{anything at all to keep me close to you}

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Footsteps followed me out of school. Connor catches up with me
"hey, shawn".
"Hey, con what's up?".
"We go to the club tonight wanna come?".
"Who is coming?".
"Alessia, bri, and y/n".
I looked up from my keys.
"You know I can't bear to look at her".
"So you don't wanna come?".
"Sorry, con". I unlocked my car.
"No, it's okay I'll text you okay". He wanted to walk away. But I grabbed his arm.
"Connor? Can you keep an eye out too for her I don't want y/n to get in trouble"?
"You know me man I'll protect your girl". He slabbed my back
"She isn't mine". I looked down at my feet.
"It can't take forever shawn".
"Really don't make it last forever girls don't like that".
"And you know a lot about the opposite gender".
"Hey, I'm your wingman you have to listen to me".
"You're the best you know".
"I know". He smiled.
I stepped into my car and drove away to my apartment.

I threw my backpack off. I took the bio books out and walked over to the kitchen placing them on the island counter. Filling up my water hotel with freshwater and sitting down starting to highlight everything I had to study for the upcoming exams.

I tried everything flashcards, writing it over, speaking out loud at one point I was so desperate that I even looked on YouTube for video's which explained it but my mind didn't seem to work. I leaned back onto the chair and ran my fingers through my hair. I closed my eyes and tried to focus.
Y/n appeared info my vision looking up from her book to me. He tilted her head a little and examined me.
"You can do this shawn I believe in you".
She managed again leaving me alone in my apartment.

Lie to me y/n please do something anything at all... Keep me close

I stood up and walked over to my studio sat down on the floor in front of my laptop staring to mix a few of my old tunes.
"I've been trying to keep my distance but in an instant, you break me down I know better but I want you I still come to you without a doubt".
I played guitar until my hands got cramp sang until my voice was cracked I lost track of time when I came out of my music haze.
It was nine pm.


Stumbling to my books I have exactly eleven hours to study this all for the test.
"O my God". I scanned the pages of highlighted words everything is highlighted.
I wrote the words over in my notebook, kinda stressed out. I shocked in my water when i saw her name carefully written in the corner of the page. My thoughts drown back to the day she wrote it.
It was a snowing day on the twenty-first of December just before the Christmas holiday. She wore a grey hoodie and black jeans. I remember everything so well.

"Shawn". She tabbed on my tabled.
I looked up at her, she was wearing glasses now.
"How do I look".
"Pretty smart".
She tilted her head and smiled.
"I mean not pretty and smart but pretty smart... I mean just smart". I run my hand through my hair.
"You look smart".
"Well, do you think I'm dumb otherwise"?
"No of course not of course not. Where did you get them".
"From Tess".
Tess the girl who sat next to y/n turned around.
"Can I have them back?".
"Of course". Y/n took them off and gave them to her.
"I couldn't see with them anyway".
I laughed.
"So what are you gonna do this Holliday?". She rested her chin in my hand.
"I don't know write music".
"Well, maybe we can hang out sometimes go to the Christmas market once".
"Yes, I'd love to".
She grabbed a pen and wrote her name on my notes out of bordered on

I stared at it for a while the way her name was written upside down.

Y/n you're really something else...

I was dragged out of my thoughts when Brian called. I panicked living up my books to find my phone
"Where is it?".
I put my hands on my jacket and sigh, pulling my phone from my pocket.
"Hey, brian what's up to how is the club?".
"With me? I'm amazing but y/n not so".
"What happened to her?!".
"She uhm had maybe a little bit too much alcohol".
"Dude, I asked Connor to look out for her".
"He did but kinda got caught up in something with tess".
"Did something happen to y/n?".
"No... Okay maybe she kissed someone and maybe she feels sick right now".
"I'm gonna get her where are you?".
"Cube, on the parking spot".
"I'll be there in five minutes".
I didn't hesitate and grabbed my car key's pulled on my shoes and jacket taking the stairs down and outside.
Y/n is mall cute and vulnerable so y/n in a club like cube was never a good feeling. Even though I love it there it's just not for y/n.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now