{not alone}

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Trappist-1e. The fourth planet of trappist-1 a draft sun slightly bigger than Jupiter Thirty-nine light-years twelve parsecs. Zero points ninety-two times smaller than earth. One year is six points one day. Seventy-seven percent the mass of earth.

I've traveled two hundred and one years to get here been in age freezing for two hundred years. I haven't seen anyone in two hundred years except for Joshia and sam. They died when they were a hundred eighty. Life expectancy on earth alone has gone up to a hundred twenty normally. Joshia and sam took medication to live longer for me to wake me up when I was there they didn't. Their daughter raven did.
When I woke up she was nineteen I was twenty I've been living with only raven for a little more than a year. We even considered staring a family because the direction of the spaceship changed and we didn't think we could survive. Not that I really liked the idea to have kids with her I didn't even love her. It's just the hope that someone could reach the planet once.

When I left earth I knew nothing would be the same again my parents died even my little sister isn't there anymore she died because of radioactive trash on the earth.
Earth is a mess now just a rock of radioactive stuff in the air which destroyed our atmosphere even though the live expense went up fast the deaths are more frequent than ever.
Raven and I have been watching earth for a while I've been devastated to see my really home like this completely opposite from raven who stated at it in 'aww' all the time. I've thought her a lot about how the earth was when I lived there and how life was how safe and comforting it was.
Sometimes I felt so old with her. Tencialy in years I'm twohunderedtwenty-two years old but because of age freeze, I stayed my age as when I left earth.
My twenty-second birthday was the weirded ever. The first birthday I spent without my family and friends not on earth but in a spaceship. Raven was a good person to spend it with but it's not the same she is smart but sometimes she is submissive because I'm so much older for her mind she knows I'm twenty-two years old shawn but still I've so much more nolage than her I've lived in a whole other world than her she didn't even saw anything than outside of space. Something I tell her is completely alien to her Joshia and Sam had through her some things from the earth and gave her some behavior that we as earhters tolerate, all for me. All because she had to wake me at one point. but everything I tell her about being young dating, school, and parties we're all new for her.

I walked towards the kitchen filtered the water vessels our tank catch in the air. Hoping I should get a decent amount of drink water. I watched the filter eating for a least one more drop sadly I got just a quarter cup. I pulled the pills from the cupboard and took them.
Raven was standing in front of the big window. Starting at the tunnel of the star's then a black sky.
"We entered Trappist-1". She pressed her nose onto the glass.
I smiled standing behind her.
"It's beautiful".
"Shawn one problem".
"my God... tell me". I ran my hand thought my curls.
"Trappist-1e is locked". She turned towards me waiting for an answer.
"Where can I land?".
"Nw34578863° not an inch apart".
"Nw3478863 got it". I smiled.


"You're ready?". She looked at me.
"I've waited for this for two hundred years of course I am". I started at the planet which could be our new home i'm not going back to earth in ever maybe sometimes to film reports from how it's going there if we all live on trappist-1e.
"First human being on trappist-1e hé how does that feel". He nodded my arm.
"Amazing and scary at the same time".
"Come on let's get ready to land". She dragged me with her to the changing room. I grabbed my helmet. I don't need a whole suite on trappist-1e thought out the years the admosfeer has become stronger and better even better than on earth now.
"I'll bring you as close as I can... remember Nw3478863". She tapped the glass of my helmet.


I clicked on my mic
"You hear me?". I looked down at raven.
"Loud and clear".

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now