{laced with strawberries}

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I scrolled through my phone. Aimlessly just being bored waiting for my boyfriend to pick me up to go to the cinema we would go to a replay of grace I'm not really into thrillers especially not in the evening when it's all dark.
Shawn never liked romance movies but this time because it's our first anniversary plus he loves music

The bell rang from downstairs bit before I could risk down the stairs mum already opened the door to reveal my beautiful boyfriend fidgeting with the inner of his jacket.
"Hey, Mrs y/l/n". He smiled shyly.
"Good evening shawn sweetie".
I walked down the stairs smiling how he can be still.
"Hey, bub". I hugged him kissing his cheek.
"Hey, baby". He rested his head against my shoulder.
"Happy one year bub". I squeezed him suffering through his hair.
"I love you". I felt his lips curl up on my shoulder.
I smiled taking his face in my hands lifting it slowly, I smiled kissing him.
"Shall we go?". He shortly looked up at me.
I turned to mum.
"Bye mum I'll let you know when I come back". I hugged her.
"If you ever come back". Shawn muttered under his breath.
I smiled shaking my head slightly.

Funny how he can be sometimes

Shawn has always been shy the first few months it was hard for him to open up to me. And everyone around me. But now he is truly himself with me with is good.
He still is around my family and in public. Super shy, that he just talks to my parents if he needs too and if he asks something he whispers it to me.
I told my family they can't blame him because he is shy their understand.
Most people see his shyness as a problem ask me such things as
'Aren't you tired of it?' or 'does he even please you?'.
I never saw it as a problem I just find it super adorable. And shawn isn't shy with me not at all of the people only know the boy he is with me when they aren't around.

I smiled at him as he rested his hand on the small of my back. When we reached the corn or of the street he started talking.
"I love this dress on you though it's cute".
"Aww you look cute too... You know you don't have to shy".
"Can't help it there's think kind of thing what's scaring me off".
"It's so funny how you aren't shy around me". I smiled holding his arm.
"I've selective shyness". He smiled.
"Cute". I smiled kissing his jaw because I cousmt reach his lips.
"No, you're cute look at you a tiny ball of happiness". He wrapped his arm around my shoulder kissing my head.
"I know I'm small but I'm not fat".
"Baby a ball doesn't mean fat I meant it cutely".
"I love you bub". I hugged him.
We walked towards the cinema.

He held the door for me. As I walked in. He took my hand.
"Uhm... baby can you uhm... Talk and buy the tickets". He squeezed my hand.
"Always bub". I kissed the back of his hand.
His face turned red he hid it in my neck.
I walked towards the counter as shawn held my hand still.
"Good evening how can I help you two". The boy behind the counter rested his chin in his hands smiling at me.
"Hey, could I buy two tickers for grease please?".
"Always for you beautiful". He winked handing me the tickets.
"Okay?". I smiled back at I'm confused feel uncomfortable.
Normally shawn should just look down not move but this time he pulled me closer to his chest.
Kissing my head shortly.
"That's 9,99". He shortly looked at me starting back at shawn who swished his weight uncomfortably.
I paid with my phone smiling at shawn to comfort him while leading him to the room where the movie was.
He found a place in the middle of the seats. It was still empty so we basically could sit where ever we want.
"I'm gonna get some snacks". I patted his knee smiling at him.
"Come back soon okay". He squeezed my hand shortly.
I nodded losing his cheek.
Walked back to the door into the hall with the food.
"Hello, how can I help you?". The girls behind the counter smiled.
"Hey, two bottles of water And two chocolate muffins please".
She handed me the food and I paid.
Walking back to shawn a voice called me.
"Hey, beautiful".
I sighed turning around.
"What do you want?".
"Funny i'm dying from laughter here". I rolled my eyes, setting down the food on a table crossing my arms.
"What about you skip the movie I'll take it somewhere else". He walked closer to me talking about my hand
"What about... No". I yanked my hand back.
"Why come on I'm the best you'll ever have". He tilted his head a little.
"I have a boyfriend and he's the best I'll ever have so no". I turned back reaching out for the food but he grabbed my arm.
"Leave him he isn't worth anything".
"Leave me alone". My voice stayed cold.
"You shouldn't stress so much". He smiled inching his face closer to mine.
"Hey, will you shut up?!". I pushed him away.
"No, you stay with me forever".
"Just let me go". I pried his fingers off of my wrist.
Footsteps calmed closer.
"Hey, baby you...". Shawn looked up from his phone at me trying to get away from the boy.
When he spoke his voice was dark and deep his pupils expanded making his eyes look almost black.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now