{paris in the rain}

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Instantly as I stored out of the train I was hit with the smell of croissant, chocolate, and fresh mind leaves for tea.
Paris is supported to be the city of love even though I've been here a billion times I still didn't found it. The only love I found is my love for crepes with strawberries and molten chocolate which suffered on your though.
"Shawn". Brian snapped his fingers in front of my eyes.
"Come on let's get out of this train station".
We ran up the stairs, walking into the direction of Alessia's apartment. She is our friend and moved five years ago to the outer skirts of Paris. We take every opportunity to visit her, and since we were in Amsterdam for a boy's weekend we took the train do Paris which was just 4 hours away.
"Man, I haven't seen her in ages I'm so excited".
"We went to her with Christmas don't be overdramatic".
"Still too long".
"You still have a crush on her?". I looked at him confused.
"Bri serious?!".
"Well, I can't do anything about it".
"Having a crush on a girl with this distance is not gonna work dude Toronto and Paris".
"I just love her okay dont say anything reminder of you has a major crush on Emma?".
"We dont talk about that anymore". I rolled my eyes.

The streets of Paris buzzed with life it still wasn't holiday season so the tourist count was a lot lower than normal in Paris. People moving themself to work or school shops slowly opening street missions playing guitar. The French language roaming through the air like its the most normal thing ever.

For them it is...

In alessia's street, it was still quiet at this time these people didn't have a resin to stand up for work. My eyes caught a moving van riding into a parking loft. A man and a girl step out. Staring to take boxed out of it.
She looks cute with her hair catching the morning sunlight. She lifted boxes like it was nothing.
Brian tugged on my jacket taking my gaze off of her.
"Come on man". He walked towards the bell panel of the building pressed down the button below 24a.
Alessia's voice cracked thought the speaker.
"Hey, cara i missed you". A smile lighted up brian's face.
"Bri? O my god you're here already come in".
The door opened, we walked in and took to little clasofohibic lift.
As soon as the slide doors opened alessia jumped info my arms dragging me to the ground.
"Wow hey aless". I smiled wrapping me around her tightly.
"Missed you, buddy".
"Missed you too". She looked up from my shoulder to Brian who stood there awkwardly cheeks heated up.
"Aww, come here bri". He wrapped her arms around his neck snuggling her face in his neck. brian heated up even more.
I smiled crossed my arms over my cheat. Waited for them to let go which tool too long I had to prie alessia off.
"Uh yeah, uhm wanna see my apartment? I change it since you two came".
She opened her door and showed us around she had a new wooden floor and changed the kitchen even build an island. On her balcony, she is growing plants and has little birdhouses.
"Cozy aless". I turned around to see my friends smiling at each other like idiots.
"Hey, lovebirds".
They both turn their heads to me and blushed.
"Shut up". Bri rubbed his face.
"Let's go into the city I'm hungry". I walked towards the door.
"We can make luch here too".
"Yes i mean i can make croissant... Or crepes".
"Crepes?". A smile appeared on my face.
"Trust me they are better than on the streets". Alessia smiled and walked over to the kitchen and started working at lunch.
Brian and i hung out at the balcony talking looking at the streets below us.
"What was that stare". I looked at my friend trying to see a hint.
"It was just nothing...".
"I really like her shawn".
"I can see that".
He rested his head on the railing softly groaning.
"I don't know what to do".
"Just say you love her".
"Oh wow, thanks mr wingman".
I smoked ruffled through his ginger hair
"it's gonna be okay".
"No, it's not she is gonna be here living her life finding someone else and I'm gonna be in Toronto alone".
"You're here now".
He lifted his head.
"Boy's lunch is done". Alessia's pulled her head around the doorframe.
Brian's cheeks turned slightly rosy as her eyes cached his.

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