his chest to keep myself from falling off the counter.
His heart rate was picking up in speed. Which made me concentrate on my own. Still beating heavily against my ribs.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now