{confetti boy}

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Sitting onto the uncomfortable wooden chairs where my feet couldn't even touch the ground, party popper under my arm holding a balloon in my other hand, shawn's birth stuffed animal in my lap.
I swung my feet back and forth waiting for g until the tell me it's okay to see him.
Shawn is an Ischemic heart disease patient ever since he was born he only can take a break from the hospital on special day's and today it's a special day it's his birthday.
Shawn is throughout his disease the most caring and sweet person ever he was worried about me when I just broke up with my boyfriend even though he just had an operation with the risk of dying. I met Shawn when I was visiting my grandmother shawn was her friend because he made her remember me and my cousins.
When I walked into the room and I saw a boy sitting next to her bed my first thought was: 'how can a person so beautiful be sick?'
After my grandmother died I came here still every day for shawn the second week I met his friends Connor and brian the two most dorky persons I've met I my life.

"Y/n y/l/n".
I looked up at the nurse her smiled at me kindly and waves me over.
"You can see him".
A smile grows on my face as I stood up and followed him to room 108.
Shawn was reading the book I gave him the last time I was here I saw it at the book store and I had to buy it for him.
When I was a few feet away from his bed I popped the confetti cannon smiling when he looks up at me.
"Hey y/n o my god". A smile spread on is the face when he pulled me into a hug.
"Hey, shawny". I pressed my face into his neck inhaling his sense, pulling a few confetti shoppers from his curl.
When he let go his eyes glanced over at the balloon and his stuffed animal.
"You took Leo with you". He grabbed it and smiled.
"Yes, and I got this". I bond the balloon onto his bed.
"Aww thank you... But what are you doing here?".
"It's Friday the seventh dummy".
"It's not the eighth yet so I can't go home". He looked down sadly.
"I asked the doctor if you could go home earlier they agreed".
"Wait really?!". His caramel-brown eyes lit up.
"Yes". I nodded happily. 
"O my God yes I'm so done with this bed". He shuffled to let out of the bed.
"easy". I grabbed his arm slowly helping him out.
"Thanks". He stood weakly on his feet when i let go almost falling again.
"You're okay?". I wrapped my arm around his waist to help him stand straight.
"Haven't been feeling so good this day?".
"You think it's safe enough to go home you're sure you are good?". Stretching my hand out resting it on his forehead to give him pressure with helps it go away most of the time.
$No I wanna go home". He shook his head.
"They won't let you if you're too weak".
"I can act it off". He winked at me.
I rolled my eyes.
"How can you be a hospital patient and still be so happy". I patted his shoulder.
"Trust me, I have my dark moments". He smiled.
"We all have dark moments it's okay".
He wrapped his arms around my neck resting his chin onto my head.
"Thank you for being the best friend ever". He squeezed me.
"Aww, no problems shawny". I rubbed his back slowly.
"I love you". He tightened his arms around me rocking us back and forth.

Still strong enough to give bear hug's

"Love you too". I smiled.
"When can we go?".
"At nine so about one hour". I looked at my phone for the time.
"You're hungry?".
"I'm always hungry". I broke out laughing.
"Good because I'm starving". He dragged to the caveratia.

He was out of breach when we walked into the cafeteria. He hung his head to his chest resting against the wall.
"Hey sit down I'll get the food". I listed him to a chair.
"My condition is going down". He ran his hand through his hair resting his elbows against the table.
"You have to take it easy shawn". I rubbed his shoulder.
"I know but something I just wanna be normal".
"I know shawny I know... Anyway, what do you wanna eat?".
"I'm not that hungry".
"I'll buy two taco's with extra filling for you you want salad too?".
He still nodded.
"Anything else?".
"Muffin". He played with the boards of his zip-up hoodie.
"I knew it". I smiled walking away to the counter. grabbing shawn's food and a salad for me.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now