{what if I sin?}

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I looked over her dead body blood covering the spot of her heart. Face covered in the blood prints of my hands. My heart beated fast enough for both of us but still, hers didn't.
Tears in my eyes enough for both of us but she didn't cry.
She didn't do anything I still could hear her sweet voice.
Feel her soft hair.
Smell her perfume.
Play fight with her.
Eat her birthday cake after flowing out the candles.
I smiled at myself thinking about how she hated that.

Aaliyah is gone...

I closed her eyes slowly kissing her head.
Taking my hockey stick from the ground ready to go.
I froze turning around slowly.
A squad of police surrounded me.
"It's not...". I shut my mouth when I saw them point their gun's at me.
"Drop the weapon".
"It's a ho...".
"Drop it!".
"It's not what you think I didn't...".
"Drop the damn weapon kid!". Police walled towards me.
I dropped the hockey tick lifting my hand in the air but before I reached above my head. I started running the other way back to the edge of the first where street lights burned.
"Hey come back!". Footsteps run after me becoming heavier sounding closer I looked behind me to see that their firing bullets at me.
"Fucking hell". I ran faster getting dizzy from holding my breathing.
I scanned my surroundings in a glance I'm a good twenty feet separated from them. I hid behind a tree catching my breathing for a while.
They passed me.
I rested my hand on my heart feeling it beat uncontrollably.
I looked to bind myself to see if it was safe to move when I saw nobody I turned my head back insult pulling my head against the wooden tunk. My heart started heating crazy when I was scared right into the dark eyes of one of the policemen.
" Hey boy, are you lost?". He smiled toothily.
I punched him on the face for him to stumble back he was uncouinios instantly.
I started running towards the streets.
"He's here he's here!". Footstoed runs towards me I turned around running the other way to meet another part Of the squad.
Sweat broke me out. My heart thumping against my chest.
The hairs in my neck slowly damping from my sweat.
"Not so happy to see us?".
"I didnt...ouch". I groaned holding my shoulder when the bullet shot through it. Blood soaked my white shirt I felt cold in a matter of seconds.
I have to get out.
"Please let me go".
"No boy we can't!".
"Please I just I don't wanna die".
They all looked at each other worried.

Time for my acting talent

I tried my best to get myself feeling sick I managed to get out some spit from my throat.
"I don't feel good". Gag flexing resting my hand on my knees.
"If you gave to throw up there's a trash can". An officer pointed at a can crossed from the streets on the corner of a building. I made a run for it.

My shirt was covered in sweat and mixed blood from my own and Aaliyah's my shoulder still aching from the bullet in it. I didn't say anybody following me so I decide to stop running.
The pain in my shoulder started to spread through my whole chest. I got cold but cold I didn't put on a jacket because I'm always too hot when I'm done with icehoxky training. I wrapped my arms around me trying to keep myself someone warm.
My whole body was aching from pain ice cold I start to feel dizzy.

I need to go home...

With shaking hands I pulled out my phone from my pocket unlocking it I found some warmth from the screen of it. I opened maps trying to find out how far from home I was.
An hour walking after Aaliyah was shot I dragged her towards the other side of Toronto.
Tears welled up in my eyes I was sad grieving for Aaliyah I love her she's my baby sister and I let her die I was angry too angry at myself my parents must see me as a monster if they'll hear it I am a monster with a million different faces that's why it's so easy for me to sin or maybe for everyone else to spill my words twist I because I say what's in my chest.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now