{you're in the air}

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I waited in a narrow street for Natalie's sign to go.
I can't focus because I see her in every girl who passed. even her perfume I in the air or maybe it's my animation. Her voice whispering in the wind.

That's definitely my imagination

"Agent mendes can you hear me?". Her voice ringed loudly in my earpiece.
"Suspect is going in the bar hang out there for a bit and see what he is planning".
"Understood". I walked in with him even thanking him for holding the door open. A bunch of sounds mixed together welcomed me too loud music and people talking even the suffering of the body's through the crowd was noticeable.
Today I wasn't in full-on FBI uniform. Just in my regular clothes or as we like to call them undercover clothing. I have to follow mark a criminal who we've been trying to catch forever since I started my career in the FBI and because they see six months in the job as quite 'new' the put me on the job of undercover.
I shuffled through the crowd the following mark to the back of the bar.
I know this bar like the back of my hand y/n and I always went here on Friday nights as our dates.
Mark sat down onto a sofa with some other people. I took a chair a few feet away from him. Scrolling through my phone to look busy but mostly my eyes are at him and my surroundings.
I was focused for a good hour until there was a girl who ruined my concentration.

She looks like y/n

Y/n and I were friends for a few years have been dating for a couple of months she left moved to the north for a job as bodyguard for the cousin of the governor minster.
Luca is his name a charming young man from twenty-one years old brown-red hair and green eyes. Y/n told me a lot about him.
In the last few days, the stories go around y/n and Luca dating. I can't say I'm happy about it because she is mine why would she date him?

The girl smiled at me turning back to her friends who stared at me. I slowly felt my thought wander to the girls but shook it off.

No man you can't your at work no time for flirting now!

Her friends pushed her towards me she told her eyes uncomfortably rubbing her arm.
Her eyes met mine the same beautiful colored eyes as y/n same shining hair she is a few inches taller than y/n but that doesn't change the fact that she looks incredably much at y/n.
"Hey...". She pulled her hair from her face.
My heart stopped for a second her voice was exactly like y/n's if you didn't pay attention to the higher pitch.
"Hey, hun". I smiled then looked back at Mark.

Hun... literally shawn?!

"Uhm are you busy?". She followed my gaze to Mark.
"Yea to be honest I am". I didn't looked away from him talking to some girls.
"Oh uhm sorry, I didn't know you were gay". She laughed nervously.
"Wait no I'm not it's just I'm working".
"Working in a bar what kinda work do you have?".
"Agent at the FBI I'm following that guy". I pointed at Mark.
"Uhm FBI hé then you must be pretty strong". She smiled.
"You don't have to be but I am". I ran my hand through my hair.

Stop you're fliting!

I stared in her eyes and for a second I saw y/n starting back in mine.
"My friends think your pretty handsome but they're too shy to go up to you". She sat down onto the armrest of my chair.
"And you?". I looked up at her.
"Me... What about me?".
"Don't you think I'm attractive?".

All girls think I am attractive

"You know I love blond hair blue eyes more".
At this point, I forgot about my work I wanted her to like me put because she looks like y/n.
"Hey, you wanna get out of here?".
"But your work?".
I grabbed her arm.
"My job right now is to show you that I am atrazine".
She rolled her eyes and smiled taking my hand letting me lead her outside.
When the night air hit me Natalie came in again.
"Shawn shawn stop I see you your working you can't just leave with a girl!".
I ignored her completely.
"So...". She leaned against the wall.
"So...". I ran my hand through my hair
"What's your name FBI agent?".
"Shawn, what's yours beautiful?".
"Bella, beautiful name".
"Wait until you hear my phone number". She traced her hand along my chest.
"Why so interesting now Bella". I tiled my head left.
"You have something shawn".
I laughted softly looking at her face.
It's different than from y/n below as a slimmer face and is a bit paler, my eyes travel to her lips, her Pinkish lips.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now