{our love locks}

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New years eve. The first year I'm gonna spent my new year alone here in the hospital. Without my parents without my siblings without my friends and without Shawn.
After three years we can't chain our love lock on a bright at any place in the world we can't throw the key in the river or water stream underneath.

For the first time, I felt lonely here in my hospital room, doctors say it's necessary for me to stay here with year change if something happens they will be close enough to might save my life, but it hurts me on my heart to not have Shawn here.
Ever since I went back in here my heart carried a weight on it. After the accident, doctors kept me in a coma to save me from dying. Shawn wasn't able to see me for seven days.
From the moment they allowed him to see me he was spending all his time left over at my hospital room but most of the time I was sleeping.

I sat on the windowsill watching videos of Shawn and me sharing our first kiss under fireworks.
The year after people made a similar video but now we locked a little black lock on the bright we were standing on shawn threw the key in the river underneath it.
The second-year we had a silver lock.
The third-year we had a golden one.

How should it have been looking like this year I guess I never find out.

I looked out of the window to the bright the water streaming underneath it.

It would have been a perfect place for our fourth lock.

"Y/n Y/l/n?".
"Blood check".
"You can take it off here".
The nurse walked over to me injected the needle under the skin.
"Sorry that we can't give you a leave of absence for new Year eve".
"It's okay if something happens you are here to make sure I don't die".
"We aren't that retrain about that".
"What do you mean?".
"Your lifespan is decreased to thirty years".
"I have time enough".
"Just don't settle too early".
She walked away left me alone in my room again.

It was ten o clock now, two more hours. Shawn will celebrate a new year, without me.
I can't be able to kiss him to hold to feel him to hear him and it broke my heart.

He doesn't even know...

As if he felt that I was thinking about him his name popped up on my screen, I accepted the call.
"Hey, cutie".
"Hey, Shawny".
"How is it there?".
"I want you here shawn".
I felt the lump in my throat rise, my vision became blurry.
"Y/n, hey cutie are you crying?".
"It's okay Y/n".
"No, I just need you here shawn".
"Need me, as in?..".
"No, not that way, I wanna hug you".
"Y/n I'm sorry".
"no I am sorry I know you're with your parents and Aaliyah now, can you tell them 'I love you' please?".
"Always cutie".
"I love you shawny".
"I love you so much more Y/n"
"Bye shawny".
"Bye cutie".

I lay my phone down slowly stared at the dark cloudy sky, which is a few hours will light up by fireworks, I will be watching it behind this window, whispering a good new year to myself and after when I find some piece to sleep I'll doze off.

I heard a click of my door being unlocked I was the only patient who gathered have the door locked.
"Be kind to her, She seems so lonely, the last couple of days".
I ignored the voice from my nurse leaned against the cold window.
Footsteps approved me.
"Hey, cutie".
His voice made me held still. Not wanting to turn around, afraid I would disappoint him by my state where I'm in now, another part of me couldn't even believe it.
I felt his hand squeeze my upper arm.

I dare you to look at him!

"Hey Y/n it's me, Shawn".
I turned around to meet his eyes. I haven't seen him in one month, tears build up in my eyes.
I hugged him as tight as possible.
"I missed you".
"I missed you too cutie".
I let my hands travel to his curls.
"Your hair has grown".
"I knew you love it though"
"Don't let it grow too long".
When I let go he examined me worry grow on his face.
"You are thinner, like too thin".
"It's something normal with the sickness".
"How long is the lifespan?".
I looked down u want wanna talk about my lifespan. Shawn took my face between his hands, Lifted it up.
"Short enough not to settle in with you".
"How long?".
"Thirty years".
"Shawn promise me that you will move on if I die".
"You won't die".
"I will please shawn".
"I know I just can't imagine a World with you gone" tears fall down his cheek, I kissed his nose, wiped his tears away with my sleeve.
"Shawny... I love you".
"I love you too Y/n".
He sat behind me motion me to lean against his chest.

We stayed like this for a while shawn told me stories about his parents being twenty-three years together. And Aaliyah having a boyfriend now.

"Ten minutes".
"I am so happy that you are here Shawny".
"I wouldn't rather be somewhere else cutie".
"Likewise Shawny".
"Come on let's go outside"
"Let's go outside".
Shawn, I don't know if I'm allowed to".
"Screw that it's nearly new year cutie".

The cold air hit me, I started to sliver immediately. I haven't been outside for months, I only get fresh air through the window in my room.
"Come here let me keep you warm".
I pressed myself into his chest he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.
Sometimes fireworks already explode in the sky, shawn linked our hands as we walked to the bright, To stand there.

"I uhmm...".
"Shawn what's wrong?".
He dropped to one knee.

No... No, not now!

He took a white lock, out of his pocket with a golden number four on it.
"O my god shawny you scared me".
"no, I won't give you a heart attack".
"You still got me" I helped him up onto his feet.
"I love you".
"I love you too".
He handed me the beautiful little white lock I caress the golden number. Before I cough down to lock it on the bright.
"A bit higher".
"Now to the left".
"A bit to your right side".
"Yes perfect".
He kneeled down too, covered my hands with his. We locked the lock on the bright.
I turned around in his arms, gave him the key He threw it into the water, as I leaned against his shoulder.

He took his phone out counted the seconds off all loud.
"8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1" he counted down the numbers of seconds.
He pulled me closer by my waist.
"Happy new year cutie".
"Happy 2020 Shawny".
"I hope we have a lot of years together".
I kissed him under the fireworks, just like every other year.
Our fourth year. I watched the white lock shining in the moonlight being illuminate by the fireworks.

Shawn kissed me a lot, but he still managed to do weird things to my body, he always stopped time for me.

He pulled back. And kissed me on my nose then my forehead.
I took his hand kissed the back of it.

He hugged me from behind as we watched the lock shine I though back all those four years.

Our love locks

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now