{gym buddy}

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I rang the bell from shawn's apartment already in my gym outfit so he maybe is motivated to go today. When he opened the door his hair was messy it stuck to his forehead and it was greasy his eyes tired and bloodshot.
"What?". His voice turned.
"Wanna go to the gym with me?". I smiled innocently hoping he would give in. He walked away back into his apartment.
"Shawn!". I followed him.
Shawn floped down onto his sofa as I looked crossed the livingroom. It's a mess. It has been for the past months since his girlfriend cheated on him he hasn't been to the gym with me since he heard the news.
It's devastating for me to see him this way the always cheerful shawn was now inconsolable he opened the lit of a pizza box on the coffee table gulped down a whole bottle of beer.
I looked away from him.
"You're disgusting".
"Don't blame me that I'm a mess... She did this to me".
"Listen shawn I understand that she hurt you but you can't hold on onto cl...".
"Don't say her name". His voice turned he ran his hand through his hair sobbing softly.

Don't cry... don't cry

I sat down next to him shoving as close as possible
"Hey don't cry shawn don't cry". I rested my hand onto his forearm drawing slow circles onto his skin.
"Sorry, I'm a mess".
"It's all okay remember when I was a mess? You were here for me". I took his hand smiling at him.
"That's different it was a one night stand for you ... My relationship is distorted". He looked down at the floor.
"That guy really messed up the experience I don't think I'll ever do it again... But yeah your situation is worst I know".
"Are we complain about our problems right now?". He laughed softly.

I still get a laugh out of him

"I have a lot of problems, and one of them is that my friend isn't happy". I looked up at him.
"I am I just...". He apparently stopped when he saw the look on my face.
"Are you really?". I took his hands looking into his eyes.
With teary eyes, he shook his head.
"No, I'm a mess".
"You have to distract yourself". I stood up dragging him with me but his weight gave him to advance to keep him on the sofa.
"I don't wanna go to the gym".
"You can't let yourself down".
"What does it matter she isn't coming back". He took a bite from the pizza.
"Life isn't only about her". I took the pizza from his hand throwing it back into the box.
"She was my life". He rubbed his face.
I sigh looking around into his apartment.

It has never been this mess...

"What have you been doing ever since you know?". I slowly looked back at him.
"Taking naps, crying and playing FIFA".
"Damn shawn you promised you would take care of yourself". I stood up running my hand through my hair.
"Apparently, i suck at it". He smiled through his tears.
"Come on we go to the gym". I walked towards his bedroom picking up some gym clothes.
"Y/n...". Shawn whined in the background. I just ignored him.

He can't live this way

"Come change". I folded his clothes neatly onto his bed.
Shawn dragged his feet into the room resting his head onto my holder wrapping his arms around me.
"I don't wanna go". He squeezed me
"You have to for me".
"You can go alone".
"You know I'm not comfy alone the weight space is a man place".
"But you're still there". He smiled.
"You don't have to do a lot it's okay if you just run on the treadmill for ten minutes but just come with me get out of this apartment and forget her even if it's just an hour".
"I just want her to come back". His tears fell onto my shirt.
I took his face between my hands firm it up.
"Shawn she isn't coming back anytime soon sorry but that's the truth".
"Why are you so mean?". Tears running down his jaw.
"Sorry but is true people aren't coming back that fast shawn". I rubbed his shoulder.
"I don't... I can't live without her". His voice broke thought sobs he was a big ball of sadness. And I broke my heart to see him this way.
"Hey come on let's change I'll wait in the living room". I ruffled through his hair.
"I'm too sad".
"Shawn I'll get you through this okay".
"I can't even get through this...".
"Shawn do you trust me?". I took his face between my hands.
Big sad caramel brown eyes started back onto mine.
He nodded
"Yes". His response broke a hiccup.
"Good". I smiled and walked away to the living room.
The kitchen was the only space somehow clean I opened the fridge.
Empty. Only a few junk food and protein bars.
"Shawn?!". I closed the fridge door.
"What have you eaten these months?".
"Mostly take out why?".
"Take out for two months isn't healthy!".
"Oh come on it's not like I had the strength mentally to cook".
"I'm worried about you".
He walked into the living room.
"You don't have to be". He ran his fingers through his hair.
I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Really y/n don't worry about me". He took my hand.
"You've been sad nonstop for two months". Starting at our linked hands.
"Yea I've been a little down at my heart".
"Take care of that beautiful heart of yours shawn".
"I do I just...".
"I promise".
"Pinky promise". I lifted my pinky up waiting for him to agree.
"Pinky promise". He smiled hooking his pinky with mine. Then taking my hand resting his palm against mine.
"You're hands a small".
"Like you don't know that". I rolled my eyes.
"I know but it always seems to amaze me". He laughted.
My heart fluttered to he a genial smile on his lips to head laughter leaving his mouth.
"Aww see you're getting happier".
"You made me happier... A bit". He looked around his eyes rested onto one spot. I followed his gaze to see he was staring at a picture of him and cloé.
He sigh.
"She made me happy". He looked into my eyes.
"If you do good in the gym I'll get you a muffin".
"Chocolate chip muffin".
"If you do good".
"Deal". He first bumped my hand.
Shall we go then?". I rolled my eyes.
"Yea come on!". Shawn ran to the door happily.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now