{somebody to tell me it will be just fine}

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Y/n. He was the most beautiful thing that could happen to me she loved me and I loved him so much I let my stupid ego let in our way because I hoped I won't be this way I didn't want to be this way I was but I hated it u didn't want it to be so hard I didn't want to be suppressed and laughted at in public I didn't want to confuse others I knew they won't understand and I would only hurt others. So before we even got together I shut him off but I couldn't deny my feeling not until lovell came along and changed my mind on ever being able to love someone else expect for y/n.

I lay on the sofa recharging from my meet and greet I never thought it was that tiring to meet a lot of people at once. My other tours were tired but not that tiring I could easily have a meet and greet and the Q&A right behind each other but this tour is different my fanbase grew ever since my last album because my blood was so hyped. All the faces we're blurry letters of names scrambled through my mind.
"Baby". Lovell looked up at me.
"Yes?". My handheld still on her hair.
Who was your first love truly?".

She'll be heartbroken

"Why that question?". I kissed her head.
"I never asked". She smiled.
"Okay...uhm". I couldn't get the words out.
She left her head from my chest. Pulling my hair back, Talking my hand.
"You can tell me, baby". She kissed my cheek.
"I uhm... It was y/n he was sweet thought". I looked down not wanting to see her reaction.
"You are gay?". She pulled away from me stiitn up onto my bed she stood up walking away.
"Hunny please listen". I grave her arm taking her hand waving our fingers together.
Tears welled up in her eyes.
"Why didn't you tell me". She whipped her tears away from my cheeks, Sqeezing my hand.
"I thought I was but when i met you I was really confused because I was like 'God I love this girl' so I did research turned out I'm...". The last part couldn't leave my mouth.
"You're what?". She ran her hand through my hair standing in between my legs.
I shook my head too scared of her reaction.

I don't want her to see me that way.

"Baby". She took my face between her hands lifting it up.
You can tell me whatever it is you can "tell me".
I exhaled shakily.
"Can you close your eyes I can't focus if you're staring at me with your deep-set green eyes it's kinda intermatating". I ran my hand through my hair.
"My eyes aren't that intermatating". She smiled, closing her eyes. I took both her hand holding it loosely
"I'm bi... As in bisexual". A whole weight was lifted from my shoulders when a smile spread on her face.
"Can I open my eyes?".
"Yes". I smiled.
She opened her eyes staring at me with her green orbs. Wrapping her arms around my neck pulled my slower and hugged me. I exhaled in relief pressing my face against her neck.
"Thank you". I kissed her cheek.
"I aculy don't know what to say".
"From all the ugly things you can say right now this is the best". I smile.
She smiled kissing me.
"Lovell, get off my artist". Andrew leaned against the doorframe.
She pulled away turning around to him.
"Well, he is my boyfriend". She raised her eyebrow.
"Hunny". I rolled my eyes taking her hand kissing the back of it.
"What's up Andrew?". I looked at him.
"Q&A stared in five". He waved me over.
I stood up walking up to jake who would lead me to the other room.
"Bye hunny". I kissed her forehead.
"Good luck baby". She smiles smoothing my hair back.
"If your tired ask jake to bring you back home okay". I kissed her hand.
"I will I think I'll go back early today".
I nodded and followed jake.

An echo of voicing singing life of the party filled the hall I smiled to myself running my hand through my hair.
"Wow". I completely love my fans so much.
An instant reaction formed respond with screaming and yelling from them.
I laughted softly jogging towards the door while jake holds it.
"Hey, shawn!".
"Hey, guys wow I love you so much". I smiled.
The crowd answered with an 'aww'.
My eyes traveled over the crowd all different beautiful people in their own way. Brown curly hair, blond waves flowing of shoulders ginger straight hair catching the lights. Brown eyes, blue, grey, green, black even heterochromia.
One person catches my eye maker stare for a while.

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