{it's me honey}

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I was blinded by sunlight falling into the room I turned around pressing my face into the following.
"Morning honey?". Shawn kissed my shoulder.
I hummed in response.
"What? You seem pissed". He rubbed the small of my back.
"Get curtains for God's sake". I turned my head toward him.
"Aww y/n sorry, I will". He smiled kissing my head.
"Honey, I love you".
"You didn't two months ago you bought me remember you paid money to have me as your hold thingy or something". I rolled my eyes.
"Yes but well I was stupid I began to love you I thought about letting you go home". He ran his hand through my hair.


"Why didn't you?". I looked at him.
" I didn't know what would happen if you were gone... If I would just fall back into loneliness".
"You aren't alone I'm here". I kissed his forehead.
"I love you". He hugged me.
"I love you too".

Someone nodded on the front door.
"I'll go". I pulled myself up.
"I'll go honey". He pecked my lips shortly.
I smiled walking towards the living room listening to the conversation Shawn and the man had.
Tarzan started barking at him loudly.
"Tarzan". Shawn snapped in his fingers to shut him up.
He stopped walking over to me claiming into my lap.
I ruffled through his fur.
"Why what do you mean she is yours now?".
"I outbid you so where is she?".
Shawn glanced at me shortly.


"She isn't here".
"Then where is she?".
"I'm not gonna tell you, have a good day sir". He closed the door but the man put his foot between it.
"Wow wait mendes she would come back at any point in the day, what about we talk for a while until she's back".
"Uhm...". She ran his hand through his curls. Looking back at me.
I let go of Tarzan tiptoeing to our room.

Tarzan barked trying to protect me.
"Shawn!". I reached for him as he tried to pull me from the man.
"Y/n... let her go". He dragged me towards him but failed.
The man tighter his arm over my waist making my lungs collapse.
"You're hurting me". Tears filled my eyes.
"Get used to it".
My eyes catch sharks' glances for a second. His eyes got darker as he was shaking for anger.
"You bullshit of a man!". He grabbed a knife from the kitchen table which I used to cut strawberries with last night.
"Easy it'll be better if you just let me take her to trust me it's gonna be safer for her if you don't stamp me".
"You won't hurt her not as long as she is my girl".
"Oh, but she isn't she is my property now".
"She isn't". Shawn balled his hand into a first.
"What is this mendes... Oh i see you fell in love with this thing?". He pointed at me.
"Don't... She is mine". He tried to grab my hand.
"I outbid you". The man pulled me closer, his thumb caressed the skin of my back softly, just like Shawn always does now it doesn't feel good not at all.
"Come on baby, let's go home". The man pulled me to the hall.
"Shawn...". I turned towards my boyfriend.
"Please... Can I say goodbye to her?". His voice was broken.
"Sure that will be the last time anyway". He told his eyes.
"Shawn I don't want to". I hugged him tightly, my tears soaking his shirt.
"I know honey I know I'll get you back". He rubbed my back.
"Will you?".
"As soon as possible, come on give me a kiss". He smiled.
I kissed him pulling away a few minutes after.
"I love you".
"I love you too so much". He hugged me tighter kissing my cheek.
"Okay, mendes that took too long". The man pulled me back to him dragging me out of the room to his car.
"Shawn!". I cried vision blurry.

"Home sweet home". He unlocked the door to his basement apartment.
"I don't even know your name".
"Just towns?".
"Yes follow me, baby". He waved me over to a room with a single light hanging on the ceiling, a little table, and a closet in the corner a pile of blankets and pillows.
"What is this?". I turned back to towns.
"You're room".
"But there isn't even a bed".
"That will do". He pointed at the pile of blankets and pillows.
"Can't I sleep on the sofa or get an airbed?".
"No, but if you're a good girl and listen to me you can sleep with me".
"But Shawn...".
"I'm not Shawn!.. You better stop comparing us because it isn't gonna be the same". He draws closer to me.
He isn't as tall as Shawn but I'm more scared of him, he's even scarier than Shawn the first two weeks.

When Shawn bought me he was kinda cold just talked to me if he wanted something from me. But I at least got a sofa to sleep on sometimes I even got to walk with Tarzan but that was about it I got for free time. His breakthrough point was the fourth week when he had an anxiety attack I helped him calm down because I couldn't watch him panic more.
From that day he prepared me more as a person.
I get more free time we even went shopping for a day.
Our imtementomemt weren't forced anymore and became pleasant for me. I grew to love him and he grew to love me...
But towns are different

I'm here for two weeks already which meant that Shawn has one more week to outbid towns. I miss Shawn and Tarzan I miss the apartment.
When towns are home he gives me barely time to rest waking me up at half-past five and letting me sleep at one in the night he drains me these days but doesn't bother me in the night.
When he is away out for work or on the weekends out with friends. he locks me the whole day giving me a bucket if I have to go to the toilet.
If he comes back with is mostly late at night. He tells me goodnight or sometimes he dragged me out to his room I hate these nights it's disgusting.

I was reading an old book he gave me.
As the door opened my heart stopped. He always scares me.
"Good evening baby".
"Please I'm tired can you just let me...".
"Listen to me, someone pissed me off really bad today don't test me". He grabbed my arm rudely starting to drag me with him.
My feet gave in I was too tired for this.
"I'm so tired I can't". Tears filled my eyes.
"What are you tired about?.. Nothing shut up!". He waved me over his shoulder.
"Stop I don't want to". I sobbed.
"What are you crying about come on". He set me down on his bed.
"Strip now".
I stared at the wall opposite me.
"Now y/n!".
I sigh taking off my sweater.
He took a lighter from his pocket setting my sweater on fire.
"That was my only one...". I stared at him.
"Well...". He was cutt off but the bell riming.
"Who the hell could that be?". He walked out of the room.
"Stay there". He shoots me a deadly look walked towards the front door.
I listened to the conversation.
"What do you mean 'where is she?' ".
"I outbid you now where is my girl I want her back".
I recognize this voice the voice I missed so much.


I wanted to run out and hug him, but my whole body was tired too slow to even pull myself up.
"I need proof".
"I outbid you with three million so where is y/n".
I slowly started to doze off too tired to do anything.

When I opened my eyes a shadow hovered over me.
"Please don't hurt me". I inched away.
"Hey it's my honey it's me, Shawn". He took my hand.
I looked up at him my vision blurry from tears.
He examed me for a while.
"Gosh what did he do to you, I'm so sorry honey I wanted to outbid him earlier but I needed time to gamble the money". He hugged me, wrapping his jacket over me. Walking out of the house.

"I was scared".
"I know honey you're safe now I'm here". He pulled me closer. Opening his car.
"We're heading home now". He kissed me softly pulling my hair from my face.

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