{piano melodies}

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I turned on the radio a bit louder it's hard for me to focus on two things at the same time I wanted to listen to a team from ed she ran one last time but the radio gave me a few last glimpses of the top music before it all shut down.

I grew up with music my family was created out of music my grandparents met watch others in a school cure and my father teaches my mother guitar on their first date. Ever since I was born music was a big part of my life.
Now it seems to be cut out of my life.
The government banned music last week we had to cold call our instruments bing them to the White House and burn them.
Today the last hit list play's on the radio in a few minutes all the streaming platforms will be out of the air and never be able to use again.
My neighbor Shawn was defined about it as the music was the most important thing in his life. It kept him sane it kept him from hitting himself from hurting the people he loved. I remember him playing guitar in the morning at six o clock the hall and stair way's always seems to come alive from his beautiful voice singing.
The last week all the numbers he played were sad and depressing the lyrics he sang were constantly broken by sobs and crying.
Ever since yesterday it was silent in his apartment deadly silent so silent that I started to worry about him I've messaged him called him even nodded at his door for a million times all to be left on reading.

"From now on the radio will only be a podcast with new's we thank you for listening all those years to the best music and...". The radio DJ was cutt off a few seconds of silent follow.
I waited a minute two-three until a faint sound came out of the radio. "Welcome to Toronto podcast episode 1 today is a cold gloomy day". This voice was to lay new to me.
My attention went off to my window mostly to what happened outside it sounded like metal against stone. I opened my window to see radios being thrown out of the window people yelling and protesting to give us the normal broadcast back hoping it would be filmed by some new's stations. Outside a crowd of people started marching towards the government's house in the middle of the center.
In my apartment complex doors were unlocked as a bunch of people walked down the stairways. It was chaos outside steamed filled the air.

I slowly opened the door to the halls walking to the next door left from me shawn's apartment. Listening carefully to him crying he's been crying ever since they announced it

Poor guy...

I nodded on his door he stopped footsteps duffel towards the door. Unlocking it.
I examined him for a while he wasn't the happy bully Shawn I knew his face was all grey tired eyes his hair which is always perfect. Now oily it looked like his clothes weren't changed for over a week.
"Hey Shawn, i just wanted to check on you if you're okay". I lowered my voice not to hurt him too much by the relziastio that he might not be okay.
He started at me finely looking away sniffing once again. Running his hand through his untamed hair.
"Does it looks like I'm okay y/n?!".
"No, but I...".
"What are you even doing here?".
"I wanna make sure your okay". I looked away from his caramel brown eyes.
"I'm not okay y/n my whole world is falling apart! I don't need your help". He wanted to close the door but I blocked it by putting my feet between. "Are you this heartless shawn? I've been worrying about you all week all week I've been listing to your sobs instead of singing it's been awfully silent were the Shawn I know?". My voice broke it hurts me to see him this way.
"You don't have to worry about me everything is falling apart already". He rubbed his face tiredly.
"No I don't wanna talk please go away join the stupid protest". He shut the door before I could even respond.
"Shawn!". I nodded on the door.
He didn't respond
"Shawn you can't leave like this I wanna help you".
"I don't need your help y/n go to the protest". His voice was sad.
I hung my head to my chest.
Angry started to boil up into my veins. I back towards my apartment grabbing my jacket and shoes putting them on quietly to be running downstairs a few seconds later.

The cold air hit me as I hacked around stating at the still filled streets. The air was thickened by smoke.
I desired to follow the crowd to the horvermanets house.
But didn't yelled at them because it made me feel more sad.

On the square the crowd was too tight for me to still see what's going on I which shawn was here he could at least tell me what's going on I can easily be crushed by the pressure of the mass of the crowd. Plus Shawn is my extra pair of eyes I only see back's now.
"Lookout". I hacked around scared because I didn't know what the voice was warning for.
A smoke bomb was thrown at my feet went off at the moment I noticed it.
Thick smog-filled my lungs until I was dizzy in my head everything was so much slower than I remember it to be, I stumbled I the ground.
"Wow, easy!". Arm we're wrapped around me tightly. They somehow felt familiar.
"Y/n... Y/n can you hear me?".
I did but I couldn't put the words in a sense. Slowly driffinging away.

A warm hand was pressing against my forehead. I scrambled up from the ground brian let go of my shoulders as I lifted my head from his lap. Connor pulled his hand away from my head.
"Brian...". I looked up at him.
"I got you just in time". He smiled.
"I'll call shawn". Connor reached for his phone.
"No please! Shawn is already mad at me".
Connor ignored me and called shawn.
"Why was he mad?". Brian pulled my hair from my face.
"I just wanna help him and he cutt me off telling me to go".
Brian sigh shaking his head.
"He doesn't mean it you know how he can he when he's upset don't take it personal y/n".
"I do take thing personal you know that".
"I do shawn knows it too and it's stupid to put all his anger on you". He smiled sadly.
"Seems like he isn't that angry". Connor put his phone away.
I stared at him for a while but no words are leaving my mount. I felt myself slowly sinking again.
"Hey hey stay with us y/n". Brian squeezed me.
"The smoke is really bad brian".
"I know I know shawn will be here soon".

"Oh God what happened to you?". Shawn kneeled down next to me.
"It's the smoke". I sat straight up pulling my leg's under me.
"Does someone have a bottle with water!?". Shawn looked at the protestors. A girl threw her water bottle at Connor as he handed it to shawn I choked into the smog.
"Hey, it's okay". He rested his hand on the back of my head carefully bringing the bottle to my lips. But I refused.
"Y/n you have to drink". He pulled my chin back towards him.
I didn't gave instill.
"Please y/n I need you to be okay". He turned the skin of my cheek softly. Making my jaw relax pattering my lips a little.
I chucked a few drops of water. Untill my throat started to burn. I pulled away. Coughing and choking at the same time. Having a hard time to breath.
"Come on let's go back home". Shawn rubbed my back dragging me up. Shipping his hand on the small of my back.

He unlocked the door to his apartment motioning me inside. I walked inside carefully looking around it's a mess not like I remember it to be. It has always been neat but now it's like there was a thunderstorm.
"Are you still mad?". I looked up at him.
He shook his head.
"Did I hurt you?".
"A little" I looked down at the new's paper with a headline 'more people depressed!'.
"It's okay I understand". I sat doen on the sofa running my hands through my hair.
"I wanna show you something can you keep a secret?".
I nodded. He walked over to the book selves dragging it towards him so easily like it was made to move that way.
My heart stopped my mouth ajar.


"A piano?".
His smile grows as he nodded happily.
"You have a piano shawn!". I covered my mouth with my hands couldn't believe my eyes, has a strong urge to hug him.
"Remember the day after the news when teddy was here?".
I nodded.
"We were working onto this, a soft-sounding piano".
"So you can still play music".
"Yep". He smiled sadly
"Sorry for your guitars".
"It's over I can't do anything about it". He lay doen onto the mattress underneath it. placed his hands on the key's playing a random tone.
I walked over to him laying down on the nat gas next to him admiring him for a while.
He turned his face toward me.
"What?". He smiled.

He's so pretty

"You're beautiful". Smiled pulling his curls from his forehead.
He laughed softly stopped playing the piano resting his hands onto his chest.
"You're more beautiful y/n". He grabbed my face leaning in closer kissing my forehead softly.
I smiled kissing his cheek.
"You're the most beautiful". I took his hand.
He smiled playing the piano again.

Piano melodies

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now