{i want to be with you}

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I stared out of the window new dazzled sound in the wind the ground layered with a thick layer of snow. I love to know it looks so fairytale-like outside when it snows I don't mind the cold not really I normally stay inside because I'm too lazy just like my cat.
I looked back at my book trying to cram the words in my head. But I can't I've been here the whole day after school and I just wanna go back to my best friend Shawn and his family watch harry potter.
I glanced arouse the library

It looks like the harry potter library though

My school made a replica of the harry potter liberty we even reached the new's with it. Everyday people from not even my school come here to admire it the first few weeks it was weird for me to find random people walking on school property. But as time passes I loved that our liberty was kinda famous.
Shawn always came studying with me because he loves putting the lputtingary can't blame him though it looks like at the movie set of harry potter and Shawn and I are obsessed with it.
Today he can't it's a code orange for Toronto too dangerous to drive so I am destined to walk to school for once.

I stoop up packed my stuff back into my backpack. Putting on my coat and scarf walking over to the door To the cold streets of Toronto. It's almost Christians the malls are packed with people the lights across the states made Toronto look cozier.
The smell of hot drinks and sweet food reaches my nose. Which made me wanna go to shawn's home now and eat Karen's homemade muffins if they aren't already eaten by Shawn.
I haven't been home for a while I fought with my dad. So I asked Shawn if I could stay.
His parents and sister love me so of course, he said yes.

My hands slowly stayed to freeze I rubbed them together pulling them into my sleeves these moments are the moments I love the snow a little less my body slowly started to drop in texture making me feel dizzy.

Amazing birthday gift

I always love to have my birthday when it's almost winter when the streets slowly start to fill with Christmas lights and my friends and family come together for a party.
This year I'm not planning a party. I'm just gonna chill with shawn's family.

The snow started those around me. My vision was quickly filled with white snow it was cold so cold that my hands weren't my main problem now. My coat wasn't keeping me warm anymore not at all. The cold made me slow down too planarized to move at a normal pase. I stretched out my hand to push to button for the traffic lights. Wrapping my arms over my chest to keep myself somehow warm. Waiting for the light to turn green.
"Y/n!". Footsteps drawer closer.
I turned around to the familiar voice.
"Hey, Jordan".
"Happy Birthday". She bumped my shoulder slightly.
"How do you know?".
"You're going to her now?".
He nodded.
"And you heading home?".
"No to Shawn". I blew some air from my mouth to my hands.
"It's cold isn't it?".
"Yeah so cold that it makes me sick my head hurts and I can barely move normally".
"Oh that isn't good". he hooked his arm under mine parking his gloves off.
"No, I don't wanna tale them their yours".
"Come on I won't let you freeze on your birthday I have an extra pair anyway". he took his other pair of gloves from his pocket.
"Thanks, Jordan you're an angel". I slipped my hands into the warmer gloves. Still tempering.
"Let's get to the mendes-Rayment home as fast as possible".
I nodded smiling at him.

Jordan unlocked the front door of shawn's home with the spare key Aaliyah gave him.
The warmth of their house welcomed me but I was still cold.
"Jordan!". Aaliyah jumped in the arms of her boyfriend.
"Hey, baby". He kissed her forehead, letting her down again
"You're cold". She rubbed her hands over his.
"Not that cold". He nodded at me.
Her gaze met mine as I leaned against the wall slivering standing weak on my feet.
"Happy Birthday". She smiled.
I smiled back weakly.
"Y/n are you okay?".
"I'm cold".
"I see, come to the living room it's warmer there, Shawn is playing piano so be quiet or he'll rip your head off". She pulled her arm over my shoulder.
The smell of muffins reached my nose I walked over to Shawn who was focused on the piano key's he doesn't even notice me I admire him for a while. His cute hair and sweater with I <3 my mom on the back with he bought something with his mum's on mother's day.

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