{sweet crescent moon}

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A/N: this story is a little part of a book concept I'm gonna write it's a retelling of sleeping beauty.

Like the sunset, a golden glow covered the whole city. Leaving pink-redish soft like clouds behind, catching on the glass roofs of the palise making it look even move dreamily to admire the bells in the top tower swung a sweet familiar lullaby to send the city of crescent to calm a rest. I hummed along with the song. Stuffing my hands in my jacket. Walking toward the palise just to turn in a narrow ally left from the palise. To my little tower apartment.

It was many, many stairs to walk too many to count. But I walked them daily most than once a day to be thanked by a beautiful view of the crescent moon. The city was small but still the capital of mendesaly.
My desk stood against the big round window. The pieces of the hour hand and some escape wheels shattered across the wooden desk.
The sun shimmered on the golden frame of the clockwork I put my glasses on hunching over closer to the escape wheels tweezing pinned between my fingers slowly pulling the wheels in the back of the clock.
"And here we see a clockworker in her habitat this one is rare completely beautiful and focused on her job." Connor's voice has been behind me.
"Can you stop I'm working?" I didn't look at him as he shuffled towards me grabbing a chair sitting next to me.
I glanced at him shortly, the sun made his hair look golden. He smiled at me.
"Leave me alone." I turned back to the clock.
In the corner of my eye, I saw him resting his hands on the back of the chair in front of him, staring at the sun setting hit the horizon.
I put the minute hand on the dial, layering the hour hand with it.
I stretched my hands which begun to ach cracking my nuckels.

"Y/n!" The door brushed open, Alessia standing in the doorframe catching her breath.
"Can people leave me and my work alone!"
"No, no... no this is pretty important."
"Okay then..." I turned around crossing my arms over my chest, not even bothering to take my glasses off.
"So... I saw princess Aaliyah and prince shawn walking around the shopping mall, and aww Aaliyah is so sweet... But shawn said hey and I told him happy early birthday and he touched my hand and o my god I'll never wash this hand again." She rambles on giggling at her right hand.
"That's why you had to dash in here?" I raised my eyebrow.
"Sorry, but I like him."
Footsteps patted up the stairs. Brain running in the room.
"Did you know the prince and princess were at the mall?!"
"O my God yes brain we do!" I groaned.
"Hey brain." alessia smiled waving at him.
He shot her a smile back.

Connor played with a windup clock hanging upside down in his chair. Brain and alessia sat on the windowsill watching the sky turn darker by the minute.
It was becoming harder for me to put the wheels together, for them to work.
After a few minutes of trying and crumbling with the tiny metal wheels, i gave up propping myself from the desk. Pacing through the cical room.
I turned back to Connor.
"This one doesn't work?" He handed me the wind-up clock.
"Did you already tried winding it up?" I raised my eyebrow.
"I did a few seconds ago, but it stopped abruptly." He tapped the glass of the clock.
"That's suspicious and weird." I turned the clock around looking to the back of it.
At that moment the shock hit me.
All the clocks in the tower apartment dropped ticking. Feeling silent linger for the first time in ever. It felt empty just like you pull off a ring you've worm for years.

A million messages flowed from my phone. But only one stood out to me. From the palise.

The palise!?

"guys get out I have to go to the palise?"
"Palise?! Can I come I wanna see prince shawn."
"This is important." I zipped up my jacket running my hand through my hair fixing it.
"But it's Shawn..."
"Wait what's wrong?" Brian glanced at the message.
"I don't know it's an emergency."
"Do you want me to come with you?" Connor shot up as soon as he saw me move to the door just realizing I meant to leave.
"I'll be fine." I grabbed the tweezers sticking them between my ear and hair absently.
Leaving my friends behind in my tower apartment, my little world.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now