{saving the satellite girl}

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A/N: this story is based on cress the third book of the lunar chronicles series the rights go to the Queen herself. Marissa meyer

Shawn mendes
citizen code: 199888
Former cadet of the Toronto military
Wanted fugitive of the American republic

The person who would save me one day
The person who talks to me in the middle of the night
The person who would love me
This would be one of these epic romances like in the net dramas.
I stared at the picture next to the information. It was a mugshot of him curly untamed hair longer than most people in the military.
Warm caramel brown eyes and the most beautiful smile I've ever seen.
"Hello, mister Shawn mendes." I leaned back in my chair smiling at the picture. Twirling my long hair around my wrist making it feel less heavy, imaging to cuddle him. I looked out of the window to the big blue planet. Earth. With its blue oceans and rich lands. It was beautiful even from up here.
I orbited the earth in sixteen hours, spending hours looking at it admitting all the beauty of the thing where I wanna be. My dream.
But when my satellite sided luna I hid in my bed programming my games making sure the lunar ships were invisible from the Earthers.
Luna scared me the rocky moon cold and cruel it just gives me tingles I hate luna, I hate luna and its queen, I hated Mira the head thaumaturge of queen Lana.

"Incoming message of mechanic alessia." The robic voice beamed out.
We're close I'll update you in about an hour.

Just an hour and I'm free.

I smiled dancing around the room humming a song from luna. It the only song from luna I like.
Imagining that Shawn was here with me wrapping his arms around me, twerking me under his arm then dipping me back and kissing me.
Shawn was with alessia in a ship on his way to me, he's a criminal most people would call him reckless and bad but they don't know they don't know him as I do. Because I know he's a hero.

"Mistress nearing the satellite."
The computer voice dragged me out of the daydream fading away like fog.

Mistress Mira
The woman who saved her from dead the woman who captured me in the sky
"Open doch." I walked over to the back of the satellite waiting for her.
"Have you found him?" She walked over to the screen staring at the pictures of Shawn.
"No, not yet."
"And what about this then?" She tapped my port screen with my scribble drawing of shawn.
"Just information." I rubbed my arm.
She hummed in response.
Looking at the message of alessia.

Oh, no stars no!

"You thought she would save you right?.. Oh, poor crescent moon after all I did for you you wanted to leave." She walked over to grab my chin rudely.
"No, I just... Shawn is on her ship too and I wanted to get them here so I could capture him for you."
"Aww, how wonderful." She sat down on my chair.
I leaned against the wall imaging that Shawn stood behind me whispering that I would be okay.
"Listen crescent I need you to work harder I gave you this assignment five day's ago if you find him whole luna will thank you, He knows about the princess"

It's been over an hour and mistress was still here admiring my drawing of Shawn.
I got a pop-up message on my port screen. From mechanic: nearing open hatch.
I let out a short gasp as reading it before I could even blink the port screen was ripped from my grip.
"This will be interesting..." She grabbed my blankets from the bed binding my arm and feet with it using the last bit to tie it around my mouth.
I didn't get any chance to protest before I was all tied up and thrown into the back of the room.
My back hurted from the hard landing hands started to burn from the fabric around them.
I hummed and mumbled through the thich cloth.
My voice died off as he walked in.
There he was, beautiful eyes pried at Mira in confusion hair untamed face filled with scratches.
When I glanced at him his face changed like he saw a helpless puppy on the streets.
"Is that necessary..?" He raised his eyebrow.
"Crescent has no right to be free for now."
"Oh, small girl tied up girl made you upset there has to be someone else to blame."
"tell me Shawn what about the princess?"
"Princess? I don't know what you're talking about." He was calm, which made me even more nervous I rubbed my arms together trying to get out of the blankets but it was no use.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now