{his homework}

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I wrote the last thing what my teacher wrote on the whiteboard in my notebook.
I catch the noise of shawn's laughted. Which made my heart melt. I glanced over to him and everything inediantly zoned out. All the sound in the classroom became dull.
He turned back to write over the United from the board glanced back quickly and laughted quietly at something what Conner said. Brian showed him something on his phone as they had the best time in class.

He is so cute...

His curls hang in front of his face. His eyes behind the glasses he wore traveled from his paper to the board and back. Then he held still though about something, scribbles something on his paper and smiled quietly. I smiled at his act of cuteness, completely lost in his vibe.

"So y/n why isn't that productive?".
I shoot out of my trance looked back at my teacher.
"You weren't really paying attention were you?".
"No sorry".
"No problem just look at it and think with me".
"I looked at the board a picture of a two-course system was visible.
"I don't know sorry".
Conner laughed at my reaction as i turned to him, shawn looked at me and mounted something I couldn't understand.
I raised my eyebrow at him.
My teacher sigh and explained it to me.

The last bell rang I walked towards my locker and tried to open it as always it was stuck. I threw my first against it as I yanked it open.
I looked beside the little door of my locker and saw shawn holding his swollen red noise.
I turned red myself looked at him froze.

I just hurted him with my locker, pretty romantic...

"O my God I'm sorry are you okay?".
"Yes, I'm fine it's just a bit red."
"Sorry, shawn I really didn't mean it to happen".
"I know you wouldn't hurt me on pursue".
I stared at him, while he opened his locker and. Pulled out his backpack. I snapped out of it when he turned back.
"Anyway, I have an offer".
"An offer?".
"Yes, since you aren't doing well in logistics... Well, I thought maybe I can help you".
I looked at him seriously raised my eyebrow.
"Okay, what do you want?".
"Nothing I just wanna help you".
"Shawn". I folded my arms over my chest.
"My grades in history are really dropping and I need your help".
"You want me to help you with your homework".
"But you are still gonna torture me?".
"Of course".

He wants to help me with studying!

"Okay good... yea... okay amazing".
"Yes, no problem".
I watched him staring at me. My cheeks turned red.
"My house".
"I need to pick up my books at my house".
"Can I... Can I walk with you?".
I pulled on my leather jacket and followed him.

He found his car at the parking loft, opened the door for me.
He smiled, showing his perfect white teeth.
I sat down and bucket myself up. In the meantime, he sat down behind the steering wheel and stared at the car.
He turned up the music on Spotify, kings of lion started singing through the boxes.
"What music do you like?".
"uhm... Avicii, lauv, lewis Capaldi and Ed Sheeran".
"I love ed and kind also kings of lion". He handed me his phone.
"Turn on your favorite song".
I typed in I'm so tired from Lauv. His voice boomed through the speakers.
He smiled at me when I started to sing on the top of my lungs.

Shawn turned off the music and parked the car in front of his house.
"Wanna come with me?".
"Uhm... Yea of course".
He stepped out opened my door and took my hand, we walked towards the door and he unlocked it with his free hand.
"Hey, mum".
A woman with blond hair walked out of the kitchen.
"Hey, shawn".
"Mum this is Y/n... Y/n this is my mum Karen".
She smiled at me gave me a feeling of safety.
"Hey, sweetheart nice to meet you".
"Nice to meet you too".
I shook her hand and looked down shyly.
"She is shy".
"She is a beautiful girl".
I smiled.
"Well, I'm gonna get books and we are gonna make homework at her house".
"Okay honey don't be home too late okay".
"I won't mum".
He took my hand again and ran up to the stairs.
When he opened the door to his room, I literally stepped onto his soul. The room was filled with family photo's desk covered with school books and papers. Next to his window, he got his guitar on a standard and his laptop. A little music studio.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now