{red and bleu}

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A/n: this story is based on the book darkest minds by Alexandra bracken this story is hers and the idea of world and places are hers too I just wanted to put it into a shawn AU


I finely stopped running when I was in the forest a good six miles away from the road where I jumped out of the car and tested myself from Martin, Kate, and Rob. A sliver ran down my spine as I remember the way, Martin tried to get closer to me.
It started to get darker in the woods and without me knowing what's in the backpack rob gave me. I didn't have any light at all. So I tied u tried so hard to make it work but I some really know-how.
In Thurmond, I didn't really get to experience with my ability orange, yellow, and red were punished even more than green and bleus for the ability they have. But what I've learned from eight years living in Thurmond, is that we aren't the luckiest. Even green and blue aren't luck. I didn't have contact with anybody in the bracks outside of 'the red girls'. We only came outside for eating and working. And of course, we had the white noise. To keep us under control. The blues and greens had it bad the white noise was horrible for everybody but for the yellow, red, and oranges it was deathly devastating and the effects of it could stay for hours.
I tried I didn't even know what I did but a little flame formed just a few inches above the palm of my hand.
I stumbled backward amazed that I could actually work with my 'red' ability but at the same time it scared me reds are most likely to get back to the camps for blood money blood wolves are all over the server trying to catch me now since Rob pit me on the web. I'm worth twenty thousand they find me they get twenty thousand and to get me back to Thurmond.

I don't want to go back never in ever an I going back!

I kept walking and saw a little moving dot in the distance my heart rate speeded up, holding my heart tightly.

Calm down it's just a dog or something...

When I got closer I saw that it wasn't a dog it was a girl maybe a few years younger than me. She wore black jeans and an oversized white shirt that spelled heaven on it. She also wore yellow household clothes.
She froze when she saw me
"Hey, are you lost?".
She didn't respond and ran away.
"Wait... wait I just wanna talk!". I ran after her and stumbled over a log my head hit the ground hard. I rubbed my forehead and looked up right into a boy's eyes.

Wow uhm... My God uhm uhm

I tried to get away as soon as posable and stumbled back over the log.
"Are you okay?". He reached out his hand for me.
I grabbed the gun I stole from kate and swung it to his head.
"Wow, easy I want to help I'm not gonna hurt you".
I put the gun down and started temping.

He is like me...

"Hey, are you okay you're tempering"? He pulled me up and rubbed my shoulders softly.
"What's your name honey?".
"I'm shawn". He smiled at me.
I took a moment to take him in he was a cute tall boy brown curly hair and caramel brown eyes.
He let me to the campfire in the middle of the little camp. A blond-haired boy sitting oppose from me looked up from his book and stared me deathly in the eye.
"Brian don't make her uncomfortable".
"I was just looking at her!".
"Yes, making her uncomfortable".
I looked at the girl who was now sitting on the trunk of a black van.
"liyah come here". Shawn waved her over.
She sat next to him. As he wrapped his arm around her.
"This is my little sister Aaliyah and that is brian but we call him Leod".
"Sorry, mr mendes 'I'm looking good' not everybody can be handsome".
"We love you leod".
"At least I'm smart".
Aaliyah shoot brian a dead threading look.
"Don't look at me I know you're on my side". He closed his book and opened his arms for her to walk in.
She rolled her eyes and walked over to him wrapped her arms around his neck.
Shawn lay his hand on my shoulder.
"So... Where do you come from?".
"Which camp did you come from?".
"I asked first".
I shook my head.
"Not gonna tell you unless you tell me first".
"It wasn't really a camp it was more like an old school building in north California".
"How long?".
"Too many question honey".
"Still not gonna tell you".
"Two years... Two years too long". He looked down at his hands.
"Shawn!". Brain ran to the black van pulled Aaliyah in the back seat and waved him over.
Shawn shoots his head up looked behind him his eyes, hidden when he saw a man and a woman running towards us.
"Fuck blood wolves". He dragged me with him pulled in the van next to Aaliyah and turned around raised his hand to a tree and tried to focus.

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