{barista co-worker}

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"O my God". I felt the hair tie break in my hands.
"What's wrong?". Shawn turned around.
I held up my broken hair tie.
"That was my last one". I looked into the little mirror of my locker.
Shawn pulled a hair tie from his wrist.
"Here". He handed it to me, locking his locker.
"Why do you have a hair tie?".
"It's from céli".
"How is she?".
"She's the best I love her". A smile spread on his face.
"I'm happy you happy". I pushed doen my jealousy for once.
"Thanks, y/n she is so sweet". He noted his apron running his fingers through his hair.
I'm sure she is". I tied my hair together in a bun.
Shawn leaned against his locker smiling at me.
"I love you hair more if you let it down". He pulled a little pluck of hair from my by. Letting it fall down.
"I like it down too but Paula won't let me you know that".
"Come on are we literally gonna listen to her she is just stressing".
"Shawn... Y/n this isn't a tea party come here and work". Paula screamed from the counter.
Shan rolled his eyes and walked through the door, I followed him.
"What's up now Paula?".
"I need you to work shawn your one of my best barista's and you can't just walk around and talk to the new girl". She but him with a towel.
"No disrespect but y/n is a natural".
"Nobody is a natural shawn". She tapped her fingers on the counter nervously.
"What it's not like making coffee is mad science". Shawn leaned against the counter.
I held my breath Paula was always fused when somebody told her that 'it's just making coffee' shawn's known that too but he likes to see her handle it.
"Pardon mendes? Making coffee isn't that easy you should know". She raised het eyebrow at him.
"Well...". I cutt him off
"Come on shawn". I rolled my eyes. grabbed the knot if his apron and dragging him to the coffee machine.
"Why do you always try to get on her nerves?". I looked down at the paper in front of me and started making the first order.
"I don't know it's kinda hilarious in some way". He cleaned the counter.
"Well if you get fired it's not that funny anymore". I looked at him.
"Come on I won't get fired as Paula said I'm her best barista even if she wants to she won't fire me". He patted my shoulder softly as he passed me to get to the carrier.
I handed the man his coffee when shawn handed me the next order.
'A latte recreation' as soon as I read it I wanted to pull it back in his hands and ask him if he could do it. For some reason, I always mess those up.
"No I see it on your face you can do this". He held my shoulder squeezing it.
I smiled nervously starting to grind the coffee beans, the muscles in my hands started to hurt from pressing it in.
Shawn walked up to me.
"Come here". He grabbed the portafilter from my hands and packed it up tighter.
"I thought it was already good".
He smoled shaking his head.
"This...". He handed it back to me.
"Is tight enough". He rubbed my arms shortly and went back to cleaning the counter.

This boy...

My cheeks heated up when I turned towards him. Admiring him for a while, how his back muscles move under his bleu sweater. How his hands ran through his hair, the ink of his swallow tattoo shined from the tl lights on the ceiling.
"Hey y/n how is it going there?". He turned around.
I looked back at the cup of latte to see it's still empty I've been starting at shawn the whole time.
I put the portafilter onto the machine turned it on.
"Yes, it's okay". I pulled the pluck of hair that shawn pulled out behind my ear.

I was trying to make a heart in the milk but I failed three times already. I felt warmth on my back. Shawn's hand rested on my shoulder.
I hummed in response.

What does he want?

The vibration of his laughter tumbled against my ear.
"Okay try again". He trapped my hand against the cup and his hands. He took my hand to guide the drawing pencil making a few inches of your outlining.
"How can you do this?".
"Well I'm horrible at drawing hearts on paper but I don't know... Coffee is different". The heating of his heart was shooting against my back.
I leaned in just to get a little more of his heartbeat.
"Y/n we're working and I have a girlfriend".
"Sorry". I pulled back working onto the heart.
"It's fine". He smiled, walking towards the easier, focusing onto the girl he was taking the order from.
I walked towards the table the woman was sitting on waiting for her coffee.
"Here you go one latte mean to, sorry that it took a bit longer". I set down her cup.
"It's okay thank you". She smiled.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now