{butterfly project}

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walking towards the steps of the college building. Heaving the books in my arms up witch are threatening to slip.
I pulled out my earbuds scrolled thought my phone to which classroom I need to be. My first class is Immunology it's one of my hardest classes this year but I don't really mind because my classmate who sits next to me y/n is a pro in it so she always helps me.
She's sweet and smart can be a little sassy but I kinda love that about her.

Why do I give to have a crush on her? I hate crushes it's so high school like

I walked into room 118 the class was talking over each other that you won't even notice that y/n was silent at first. I sat down next to her. Admiring her for a while she was drawing something in her notebook.
"Hey". I rested my chin in my hands.
She looked up at me smiling.
"Hey, how are you?". She pulled her hair behind her ear.
"I'm good for you?".
"I'm good too".
"What are you drawing?". I looked over her shoulder at the paper.
"A butterfly". She shoved her notebook to me.
I studied the beautiful drawn butterfly one side had a real wing the other half had a wing made of flowers.
"Its beautiful y/n" I started her in the eyes.
She laughter softly looking back at her notebook.
"Okay, class let's start brian books in front of your nose!". Mrs brown pointed her pen at him.
Y/n slowly looked up at our teacher then went back to drawing.
I started at her smiling to myself her hair was pulled back into a low ponytail her pen between her fingers we're the row if diamonds of her ring was shining into the morning sunlight. The sleeves of her sweater we're too long for her arms so her hand was half-covered by the fabric of it. Her eyes twinkling behind her glasses she needs for reading which is absolutely adorable even more because now she hates them.
"Mendes, this isn't an hour to stare at y/n if you really wanna stare at her you can take a picture and go back to your dorm". Mrs brown tapped on my table which both I and y/n blushed by.
"Yes, Mrs brown". I played with the ring on my finger embraced what just happened.
When Mrs. Brown started talking again I opened my mouth.
"Hey, uhm y/n I wasn't starting".
"Don't lie".
"Okay I was but...". Her laugh cut me off.
"What?". I looked at her confused.
"Why are you so nice?".
"You want me to be not? I can be a jerk if you want".
"No, it's just your the only person who actually cares about others".
"Aww thanks y/n that's so sweet from you". I tapped her nose with my pen.

These days were perfect to be outside on break our friend group found a spot near a tree. Connor leaned against the trunk of its eyes closed enjoying the sun. Brian sat crossed leg's on the grass making his medical homework.
"Hey, guys". Elisha sat down next to brian reached out to pat Connors's knee.
Connor opened his eyes a smile grow on his face
"Hey, bub". He kissed her hand.
"Yep can you two shut up". Sylvie sat down next to me.
"I know right". Y/n took off her jacket lay down on the grass.
"I literally don't understand a word from this medical book". Brian tapped his pen against the paper.
"Let me see". Elisha grabbed his book.
"You have to write the codes from the median, not the mecial name idiot!". She hit him with his book.
"Bub not so aggressive". Connor rested his hand on her knee.
She rolled her eyes.
"Hey don't roll your eyes at me".
"What?". She takes her eyebrow at him.
"Don't roll your beautiful eyes at me". He grabbed her angels pulling her closer to him.
"What don't you understand?". Sylvie looks at the brain's book.
"The codes".
She studied his answers for a while.
"Bri, sore throat is actually chronic pharyngitis".
My attention to their conversation died off as my eyes lay on y/n she was writing something down in her notes.
"So what are you doing?". I clawed towards her laying next to her.
"obstetrics". She looked up at me shortly.
"That's truly disgusting". I laugh.
"That isn't really mecial student like shawn". She tilted her head to the side.
"I know but still".
"You're right it actually is I'll drop it next year". She pulled off her glasses stared at me.
"Are you done already?".
It was just one more block of text... "And you mendes don't we have Immunology homework?".
"Wait we do?!". I looked down at my phone if we have homework.
"We do". She blows a hairpiece from her face.
"It's okay I can do it later. We don't have that subject until next week anyway".
"Really? because I'm here now".
"Can we have a study session Friday?".
"Better do it now... Then you don't have to do it on Friday". She pulled the book from my backpack.
"Okay, so I don't understand how you make a new vaccine for a virus do you mix the formula for the former sickness with the new one?".
"Kinda they're are a lot of factors just read it through".

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