{prom date}

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I walked into my balcony mum and Aaliyah were hanging the last fairy lights up into the railing. Our balcony was beautiful lighten up with fairy lights and flowers. Y/n's brother brought his little music box for us to borrow because we only have big once. Y/n's mother walked over to me and lay her hand on my sholder.
"She will love this".
"I hope so".
"She will, thank you shawn for being the best boyfriend for my little girl".
"It's really nothing I love her".
"She loves you too endless".
Aaliyah crossed her arms and looked at the result she put up.
I walked over to her and hugged her.
"Thanks, Aaliyah I can't thank you enough for this".
"No problem brother I love doing this for you two".
I kissed her cheek and hugged her tighter.
"Now go get y/n I wanna see her dress".
I picked my suit up from the chair and walked towards our bedroom opened the door softly.

Y/n lay on her bed sadly rubbing the silk of her dress between her fingers.
Tears welling up into her eyes.
I walked over to her clawed onto her bed she tilted her head to me. I smiled and kissed her forehead rubbed her sholder.
"Hey". I kissed her cheek.
She didn't respond, only grabbed my hand rubbed the back of my hand with her thumb.

My heart was aching I don't wanna see her like this. I want her to have the prom night experience too. I mean I took her to my prom by back then she wasn't a senior I was and it wasn't really for her it was for me that night she treated me like a prince because that night was for ME, not her.

Now this epidemic hits around the globe and prom is canceled when she heard it she was defeated. Ever since my prom, she had been planning it. My suit has to be matching with her dress because it is dark green I pulled out my green one but she said that it was another kind of green.
As a surprise, I picked up a black one.

Thank God printest exist

I pulled my arms under her back pulled her up and related her against my chest.
"What?". She whipped her tears away.
"I have a surprise for you".
"Shawn please I'm done with the jokes".
"This isn't a joke babe". I pulled one hand from her waist and grabbed the clothing cover unzipped it and showed her my suit.
"What is this?". She pulled her hair behind her ear.
"My suit babe".
"How much did you pay for it?".
"Eight thousand".
She turned to me slowly, a deadly look appeared on her face.
She wrapped her hands around my throat pressed her fingers against my airways hard. I grabbed her wrists instantly.
"Babe... I can't breathe...". I squeezed her skin.
She let go of my throat and looked at me still mad.
I let myself fall back onto the bed, catching my breath.
"Why?!". I pulled myself up from the mattress.
"Eight thousand!". Tears spilled from her eyes again.
"It's nothing babe".
"Shawn, we can't even go to prom reminder it's canceled".
"Babe go change into your dress".
"Shawn I don't want to".
I clawed in front of her dragged her up to her feet.
I held her in order for her limps not to give up from tiredness.
"Shawn I don't want to". She turned back to bed.
I dragged her against my chest. Took the dress from our bed. I kissed the top of her head.
"Come on let me do your hair". I took her hand and walked towards the bathroom. She smiled and loosen her bun. I combated my fingers through her hair.
"What's your plan, Shawn?".
"It Wouldn't be a surprise anymore if I told you".
She smiled and started doing her makeup.
I started to twist her hair in two Dutch braid. She applied dark eye shadow on her eyelids and catches my eyes in the Mirror. She tilted her head slightly and laughter at me. Stared to remove the dark makeup.
"Why did you do that?".
"I relate Dutch braids with being natural and strength".
"Your mind is deep".
She laughed softly rested her chin in her hands and stared at me.
"Can you give me another hair tie?".
She reached for one and held it in front of me. I wanted to take it from her. But she pulled her hand back.
"What now?".
She tried to contain the grin on her face, raises her eyebrow.
"What do you want".
She giggled.
"You want a kiss don't you?".
"Please". She set up her puppy eyes.
I kissed her nose softly. And took the hair tie from her fingers tied it around her hair.
"You're done?".
She turned around looked me deeply in the eye.
"What's your plan?".
"You'll see soon". I grabbed her dress and gave it to her.
"Go change". I walked towards the door.
"Where are you doing?".
"Gonna put on my suit".
She laughed softly as I walked out.

I was fixing my hair when y/n came back into our bedroom, she ruffled through my hair rudely.
"Y/n no stop?".
She hummed in response.
"Now I have to do it again?".
"Does it matter your curls have a mind on its own".
"Sometimes I hate my hair".
"How can you say that I love your curls". She ran her fingers through my hair.
"You're beautiful". I kissed her cheek.
"You are beautiful".
"Aww, thank you, babe". I took her hand, dragged her towards the living room.
"Wait what are you doing". She squeezed my hand.
"Just follow me".

Mum Aaliyah and y/n's mum turned around at the same time.
"O my God shawn". Y/n pressed her face against my shoulder.
"Since prom is canceled I thought let's have home prom". I wrapped my arms around her.
"Thank you". She kisses me.
I let go of her when her mum walked over to us. She took y/n in her arms.
"Aww, my girl my little princess". She rubbed her arms.
"Mum are you crying?". Y/n hugged her.
"I'm just so happy that you still get a prom".
"Me too mum". She let her go and walked over to Aaliyah.
I took my phone out and requested the song perfect from ed Sheran for the radio to play in a few minutes.
"You're so beautiful y/n like you just walked out of a fairy tale".
"Yeah, maybe but you're always beautiful Aaliyah".
"Thank you". Aaliyah wrapped her arms around her neck.
Mum grabbed y/n hand.
"You're stunning honey".
"Thanks, Karen".
I walked over to y/n and wrapped my arms around her waist buried my face in her neck, placed a few kisses there.
She hummed in response.
"Wanna see the surprise?".
"Yes". She took my hand. I walked her towards the balcony.
"Welcome, Mrs y/n/l to home prom 2020 at the mendes apartment". I lited our hands in the air and spun her around.
"I... This is amazing!". She rested her head against my chest and looked around in 'awe'.
'I know this isn't as good as the actual prom is support to be but I tried". She pulled away from my chest and took my face between her hands.
"Shawn... I don't care about prom you know why I wanted to go to it?".
looked down to his red cheeks, looked back at her raising my eyebrow.
"Because I can be with you".
"I love you". I kissed her forehead.
"Love you too". She lifted herself onto her toes and kissed me.
"Aww, cute!".
We turned to Aaliyah as she realized she literally screamed that covering her mouth with her hands.
I shoot her a death look. Y/n saw my reaction and picked her elbow in my stomach.
"Come on sweetie leave them alone". Mum dragged her away.

I wrapped my arms around her neck and hers wrapped around my waist.
"Why did you have to be so rude for her?". She looked up at me.
"She is my little sister it was a joke she'll be fine?". I rested my forehead against hers, rocked us back and forth.

The radio catcher our attention when our song got announced.
"You didn't...". she closed her eyes.
"Looks like I did". Kissing her head. We started dancing, well more like slow dancing because we both can't really dance.

Around 3 am we lay in bed, stripped down to our underwear. Our hands solid together.
"This prom was even better than yours".
"Glad you loved it". I brought our hands to my lips pressed them onto her skin.
"You know I love you a lot y/n so much but I never get to explain my feelings for you I just can't because I'm speechless I know this sounds lame and I wished words could describe how I feel but it simply can't I love you y/n y/n/l".
When she didn't respond I looked at her, at my sleeping beauty. My girlfriend.

She is cute... My babe

I kissed her forehead took her in my arms and lay her on my chest like a little baby. I hummed perfect from ed Sheran until I fell asleep myself.

Prom date

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now