{with someone new}

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I lay on the sofa in my apparentemt cuddling with my boyfriend Lucas. My finger ran brought his wavy ginger hair.
"Hot stuff".

I hate that nickname

"Yes?". I looked up into his icy blue eyes. I started to love his eyes even more by the day. All my friends  were obsessed with blue eyes. But I wasn't, I thought caramel brown was the most beautiful just like the eyes of my boyfriend at that time.
"Do we really have to go?".
"I know you wanna see your friends but like can we just Netflix and chill?".
"and with that, you mean the chill".
He started giggling.
"Yeah kinda like that".
"I already told brian he is gonna pick us up in a few minutes". I ruffled through his hair.
"Okay, I come with you because I love you".
I smiled, kissed his cheek moving to his lips.
"Love you too". I playing with the hair on the back of his neck.
"Turn around, wanna spoon you". He kissed my forehead. Before I floped over.
He wrapped his arms over my waist pressing his face into my neck spacing a few kisses there.
I grabbed his hand closed my eyes.
He kept pecking my neck. Just like shawn did.

It's not the same...

Shawn's lips we're pink and more soft. Lucas' are good but not as good as shawn's.
I love Lucas with all my heart but sometimes i can't seem to find the pleasure i had with shawn.
"love you". I reached for his face took it between my hands and kissed him. Not really for him more for myself to comvice me that I love him.

"Y/n we are here".
"We will be here bri". I hung up and turned back to Lucas who was sleeping peacefully.
"Lu". I ran my hand through his hair.
He pulled himself up looking at me sleepily.
"Hey, hot stuff".
"Brian is here".
"And shawn?".
"I don't know ". Heaving my shoulders.
"Okay, hot stuff gives me a second". He kissed me right before I stood up and pulled on my shoes.

"Y/n, Lucas here!". Connor pulled the window down from shawn's jeep.
"Why are you with shawn's car?". I leaned my arms on the door.
"Sorry, my car broke down". Brian heaved his shoulder.
"Yes because you are so smart". Shawn leaned back in the dovers seat.

What is shawn doing here?!

"Come sit". Alessia opened the door.
There was only one place left.
"I dont think that y/n cares to sit on Lucas' lap" brian laughted.
I notice shawn making a discussed sound in the back of his throat, running his hand through his hair which he always does when he is uncombable.
I wanted to say something even though I didn't know what I needed to say.
Lucas sat down and patted onto his lap.
I glanced over at shawn who had his hands on the steering wheel his knuckles white from the pressure.
The car ride was silent like every other car ride when Lucas and shawn were in it. Sometimes i caught a glance of a pair of caramel brown eyes looking at me sitting on my boyfriend's lap only what they showed was a pain.

I miss him sometimes...

Connor broke the silence by turning on the radio. But still, nobody said anything.
Lucas wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer to his chest.
A heavy sigh left shawn's lips.
"Connor, google maps".
Connor took his phone out looking at the screen.
"At the end of the street turn left".
Shawn nodded quickly looking into the back mirror at me, his caught mine. When they softened everything came back.
I'm sitting in shawn's lap now his warm body pressed against mine. His muscular arms over my waist hands drawing circles on my stomach. My head onto his sholder. Humming a random song. His lips on my neck softly kissing my skin.
I came back to place when lucas grabed my chin kissing my lips.
I was kinda disaponted when i found it it wasnt shawn.

Shut up you love lucas!

"You're okay hotstuff?". He pulled away.
I nodded.
"Yes... yes I am just short of breath". I ran my fingers through his hair.
"You're okay?" Alessia reached out for my hand.
Shawn turned around to me fully.
"Shawn dude look out!". Connor pointed at the other car.
"Shit". He turned the car to the right.
"What the fuck Shawn?!". Brian reached for the back of his head and slapped him.
"Damn sorry bri I was just worried about y/n... You're okay?". He looked at me through the mirror.
"She is fine". Lucas wrapped his arms around me tighter.
A silent hung into the car for a few seconds untill i opened my mouth.
"I'm okay thank you shawn". I smiled at him.
Lucas kissed on the spot just behind my ear.
"I love you".
"Love you too". I smiled.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now