(the walls have been bleeding)

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A/N: this story is based on winter the fourth book of the lunar chronicles all the rights go to the queen herself Marissa Meyer

I folded my hands in my skirt. blood dripping from my palms. Leaving red spots in my white dress.
I looked up at the guard slowly taking in the rest of the room. The big throne room with the blood-covered floor. Left from me my stepmother sat on her throne. The Queen, queen of luna. She watched the poor girl kneeling to the ground she had thick curly red hair waving perfectly with her curvy body green watery eyes.
"I'm sorry please I was just..."
"Cut her finger off." Stepmother snapped her fingers to one of the guards.


"No please can I have her?"
"Y/n." She acted like I just embraced her inbaressed her in her own throne room.
"Please stepmother I would like a new pet." I stared at her through her veil then back at the girl who was tempering. I shot her a small smile.
"After this y/n."
"No, you'll break her it's never fun if you give them to me broken." I balled my hands in my skirt.
"Y/n stop embarrassing me." She hissed at me.
"Dad would have said yea dad would give her to me." I set up my puppy eyes.
"Okay, let the girl go and bring her to the managry." She ordered the guards.
As they dragged the girl away I rose to want to go.
"Don't to princess." A guard pulled me back down.
My eyes met shawn's as his jaw tightened.
Shawn is my best friend we grew up together his father works as a guard at the palise.
A guard's son and a princess.

Not really

I'm the daughter of a guard and a seamstress. My mum died when she gave birth to me. My dad married the queen. I grew up a princess a princess with a wicked stepmother.

Shawn never really cared though outside the fact that he is a guard in training and he has to call me princess it became a remote thing for him to do he mostly called me princess out of habit.

I like it though... It's cute

I smiled at him shooting his anger a little, bin responds he nodded at me shortly.
"Princess comes on." A guard stood at my side.
I stood up walking back to my quarters.
"Can I go to the market?"
"The queen ordered me to take me back to your quarter's princess."
"But..." I was cut off by the door slamming shut.
I flood down on the carpet next to my wooden little planets. My brush is still coveted in redish paint.
I started painting softly brushing over the wooden boll.
"Princess?" Someone nodded on my door.
"Shawn." I smiled.
He opened the door.
"Hey y/n." He smiled sitting down beside me.
"I'm making the planets wanna help with Saturn?" I booked his nose with the end of my brush.
"I have my shift princess." He stood up again.
"Please stay." I leaned against his legs.

Because I want you to...

I glanced through my room everything seems calm no blood-covered walls or spiders.
Under my bed in the darkness lightened up two eyes yellow and hungry.
I jumped up making Shawn grab my hand in worry.
"Princess, what's wrong?"

The eyes...

I stumbled back grabbing shawn's arm.
"There is a monster under my bed." I hid behind his back using him as a shield.
"There aren't monsters under your bed princess."
"See those eyes I'm not crazy..." I catch his glance.
"Okay, maybe I am." I looked down.
"You're no crazy, it's the lunar sickness." He turned to me.
"But the eyes."
"I'll make sure the monster goes away." He knelt next to my bed looking under my bed.
A drop of red blood sprayed on the white dress I spun around staring at the bleeding walls.
"No Shawn...Shawn the walls!"
"What about them?"
"Their bleeding how can you not see it how can nobody see that the pulse has been bleeding for years."
"Y/n it's all in your head okay it isn't really."
"No soon the lake will fill with blood and the people of luna will see it everyone will know." My heartbeat hammered against my ribs as I tried to breathe.
"It's all in your head, say it 'it's all in my head' say it y/n." He took my face in his hands.
"Say it." He rested his forehead against mine.
"It's all in my head." I melted at his touch.
"Good." He wrapped his arms around me.
"If someone comes in we're in trouble." The words didn't match my actions when I tightened my grip around him.
"They know we were always together."
"My stepmother doesn't like that?"
"We grew up together that's how it's always been and will be." He suffered through my hair.
"I don't think so."
"What do you mean?"
"She wants me to marry."
"Already why you not even from royal blood."
"For the court, she says it looks better if I settle down."
"Do you want to?"
"Of course not I do wanna be married to anyone." I stared at his caramel brown eyes.
"Good now come on let's see how the girl is doing?"
"Oh, I should bring the appel candies."
"Good idea." He smiled grabbing my basket of apples, handing it to me.
I looped it through my arm as he less me out to the Margery.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now