{let me just hold you}

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Normally Toronto was bursting with life. But now the fourth wave was the worse of all most people are too scared to even leave their home.
This was the first time in one month that I went outside on my way to shawn's house backpack over my shoulder mask on, even though the streets were empty it's a reflex I feel safe.

"Hey y/n." The doorman from shawn's apartment complex greeted me.
"Good evening." I smiled.
I took the stairways to the roof apartments. Finding shawn's apartment.
I nogged on the door, I had the keys but I don't wanna be like a creep.
An uneased bark welcomed me.
"Aww hey Tarzan."
Nobody answered so I unlocked the door kneeling in front of Tarzan as he attacked me. I took off my mask
"Aww hey, sweet boy yea... I love you." I laughed as he licked my chin.
"Oh hey y/n sorry I didn't hear you." Brian walked from the balcony to me.
"It's okay I have my keys."
"Oh wow, it took just two months for you two to be together for him to give you the key's hé."
"I guess so". I smiled, standing up flowing him back to the balcony.
"Where is he anyway?"
"To the supermarket, he'll be back soon." Brian looked down at the streets below us telling me about the mall their building.
"Y/n, brian!"
I looked down at the streets where my name was yelled.
"Hey, Shawn." I smiled waving at him.
Shawn walked into the apartment complex with two bags from the store.

"Boo." His arms snaked around me.
I froze as I thought I was gonna fall down over the railing.
"Jesus... Shawn doesn't do that!" I pressed my back against his chest.
"Sorry... I missed you."
"We face-timed every day Shawn." I laughed softly.
"Not the same as having you here." He kissed my head.
"Oh, what do we love each other." Brian joked cuddling with Tarzan on the floor.
"Hé I do love you worm we just live together and I see you every day."
"Anyway, that worm of yours is gonna make dinner." He smiled standing up.
"What are we gonna eat?". I walked to him.
"I'll eat you," Shawn whispered biting my nose.
Shawn!". I pushed him away.
Oh no, what did he say?" Brian grabbed a box of spices out of the cupboard.
"That he'll eat me."
"Is that supposed to be dirty or creepy?"
"I don't know." Shawn squeezed me.
"Shawn baby why are you so clingy?"
I missed you". He pressed his face against my neck.
"Hey brian can I help?" I pushed Shawn off of me.
"Yes, can you chop the peppers I'm scared of that?"
"Sure." I grabbed a knife, started to cut it.
A piece of my hair fell in front of its face.
"Don't touch your face it's gonna burn." Shawn grabbed my wrist pulling it down as he smoothed my hair back into a ponytail.
"Shawn please help or stay away." Brian didn't look up from the rice that was cooking.
"I am helping... Helping my bebê." He kissed my temple.
"If you're done helping her can you bring some bowls?" Brian role his eyes.
Shawn hummed in response.

"I like your hair better this way."
"Brian I wanted to say that!" Shawn looked up from his hand ruffling through Tarzan's fur.
"I just formed my opinion".
"Thank you Brian I like it too... It's better this way". I smiled setting down the Queen on the chessboard on the table.
"No problem y/n you look good". Brian eyed his friend.
Shawn almost choked on a piece of salmon.
"Chill down brian".
"I was just joking it's okay". He stood up walking over to the sofa sitting down next to shawn.
"I won't steal hour girl muffin she's yours." He patted his back.

"Baby?" I leaned against the doorframe of shawn's music room.
"Yeah bebê". He looked up from his keyboard.
"I have an extra math class can I sit in your room?"
"Why so late?"
"Mr fires could only at that moment."
"Okay, you can use my room."
"Thank you." I kissed his cheek.
"But I can't promise that I won't break in for some kisses." He smiled pecking my lips.
"Sure." I rolled my eyes. Walking over to shawn's room sitting on the bed turning on the orange salt lamp.
Mr fires called me in.
"Hey good evening y/n how are you?"
"I'm good and you?"
"I'm doing all right only working from home is quite draining."
"I know." I rested my head against the shark's pillow.
"This isn't your room where are you?"
"At my boyfriend's." Tarzan walked into the to jumping onto the bed resting his head onto my shoulder then sniffing the screen".
"Oh hey doggie".
"Tarzan down". I pulled his head on my lap.
"Okay, so let's start where you with your work?"
"At five I didn't understand the rest."
"Oh okay, that's all fine okay so 'a company has a..."
I zoned out as I heard the door open softly Shawn walked in sitting on the end of his bed petting my leg softly.
"Hey, bebê." He smiled lifting my leg on his lap.
I smiled at him.
"Y/n are you listening?"
"Uhm yea." I smiled at the screen.
Shawn clawed over to me taking my hand drawing patterns in my palm.
'Stop' I mounted to him them giggling softly.
"Is your mind still here y/n?"
"Yeah". I eyed Shawn who was shaking his head smiling at me.
Shawn moved next to me kissing my forehead.
"Shawn I have class". I pushed him away but he grabbed my worst holding them with one hand his other on my cheek. Elbow pulling the screen down.
"What you weren't gonna pay attention anyway." Nibbling on my ear.
"I'll think we have to finish math another time."
I pulled the screen up again nodding at me fires as he smiled.
"Thank you sure if you don't mind I'll steal my girl back." Shawn smiled leaving the meeting.
"Why did you had to do that?"
"It isn't fine from them to steal you away from me in the evening."
"I had extra class Shawn, in math you know how terrific I am at math."
"I can teach you."
"You aren't any better."
"Right, what a shame... I can still kiss you that's what matters for me."

I snuggled up against him his bed was more enough space for us.
"I missed this you know holding you." He kissed my head.
I hummed in response tracing the ink of his butterfly tattoo.
His hands waved through my hair twirling a piece on his finger.
"I love your short hair it's adorable."
"Oh really because yesterday you were like 'don't cut it please' what's ups with that?"
"Well, I thought you were gonna bob it."
"I showed you pictures".
"I know but you can be quite impulsive and since that's kinda what every girl does I thought maybe..."
"I'm not impulsive."
"Bebê you are. remember that time you said that you would buy just three books from the bookstore? You bought eleven."
"Well there was one series from six so that doesn't count as a solo book plus everything was in the sale."
"Whatever bebê." He laughed softly.
I smiled closing my eyes drifting off to sleep.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now