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A few weeks ago I was hanging out with y/n her head resting against my chest while I was playing with her hair we were watching YOU on Netflix until y/n pulled at my hand slightly. She then showed me that there was a new virus in China I was so naive to think that it wouldn't spread over the globe.

I walked around In the supermarket I needed to stock up avocado's because I really love them. the none processed foods were quite on stock but when you walked towards the other supplies like hand gell, toilet paper, and even bags crips some people are really crazy I just can't understand why you should do that.
My phone vibrated into my jacket. I pulled it out and play phone between my neck and ear while grabbing and avocado y/n voice blasted into my ears.
"This virus is such a joke!".
"What happened?".
"Remember when I was sick two weeks ago?".
"When we had a Netflix night?".
"Yes, so I went to the doctor for checkup and... It... It turned out positive".
"No shawn!".
"Don't be scared".
"I'm not it just sucks that I gave to be in quaranteed now".
"So I can't see you?".
"I don't know if they allow you?".
"But we can still call".
"What why!?".
"I... They will take my phone because of people I could give contact with".
"What that stupid they just can take you away from me... They can't take my best friend away!".
"I know shawn but you might have a check-up too".
"Y/n dont blame yourself".
"I'm sorry shawn I didn't want to put you in danger I just... I just thought".
"Y/n it's okay hey it's okay".
"I just love you And I dont wanna hurt you".
"Where are you?".
"Ajax Pickering hospital".
"Just wait be there in a half-hour".
I literally dropped the food from my hand and quickly walked towards the exit and ran home when I was in my apartment I grabbed my guitar I wrote a song for her because she was going through a rough time last year and I wanted her happy this might the my last chance to sing it to her. I locked my door and jogged to my car drove to this hospital.

I ran through the sliding doors for the hospital looking for her.
"Good evening, sir, can I help you?".
"Hey yes, Yea... Uhm do you know we're y/n y/l/n is?".
"Y/n y/l/n?".
"Yes, she has to go in quarantine and I have to see her".
The woman looked up from her laptop.
"What's your name, young man?".
"Shawn, shawn Peter Raul mendes".
"Listen shawn I think I need to remind you that she is tested positive for the covid-19 virus and you can't see her".
"Strick rules".
"I gave to see her!".
"Are you family?".
"No but.."
She smiled at me sadly.
"I understand that you are worried about your girlfriend...".
"Best friend".
"Best friend, but you can't see her".
I started panicking

I can't see her I can't see y/n...

"Listen I have to see her I have to I love my best friend and I won't let her alone!".
"Shawn can I gently ask you to leave the hospital now? we are closing for visits".
I leaned over the counter until my face is inches from hers. she steps back quickly.
"I won't leave her".
She rapidly typed something on her laptop and I saw an opportunity to run towards the halls. I look through the windows all the patients here affected with the virus the whole intense of care is filled with it.
She wasn't in any of the rooms so I started screaming her name.
I ran further and stumbled over my own feet
I looked to the side where the sound came from.
She looks bad really bad she normally isn't too thin but I could see her ribs through her shirt. Her skin color was replaced by a grey color. Her eyes were bloodshot.
I ran towards her but two men held me back dragged me by my shoulders rudely.
"Six feet distance from her!".
"What no you can't do that to me you can't do that to us!".
"There are rules".
"And she is my friend!". I hit my elbow in one of the guards in his nose yanked my arm back from the other. I stumbled over to y/n and hugged her as tight as I could without breaking her. She lingered a few seconds but then pushed me away and stumbled back.
"We can't shawn".
"I'm sorry".
The one-man took me in his grip the man with the bloody nose I have took y/n and they both took us to a quarantine room separated, of course, opposite from each other so I could still see her thought the widow.

I sat there for a few minutes just staring at her, her fragile body curled up in a corner of the massive white room she looked even smaller than she already was
I was shaking this week everything changed it seems to be three months I'm scared now of what will happen to us what will happen to all the students who need to do exams this year. What will happen to the people who might list their jobs what will happen to the older people it they get it I'm terrified for my grandparents. What will happen to the government if they can't do it anymore and if the intensity of care is too full?
Most importantly I'm scared for y/n and myself I know I can't die from it and y/n is strong too but. What if we never can hug each other anymore what if people stay away from us because I'm sure our story is in the news now.

My family!

I need to call mum...

I shoved towards the glass y/n looked up sadly.
"No Shawn not now". She propped her legs under her.
"Do you think they have a phone here?."
She shook her head.
"We can't have contact with anyone".
I moved back leads my back against the wall
I grabbed my guitar and strummed on it.
I started to sing the song I wrote for her.
She walked over towards the window, lay her hand on the glass. And smiled. "Thank you".
I lay my guitar down and walked over to the glass separating us.
"I miss you".
"I'm right here Shawn".
"I miss hugging you not six feet apart".
"We just have to get through this".


Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now