{at the ball}

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A/N: I wrote this story based on cinder the first book of the lunar chronicles all the rights go to Marisa mayer and her beautiful books

"It's here... it's here the letter Peony it's here!" Pearl squealed around the house so loud that I could even hear it in the garage.
I rolled my eyes turning down the little radio, whipping my hands on the piece of cloth.
Listening to their conversation.
Peony read the letter out loud.
She has a huge crush on the prince she even followed a fan group online.
" 'dear citizens of Canada... Tomorrow the annual festival starts with ending with a ball... Every girl in Canada is invited, you all get a chance to talk to prince shawn...' O my God you hear that pearl I can dance with shawn my dream o my God!". Peony danced around the house.
"He won't dance with you I'm older and his type no little sister see that handsome boy be my husband at the end of the evening".
"No no you can't do that!". Peony sounded jealous.
"I have to tell y/n she is gonna be stoked about this". Peony claimed the letter in her hands stumbling over to the garage.
"Don't show her that!" My guardian grabbed the letter out of her hands.
"Mum she has to know, she is going too."
"She is a cyborg, my dear".
"But every girl can go."
"She isn't human."

I ignored her looking back at the hood of the car grabbing my chewer pulling the engine tighter in the cap. My hand instantly covered in oil again.
"Y/n did you hear?!" Iko beamed, rolling closer to me.
"What?". I looked down at the robot.
"The ball, I can go and dance with the prince". Her display eyes were formed in hearts.
"Iko..." I crossed my arm over each other.
"I know I know no talking about the prince, but y/n he's so handsome and tall".
"Everyone is tall for you."
"Still I can dance with him y/n please tell me we're going!". I looked back at the engine attaching some wires to make it work again.
"I'm not going to the ball she won't approve it." I modded in the living room.
"Every girl can go to the ball prince shawn said himself."
"I don't have the money to buy a dress I have to pay rent for my booth at the market plus repair costs for this car... Our escape for the night at the ball." I focused on the many wires.
"Do you still wanna go to Europe?" She looked at me with big eyes.
"Yes, I think this car will be done on the night of the ball... Then we leave instantly." I tapped the hood of the car with the screwer.
"To the ball." Her eyes lightened up.
"Europe." I turned to her.
Iko sigh looking up at me.
"What do I have to do to convince you to come to the ball?"
"Don't waste the energy you forgot to change yourself last night." I pulled one white out of the way.
"Okay... Can I help?".
"Yes give me some light." I motioned her closer to the car.

I threw the keys on the counter looking at the med-droid of Mrs lin which she left behind yesterday.
My foot was bugging me all the time doing more wrong than good. I sat down on the workable taking a wrench wringing loose the screw on the end of my cyborg's leg. Taking off my cyborg foot leaving it on the table.
I jumped off landing softly on one foot stumbling back to the counter.
Someone coughed behind me making me turn from the counter in my little booth at the market.
A boy maybe a few years older than me, leaned against the doorframe a golden retriever stood next to his nose pressing against the boy's leg.
I stood there speechless this was the first customer I've had in weeks.

People don't like cyborgs...

I shoved my loose foot under the counter hiding the fact that I wasn't fully human to him.
I pulled the hem of my working cloves higher on my wrist. Hiding my mechanical hand.
"Can I help you?".
"Oh, yea I uhm...". He took a robot from his backpack.
"It doesn't wanna work anymore". He looked at her sadly.
"What type is it?" I examined the robot.
"I don't know."
"Oh, it's an old model... What don't you just buy a new one?"
"She is quite important."
"Uhm... I'll look at it as soon as possible... What's your address I can bring it if it's done."
"Uhm can't I come back next weekend?"
"The weekend is good too." I smiled looking at his caramel brown eyes.
"Okay then see you next weekend... Come on Tarzan." He motioned the dog with him.
Tarzan tailed the boy happily out of my booth.
"Bye...". I waved at him with my non-cyborg hand.
I dragged myself to the back where iko was working on the car.
"Hey iko I...". I lost my balance falling to the ground.
"Oh, y/n are you okay?!" She wheeled over to me.
"I'm fine iko." Propping myself up from the ground.
"I'm running a full-body scan on you." Iko stared humming
"You don't have to..."
"Your heart is beating one-hundred and seven pasta a minute, overheating system is cooling down, eyes dilating... What happened?" Iko stopped her scan on me.
"Nothing I uhm I saw a spider." I pulled myself up from the floor.
"You've never been scared of spiders... Oh, I see which handsome boy walked in today?"
"I don't know his name." I heaved my shoulders.
"But he was handsome right?".
"Maybe." I turned back to the front room.
"I'm gonna look through the visuals of your chip."
"Iko no!"
"Oh... Interesting... Oh... Y/n I my good that's Shawn prince Shawn y/n didn't you notice how couldn't you notice "what prince Shawn was here?!".
Guilt raised in my mind.
"Was that the prince?" My eyes widen.
"This image matches the pictures of the prince one-hundred percent."
"O my God no... No no no!" I paced through the room back and forth as fast as one leg could handle.
"Hey, at least he saw you before the ball."
"I'm not going."
"Not even after you saw him for real?"
"No dresses are still expensive as hell." I leaned on iko who wheeled back to the front room.

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