{deep set bleu}

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"Good afternoon mr mendes". The man nodded at me.
"Good afternoon".
"You're staying in suite 008".
"Thank you". i smiled walking onto the ship.
Starting at the beautiful halls of the ship. A boy bumped into me.
I turned to him. Catching his arm for him not to fall.

He's beautiful

My cheeks heated up instantly.
"Sorry". He smiled.
"No, I'm sorry".
"It's all okay". He ran his hand through his hair.
He stared at each other for a while.
"Can you more to the side if you aren't moving?". A woman bumped my shoulder.
"Sorry". She didn't hear me just walked ahead.
I turned back to the boy but he was gone. My gaze slide crossed the room. But I couldn't find him.
I disappointed walked over to my suite. Setting my backpack onto the floor flopping down onto the bed. I finely can go home back to Toronto which took three days with the ship.
After covid a few years ago we didn't travel with airplanes anymore because we saw what impact it had on the climate. We build better metro networks all over the world. Had ships completely eco-label zero. Because of that, we could make them faster. What first took three months now take just two days. And it's just as relaxed as it first was.

After laying there for a while I heaved myself from the bed. Walking over to the dek. Inhaling the fresh air salt. The ship just left the labor of Amsterdam. Shallows few with us mostly saloons don't live in Tavor's of the Netherlands but since it's getting warmer because of climate change. The birds come here more often.
"Hey again". I froze by hearing this voice. Turning around.
"Hey, stranger". I smiled.
"Y/n". He stretched out his hand for me.
"Y/n... I'm Shawn". I took his hand squeezing him softly.
"Where are you going?". He looked at me leaning against the railing.
"Back home Toronto. you?".
"To my family, they live in Pickering".
"Pickering is beautiful I grew up there".
"I think is boring". I laughed softly.
"Everybody thinks it boring". I smiled.
"But you don't".
"I grew up there I am boring". I joked.
"You're not".
I smiled looking at the skyline from Amsterdam.
"What's your suite number?".
"009". He held up the pass which unlocks the door.
"That's next to me". I smiled.
"Sorry if you hear me talk I talk go myself a lot can't manage to live in a quiet room".
"Sorry for the guitar playing if you hear it".
"I love listening to guitar so you play it?".
I nodded humming proudly.
"You write songs too?".
"Not yet?".
"Why not I'm sure your amazing at it".
"Kinda insecure to write a song".
"But you want to".
"Of course I want to that would be a dream". I ran my hand through my hair.
"Art takes time shawn, at least it took me five years to draw perfectly".
"You draw?!". I glanced at him confused.
"Yes". He looks down smiling.
"I love to see your drawings once".
"I can show them".
"They're back in my suite". He waved me over.
I followed him.

I stared at his notebook beautiful stretches scrambled in it.
"It's so beautiful y/n".
"I'm proud of this one". He pointed at a drawing of a girl, unlike the other drawings this one is black and white.
"Why isn't it in color?".
"She died".
"Who was she to you?". I looked at him shyly.
"My sister I love her so much".
"How did she died?".
He looked down trying to push back his tears.
"Sorry dumb question of course you don't wanna talk about it". I shook my head.

Amazing Shawn!

"No no I want to I just... It's hard".
I nodded.
"I can understand". I patted his back softly.
"It's just... I had to take care of her and she had a heart attack... Shawn I think it's my fault".
I shook my head.
"No no it isn't your fault y/n don't say that never say that you hear me".
He looked up at me with his big sad eyes but there still so beautiful.
"It's not your fault y/n".
He cried even more resting his head onto my shoulder.
I rubbed his back slowly pulling him closer to my chest.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now