{don't let it kill you}

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"Shawn wait!". She grabbed my arm dragging my hand back from the hanger where my leather jacket was resting on.
"What?". I turned around to her.
Her face was white like she was about to pass out bloodshot eyes.
I wrapped my arms around the small of her back.
"You're all good you look a bit pale".
"This makes me sick in my stomach shawn".
"Bebe it will be fine I'm just gonna do a game of soccer with the boy's".
"What if he finds you... He always finds you".
"He doesn't know the soccer field we play on". I kissed her head.
"I'm still worried about you". She looked up at me tears in her eyes.
"Bebe hey please don't cry dont". I took her face between my hands whipping away some tears.
"What if he hurts you again?".
"He doesn't have a gun always".
"Still last time was in your leg and...".
"Bebe". I rested my thumb onto her tempering underlip.
"What if he kills you this time". She showed whatever was stuck on her throat.
"Bebe y/n look at me... Can you look me in my eyes?". I caressed her cheek.
When she looked up I drown into the ocean of sharp sorrow. Her pupils expanded when they fixated on me.
"Please promise me this won't be the last time I look into your beautiful caramel brown eyes shawn please I need you, I need you with me". She wrapped her arms around my neck hugging me. She started shaking from sadness.
"Hey easy y/n go on flat feet it's okay it's okay I got you". I mentioned her back on her flat feet, bending down hugging her tightly.
"We need to get as far away from him as possible". She looked up at me.
I nodded.

She knows me so well I'm terrified of him

"Yea maybe to malta he would never find us there". I pulled her hair from her face.
"We can live without fear than". She smiled.
"That would be nice babe it would be perfect". I rested my forehead against hers.
"I love you". She kissed my cheek.
"I love you too so much". I grabbed her face kissing her forehead.

I walked through the streets of Toronto passed my office where work as a marketing manager. I'm not working there for this week. The past days I've been keeping home because he doesn't know where I live.
Lucas a man around his fifty's once found me in the streets. He is a leader of a criminal organization and wants me to do the real job the Canada bank has a warehouse and he wants the next pack of money which they drive there we still need to talk about the plan.
And if that isn't bad enough he has a daughter which he wants me to date I already told him I have a girlfriend because knowing y/n isn't okay with me having a side chick at all I can't even talk to other girls.

She's overprotective

But Lucas didn't agree with that he told me to just get over with it tell y/n that it's over he even threaten me to kill me he almost did once.
I can't do that to y/n I can't even tell her that I once flirted with other girls when she was gone on a night when I was drunk. So I didn't tell her about Nikki and lied about why he wanna kill me a simple I didn't wanna work with him' made her believe it.
I didn't completely lie to her I don't wanna do this I wish I could just walk away but I'm in a deathtrap with this I can't move from it.

Just have to go this...

"Hey, shawny!". Brian waved at me from our usual soccer field.
"Hey". I rolled my eyes and smiled walking over to my friends.
"Was y/n worried again?". Connor raised his eyebrow.
"Yes, I understand I would be too if she was in my place".
"Come on we won't let Lucas ruin our lives right?". Jon shot the ball at me.
"Yes right let's start". Connor ran backward stumbling over his own feet.
We all broke out laughing.

I scored in Connor's goal, turning around to Jon who ran towards me.
"Ohhhh yes shawn better buddy!". Jon jumped onto my shoulders.
"That's not fair". Connor pointed his finger at me.
"No, you just failed con". I smiled.
"Next time you're on my team". Brian pulled his arm over my shoulder.
I watched a glimp of a blond-haired girl and froze.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now