{boxer braids}

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I slowly woke up from the soft sunlight shining through my window I still didn't get time to buy blinds or curtains. With one arm I reached for y/n but her side of the bed was empty. I placed over at the clock at 6 am.

Happens all the time...

I dragged myself out of bed, put on some grey sweat pants, and walked downstairs to our basement aka our gym mostly y/n's gym.
"Babe". I rubbed my eyes still sleep drunk.
She grabbed my shoulder and heaved her first into my detection, ready to punch me.
I froze for a moment, she sighs and let down her arm.
"Shawn Jesus, I was about to beat you". She put her hand over her heart.
"Why are you here at this time?".
"You know I'm always here at this time today especially".
"Especially this big day you need to sleep a lot to reduce your energy".
"Got nine hours of sleep". She turned back to the boxing bag and stared punching it again.
I sigh and ran my hand through my hair
"I'm getting tired of looking at you".
"I'm getting nightmares from looking at you".
"Well, thank you for the compliment".
"I love you too". She blows a kiss in my direction.
I rolled my eyes and smiled.
"I need coffee".
"Better take matcha it's better than the caffeine".
"Shut up with your matcha".
"Love you too babe". I waved at her while walking out of the basement.

I yawed for thousands of times this morning while waiting for my coffee to be done. I looked at the time now eight o clock.
"It's too early still". I took my mug from the coffee machine, super on it slowly not to burn my mouth. Walking back to the basement.

Y/n was doing push-ups.
"Can you ever take just a second of rest?".
She toped and turned around lay on her back on the floor rested her arm on her face trying to slow down her breathing. I smiled at her sat down next to her on the floor set down my mug and kissed her forehead.
"Dude, there is no chance i'm gonna win this game".
"Don't dude me, babe".
"Sorry, but i'm just stressed out". She took my hand fidgeted with the ring on my finger.
"Aww, babe, can I do anything to take your stress away?".
"I don't think you can". She pulled herself up from the floor sat opposite from me resiny her head against my chest. I grabbed her ankles and turned her around her back facing me pulling her between my legs, letting her snuggle into my body.
"I don't know if I can do this".
"Babe, I believe in you you are strong you got this".
"But she is way stronger way taller and way more experience in this shawn".
"You are strong too maybe even stronger than you realize". I kissed the top of her head pressed my face into her neck.
"We'll see". She held my hand.
"I luv u, babe".
"Love you too bub".
We stayed there for a while until y/n broke the silence.
"I'm hungry".
"You always train on an empty stomach".
"My trainer said that is the best".
"Only if you aren't hungry". I kissed her cheek.
"Bub, I love you a lot" she kissed my jaw.
"I love you too babe so much". I wanted to kiss her but she pulled away.
"Don't kiss my lips before you brushed your teeth".
"I tell you what you're gonna take a shower I'll make breakfast for us and brush my teeth".
"Sounds good". She pushed herself up and took my arm dragging me up too.

I poured the steaming water into the cup put in the mint leaves when y/n walked back from her shower.her hair still wet water drops falling onto my bathrobe she was wearing. I smiled at the sight of my girlfriend wading my rope which was way too oversized for her.
"Hey, that's mine... You have your own".
"I only have my boxing rope my bathrobe is in the washing machine plus yours if fluffy... Is that for me?" She pointed at the cup of tea.
I nodded and handed it to her. Three my arm over het shoulder as she pressed her body against mine, kissing the top of her head and rubbing her arm.

"Let me see your beautiful white teeth bub".
I rolled my eyes and showed my white teeth.
She examed them for a minute.
"Approved". She grabbed my neck pulling me down and kissed me. i wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer.
"When do we have to go?".
She took her phone from the table and looked at the time.
"In two hours".
"Enough time to cuddle". I kissed her again.
"I need to pack my bag still". She walked backward.
I held her arm.
"Come on how long does that take ten minutes... Maybe fifteen". I hugged from behind snuggled my face in her neck.
"Don't be such a little boy bub". She took my arms pulled them away slowly. I walked over to the kitchen island stared digging into my pancake.
"Y/n that's mine".
"Are you sure?". She licked it.
"Nevermind you can have it disgusting thing". I walked over to her and smiled kissing her head.
"No, you love me". She heaved herself up on her toes and kissed my jaw.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now