{libary books}

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I pulled my books and noted against my chest as it began to rain. I could go inside the library but I promised shawn I should wait here. Warmth buzzy over my skin when the door opens sometimes.
"Sorry, I'm late y/n".
he was standing in front of me an umbrella above his head, snuggled up the hood of his pink hoodie pulled over his curls. A black coat hung over his shoulder.
"Say sorry to my hair". I blow a wet stain from my face.
"Sorry y/n's hair". He combed his fingers thought my hair closing the gap between us so I had a bit shelter from the rain.
"Why are you late again?".
"Just some stuff". He started the back of his neck with his free hand
"Is it her?". I raised my eyebrows.
"I was with clive and kinda got a bit caught up forgot the time".
"Aww, you like her".
He looked done softly giggling face heated up.
"Yes, I do a lot". He smiled.
A lump in my throat started to form daily pulling me to the edge go start crying.

Be happy for him

I already went through this once. With my friend Connor, I kinda had a crush on him. He had a crush on someone else it felt like the world crashed down on me. Shawn was there to help me fight my fear, only for me to find out that i had an even bigger crush on shawn than Connor.

"Should we go inside?". Shawn dragged his backpack back onto his shoulder preventing it from slipping.
"Yes, we should".
I reached out for the door handle and opened it warmth and light welcomed us.
Shawn shake off the raindrops from the umbrella and pulled off his hood.
We walked passed the counter Antonette was working on some papers and smiled at us.
"Hey y/n, shawn we have coffee in the back". She pointed at the corner of the study booths.
"Thank you". Shawn lay his hand on my sholder and led me towards our study booth.
He stared to a peal of a denim jacket
"let that". i swatted his hand away.
"But it's all soaked take my coat". He pulled his coat off quickly.
"I'm fine". Crossing my arms over my best leaving back against the wooden wall.
"I dont mind...".
"I said i'm fine shawn".
"Okay if you wanna freeze your ass off". He smiled and opened his books.
"Where were we?".
"Brain tumors just look at your notes".
He opened. His notes as softly laughted.
"You didn't take notes?".
"I did not all". He runs nig hands through his hair.
"Come on let me see what do you have". I snaked his notes from his hands. Looking down at an only a bunch of craked hearts and not the mecial hearts i draw on my notes. I sigh and pulled out mine".
"Okay take over 'there are five grades of brain tumor one tissue being, cells grow slower. Two The tissue is malignant, and the cells less normal than in grade one. Three The malignant tissue has cells that look very different from normal cells. The abnormal cells are actively growing (anaplastic). Four The malignant tissue has cells that look most abnormal and tend to grow quickly' ". I read from my notes shawn's hand scrolled rapidly over the paper.
"What do you know about the brain?".
Shawn looks down at his notes.
"Without it, we have a test soon". I floped his notes.
"uhm the Brian is a nervous center in invertebrates comparable in position and function to the vertebrate brain".
"You're hopeless shawn".
"You have the test, on Friday".
"I will find a way".
"And that way is me". I leaned back.
"Yes". He smiled tilting his head to the left.
I rolled my eyes a smile formed into my lips.
"Okay, I'll help you".

Walking through the mecial book section picking up everything about the brain the weight from the books became heavy as I piled up the sixth book.
I turned around to shawn walking backward.
"A little help will be amazing".
"Is it getting heavy no problem y/n? your hero is here to save you" He rested his hands on his hips tilted his head upwards proudly pretend that his coat was a cape.
"Don't be so silly and just find a book about the collaboration system between the brain and limps". I scanned the shelves.
Shawn pulled his coat on normally and looked for the books.
I looked up at one titel BRAIN AND EMOTIONS

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now