{our last goodbye}

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I ruffled through my hair to let it dry from the shower when the bell rang. I didn't move for a second.

It's seven I clock on a weekend morning who needs me now?!

I shuffled to the door unlocking it, to relieve my friend and crush y/n I didn't tell her yet because j know these kinda thing freak her out.
Her hair draped in loose curls over her shoulder her eyes as beautiful as always.
"Hey Hey".
"Hey, y/n".
"Can I come in?".
"Oh, yea of course". I let her in she walked over to the sofa and lay down exhausted.
"Are you okay?". I walked over to her rested my arms on the armrest and coughed down.
"It's getting worst".
"Y/n... I told you to get out of there". Running my hand through her hair examine her face. Eyes filled with the heavyweight of sadness. Skin slightly whiter than normal

Why didn't I noticed this before?

She closed her eyes turning her head away from me lifting herself up and rubbing her face.
"Sorry I didn't know where to go otherwise?". She stood up and walked away.
I watched up with her fast enough.
"Hey no it's okay you can stay i want you to stay dont go back". I blocked her way looked down at her setting up puppy eyes.
"Shawn i...uhm I'm going back yo my aunt's house".
'What no stay i already said you could live here why go back all the way Milton".
"I already told her but she doesn't think it's a good plan to let me live with you". She stepped aside from me but i grabbed both her shoulders.
"You live alone for so long already does tt really matter?". I looked into her eyes pulled her hair behind her ear.
"I love to shawn you know i do you feel like a brother to me but you also know how my family is". She looked into my eyes trying to find something.

Brother... I'm so dumb i can't trick her like this

"Uhm y/n... There is... You know what nevermind".
"What is there something with me do i look weird?". She looked at her body pulling her hands in her hair.
"No no... Youre is beautiful... Shirt... Uhm sorry... Damn, i'm so sorry i didn't mean that". I ran my hand through my hair burning up so badly.
"Shawn chili knows you don't mean it, well you do mean it but not in that way". Slight rosy colors covered her cheeks but it must be from the frustration.
"I have to grab my suitcase at home". She patted my chest shortly which made my heart rate spike for a second.
"I go with you". I gave her arm to hold her back.
"It's too dangerous".
"That's why i wanna protect you". I held her hand waved my fingers through hers.
"You are too soft for Peter street".
"I can be rough".
"No, you can't". She smiled.
"Y/n please let me protect you". I caressed the back of her hand.
"If you go I have to protect you more than you me". He looked at me with worried eyes.
"Please I just wanna make sure your okay".
"Okay, you can come with me".
I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her.
"Thank you, thank you youre the best".
She rubbed my back softly and laughted.
"I love you". She whispered in my ear.

You have no idea y/n!

As long as our friendship became and the longer i had a crush on her it became harder for me to say I love you back it felt like the I love you she means aren't the I love you's I mean.
The o love you's i mean are cuddling each other yo sleep, kisses in the rain, waking up together. Carrying her around when she is sick.
Her I love you's are just i love you as a friend like a brother.
I pulled her closer pressed my face onto her hair.
"Come on". She pulled away from me.

"I should park here already". She pointed at a parking a good three streets from Peters St.
I glanced at her confused but turning to the parking.
"Your car can get stolen".
"She is already three years old...".
"Oh, they don't care". She laughted softly.
The streets were empty. I remember two years ago we would run thought these streets loving our hearts out.
Now we are alone.
The cool summer night air hit me as i pulled my jacket tighter over my body.
"Your so dumb to wear a cobert now everyone thinks you're a spoiled bray boy".
"Well, i was a frat boy when i met you".
"I dont even know how i ended up at that party".
"You were really out of place I was wondering 'what does this sub girl do at this brat party?' ". I smiled.
She laughted softly seemed to memorize everything.
"The only thing you wanted to do is hooking up even after i helped your drunk ass up from the ground". She grabbed my arm to keep up with my pace.
"I was thousand percent a frat boy okay that's what i did".
"Well, you changed since when why?".
"Because of you". I smiled.
She broke out laughing hitting my arm.
"No, you did well actually the streets did but i started hanging out with you on the streets". I shot her a sheepy smile.
"Untill it all went down". She looked at the ground.
"Hey, I'm here". I squeezed her hand.
"I don't wanna say our last goodbye". Her eyes looked glossy.
"It isn't y/n i swear this isn't the last time". I put my hand on her cheek, keeping her calm by slowly drawing circles. I looked into her eyes stunning orb which never seem to end now filled with fear and sadness.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now