{why'd you have to be so cute?}

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I grabbed my towel whining the sweat from my forehead. The music still dining through my ear. I made my ponytail onto a bun strapped on my boxing gloves and started punching the box bag.

My ringtone cutt off my music I answered the call.
$Y/n are you deaf or something I ringed the bell a million times".
You made me deaf I was in the basement training. I rested my head onto the black leather of the box bag.
"Sorry, can you open the door?".
"Why are you here?".
I missed my train".
I ran my hand through my hair.

He's gonna be your heart again

"Y/n can you open the door? I'm soaked from rain".
"Yes". I walked over to my zip-up hoodie putting it on.
I walked towards the door opening it to find shawn standing there like a wet dog his curls disappeared because it's soaked his jeans a few shades darker than it's supposed to be. His abs are clearly visible through his soft blue shirt even his jacket was dripping onto the floor.
"my God shawn...". I took his hand healing his jacket from his shoulder.
"Sorry, I'm wet".
I should my head.
"come here come inside take off these soaked clothes I'll find something from Vicor". I pulled him inside.
"Doesn't he mind?".
"It's our little secret". I smiled.
He laughted softly.
"Isn't he here tonight?".
"No, he is at his girlfriend's house".
"And your parents?".
"Night shifts". I took my water botel from the counter and filled it.
I glanced over at shawn who wrapped his arms over his chest. Slivering heavily.
"You can shower if you want... Don't stay cold". I walked over to him leaning against the kitchen island.
"No, I'm fine". He shook his head.
"Shawn you have to shower or at least take off this soaked clothes". I reached out for his jacket but he grabbed my wrist.
"I'll promise I'll give it back if it's dry". My voice sounded small.
"I'll do it myself".
I nodded and flipped down onto the sofa.

I sat on my bothers bed starting at his closet with all his clothes. Deciding what I would pick for shawn to wear. I pulled out a black and white striped blouse and black jeans.
I walked over at the bathroom "shawn?". nodded on the door.
"I've dry clothes".
"Give them to me".
I opened the door ajar just reaching out my hand with the clothes.
Shawn tools them from me.
"Thank you y/n".
"Give me your old once I'll put them in the drier". I motioned him to give me his wet clothes.
Damping clothes we're pressed into my hands.
Walking over towards the laundry room.
Putting his clothes in the drier.

I walked back to the bathroom door with my broken hairline between my fingers.
"Shawn I'm quickly coming in to grab a hair tie mine broke". I listened to the suffering from bare feet and moving from stuff.
"Yea wait a sec".
"Shawn it's just a few seconds I promise I won't stare at you". I smiled feeling my cheeks heating up.
I've caught myself staring at him for so many times that I lost count and it.
The warmth from the steam washed over me as I stepped in yellow light brightened my vision.
"What happened?". Shawn's voice sounded weird.
"Hair tie broke". I looked through my stuff for another hair tie finding them all broken.
After a minute I found one which wasn't. I turned around to walk away when I catch a little glimp of shawn the black jeans fit perfectly even though my bother is even taller than him.
"Y/n Jesus can you stop stating you know I hate that?". He crossed his arms over his bare chest.
"I was thinking". I looked doen at my feet.
"Yea sure about what?".
"About how insecure you can be sometimes".
"I think I have the right to be if you're walking in on me half-naked".
"You just don't have a shirt on". I laughted.
He replied to my senses in a mocking way.
"Drama King".
"Oh come on you are a drama king". I shot my new hair tie at him.
He douched it.
"At least I am a king".
"That wasn't a compliment".
"I'll take it as one". He smoled.
"Whatever". I turned around trying my hair back into a bun while walking into the living room.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now