{when the feeling's gone}

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"Wow, you have a billboard here?!". I looked at the Billboard from a Yamazaki ad with shawn as a model.
"I was just modeling bubbly".
I smiled and rested my head on his sholder.
"You're the most beautiful model goofball".
He laughed quietly and kissed my forehead.
I closed my eyes snuggling my face into his neck.
"Still sleepy?". He rubbed my arm.
I hummed in response too sleepily to actually talk.
"We are at the hotel in a few minutes then let's take a nap".
"But, Shawn...".
"No bubbly don't talk sstt we have time enough to explore Japan today anyway we have no rush since we are here for a week".
"I love you".
"Love you too".
"Which day's do you have to work?".
"Tomorrow and Friday".
"Can I be there?'.
He kissed my cheek.
"Of course".

The car stopped in front of The Tokyo Station Hotel where we were going to stay this week it's a classic hotel eight minutes away from the center.
"Come on bubbly just a little walk".
I pulled my face from his neck and opened the door. Stepped outside.
He went outside too and helped your personal driver for this week. benoy. With our luggage.
"Thank you benoy see you tomorrow".
See you two tomorrow". Benoy handed shawn my backpack and waved at me.
Shawn handed me my backpack and little suitcase, rolled his own two suitcases inside.
"Goodmorning welcome to Tokyo station hotel my name is Michi".
"Good morning we had a room reservation".
"I see must be at mendes".
"Room 108 tomorrow your driver benoy will pick you up at half-past nine".
"Thank you for the info".
"Always mr mendes if you or Mrs mendes need something just ask".
"We aren't married". I smiled as my cheeks burned up.
"Oh sorry, Mrs y/l/n".
Shawn leaned into my ear.
"Not yet".

O my God this boy...

"Just joking bubbly". He kissed my head.
Our baggage was sent to our room so we didn't have to carry it Walking through the halls taking the lift to the first floor.
I leaned heavily against shawn fighting my eyes to close and fall asleep.
"Bubbly... Did you just dozed off for a second?".
"Sorry, I'm just so tired".
He bent down and picked me up bridal style and walked out of the lift looking for our room, and sliding the card over the scanner. He lay me down on the bed carefully and flooded down next to me.
"I really need some sleep". He turned his head to me.
"Yea...". Before I could even finish my sentence I dozed off.

An hour and a half I woke up pulling myself from the mattress and looking around. The sun started rising in the sky which means that it must be 'late' morning. nine o clock.
The room was clean. Everything just neatly folded and placed straight except for the bed we're the pillows and duvets are crumbled.
The little cute ball of covers next to me. Aka shawn. was softly snoring mouth slightly open and his hair was all over the place on his head. He didn't bother to change into some other clothes. Just like me, I slept in my jeans and hoodie.
I smiled and scooted closer to him kissed his cheek and brightened my lips to his ear.
"Hey, little cute cover goofball... Wake up".
He moved an inch away from me pulling the covers tighter over his body.
"One minute bubbly".
"Come on you have to get used to this timezone".
He yawned and stretched himself out rubbing his eyes shaking the sleep of him.
"Hey, goofball". I roled and eyes and smiled.
"I'm hungry".
"Aww is your stomach upset that it didn't get food?". I patted his stomach softly.
"Don't do that". He swatted away my hand.
"I'll get us some food". I gazed my thumb over his cheek-scar, kissed his forehead once more.
"Come on let's go to the lobby I heard they have a lounge here".
"Muffins?". His eye grew bigger and lightened up.
"I'm sure they have muffins".
He sat up and rubbed his eyes. And took my hand.
"Do I look propped enough to go down into that lobby?".
"You always are only your hair is a little messed up". I tried to smooth back his curls.
"That's just how my hair works... Don't even try you'll just make it worst".
I smiled at him and kissed the back of his hands.
"Why that?".
"Because I love you".
"I love you too". He smiled.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now