{a world we dream of}

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"Thomas hurry up!". I lowered my pace so he could run to me.
"Sorry, my leg just...".
"I know it's okay just to keep up with us we can't lose you". I patted his back running to the front of the group.
"Y/n which way?". Jordan stopped running for a second.
"This way". I ran into the left path.

Wrong decision...

In the distance were the two guys I saw earlier both hands missing which we chopped off when they wanted to take out firewood.
Another guy in the middle of them a riffel resting over his shoulder.
"Stop". I spread my arms to protect my friends.
"What is it?". Alessia looked at me.
"Their back those guys who wanted to take away our firewood".
"And who is that". Connor nodded to the guy in the middle.
"I think we'll find out now". I stared at the guys walking towards us.
"What do we do?". Jordan switched his weight from one leg to the other.
I was thinking of an answer.
"Y/n". Thomas insisted.
"Let me think okay".
"Oh well look who we have here, it took me ages to corn or you all I never thought you stopped running... The Apocalypse sure keeps people in shape". The guy pointed the ruffle at us shuffling from our heads.
Jordan got on his knees first as we all followed.
"Yeah, that's what I thought... I wasn't that happy when I saw my man coming back with both one hand missing after they told me what you guys did I could just kill all of you now..." He walked through our group slowly to scare us.
"...we were just asking for a little payment you're in my territory anyway. I understand that you didn't know that this part of the city required payments so I'll go easy on you and not kill you... But I wanna know fist who of you is the leader?".
"I am". I lited my head towards him.
"You? Never thought someone like you could be a leader looking at your appearance... Anyway leader I got a compromise for you one of your friends will lose their hand just like you did to my guys and one of you stayed with us as my prisoner".
Thomas glanced at me shortly a worried look was on his face.
I started back at him.
"It's okay". I whispered.
"So a leader who will lose their hand". He bought down in front of me.
All eyes were on me.

I can't choose

"Look at your friends starting at you I understand that it's pretty hard for you to choose". He stood up walking through us again. Humming a random tune.
"Him". He nodded at Connor.
Tears welled up in his eyes.
"Connor no please...". Alessia wanted to reach for him.
Jordan stared at me in disbelieve.
"Do something". Thomas bumped my arm.
"What can I do?". I hissed quietly.
"Hold him still make sure he doesn't bleed out now give...".
"Stop let's make a deal!".
He stopped his friends walking back to me.
"What deal?".
"I'll be your prisoners you can hurt me however you want just let them go". I looked up at his caramel brown eyes.
He laughed softly.
"What's your name?". He crossed his arms over his chest.
"What's yours?".
"I'm Shawn I'm kinda running this community and you're on my land now so better listen, now what's your name".
"Y/n... So do we have a deal?".

For the first time in months the door to the chamber, they put me on opened. Shawn has come here daily to give me food and water but today I didn't get any of that.
"Oh hey honey... Don't give me that look you'll live even better here than on that little house with your friends".
I stared at him angrily angry about him locking me up here for hours without any water or food. Even though the food wasn't essential now water was.
My throat was sore and dry.
"Come on honey put a smile on that cute face and follow me". He waves me over.
I followed him to a room filled with people who seemed happy talking to each other kids running around. There was even light and electricity.
Far away I picked up the smell of chicken vegetables cheese and fresh bread.

Food... And where food is is water!

I walked off to the dining room.
"Wow wait look at this". He grabbed my arm dragging me back.
"See these people their happy we have electricity filtered water and food from farms... If you think I'm the bad guy here you're wrong". He looked at me, but I glanced at the dining room.
"Your hungry?".
I hit him in his stomach.
"You let me starve I didn't even get a water bottle".
"Calm down". He leads me to the dining room.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now