{the forbidden girl}

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Her fragile body stood in a crowd of people talking to a group of girls. Her hair was smoothed back in a braid, hidden under the cap of her hoodie. The bottoms of her jeans were folded back. The soles of her sneakers made her a good five inches taller but it still doesn't change the facts that she is the tiniest cutest human being I've ever seen. I don't know why I always feel drained do her maybe it's how she doesn't try to impress people or the way she smiled. All of a sudden looks like a child even though she is just a few years younger than all of us here. At that moment I knew certainly.

I have to protect her...

"Shawn can you stop staring at me little sister as a freak?".
I turned to brian who sat next to me on the sofa.
"I wasn't staring".
"You were". He took a sip from his beer.
"I was just the checking if she's okay".
"She is don't worry I'm her brother that's my job".
"But she looks...".
"Shawn dude chill she is happy". Brian patted my shoulder.
I looked at her and smiled. Her eyes met mine she miles back and waved me over to her spot.
Before I could stand up Brian held my down by my arm.
"Dude what did you promised?".
"That I won't eat your cookies ever?".
"Not that one".
"I won't laugh at you for your leak of soccer skills".
"Not, that idiot... Don't flirt with my little sister!".
'I wasn't".
"Your eyes we're".
I looked down at my shoes.
"I try brian but I already do this for three years can't you just let me?".
"I could but then you'll let me with Aaliyah".
"Bro, you don't flirt with my little Aaliyah she is just a baby".
"So is y/n!".
"Okay, I won't".
"Good, my sister is off-limits if it comes to dating dude just remember that".
"And so is Aaliyah brian just that you know". I looked him in the eye.
"Aaliyah is off limits as long as y/n is off limits with you as room as you start trying I know where I can find Aaliyah".

He knows my weak spot so good

Aaliyah has always been my breakpoint talk bad about her and I'll break you. As an overprotective person, in general, my little sister was my priority number one.
"That's what I thought".
I looked back at y/n she raised her eyebrow at me in question. I heaved my shoulder and smiled. She rolled her eyes.
"Shawn!". She waved me over again just ignore her". Brain didn't let go of my arm.
Y/n shoot brian a death glace and walked up to us.
"He bri". She sat down between us and hugged her bother.
"Are you okay, cute bug?". Brian ran his fingers through her hair softly.
She nodded.
"Your girl-friends are nice, but for the rest, I've really nothing to do".
"Do you want a drink? I get you a beer". Brian wanted to stand up but y/n held him back.
"It's okay I don't drink you know that".
"Y/n mum and dad are okay with it even I am".
"I know but still, I don't like alcohol".
You're a weird kid cute bug". He ruffled his hand through her hair playfully.
She pushed him back and fixed her hair.
"I'm at least not getting raped by some drunk guy".
"Oh, trust me that will never happen not on my watch".

And not on mine neighter...

"Brian come here!". Alessia smiled at him.
Brian stood up and walked over to her.
Y/n sigh and got closer to me.
"How can you even bare one minute with my brother volunteered I'm barely keeping it up with him".
"Brian is the best friend ever trust me it's just because he is your brother".
"He is so overprotective".
"I understand him I'm an overprotective brother to remember?".
She smiled and looked at me.

Don't look at me like that I can't be with you your the forbidden girl

"I mean I can't even talk to a boy without him hanging on our lips". She swung her feet in the table.
I laughed quietly. She looked at me confused.
"We are taking now".
"You're his best friend".

That's why it's so hard...

She rested her arm on the backrest and placed her head in it.
"You know i kinda like you".
My heart started beating faster till the point I thought it would jump out of my chest.
"Yes sorry no offend to Brian and your other friends but they are kinda dumb... Trying to talk to me and all".
I looked at the spot where brian was but it's not empty.
"Where is brian?".
"I don't know to make out with alessia or something" y/n fitted with. The ring on her finger.

He just lied about Aaliyah!

"Come on". Y/n dragged me up from the sofa, across the crowded room upstairs.
"Wait how do we know we don't walk into a couple shucking each other faces off?". I dragged her back against my chest she looked up at me and blushed slightly.
I smiled at her reaction.
"No, because I have the keys". She pulls away from me and unlocked the door.
She jumped onto her bed. I leaned against admiring her for a while. Smiling at her act of laziness.
"Come here". She patted on the mattress.
I say down ran my hand through my hair.
"Why did you bring me here?".
"Don't know sometimes I need a recharge moment and I don't wanna be loney. She dragged herself up and sat next to me.
"I don't think brian wants this?".
"Yes, I know his friends are off-limits".
"And you are off-limits for me too". I smiled. Walking over to her desk chair and sat down. Looking around her room slowly.
Her room was light one wall pained soft baby blue. Covered with polaroids from her friends, maps, and posters from different places. Plants filled the room at almost every corner.
Weird little crystal balls hung in front of her window.
"What are those?" I pointed at the crystal looking back at her
"If the sun reflects in them they make little rainbows in my room I'm really influenced by my environment and it makes me happy". Some smiled and took her phone from her nightstand. Turning on colored light strips.
"Which color?".
"Which colors does it have?".
"Literally any color you can imagine". She laughter.
She handed me her phone and sat on the carpet in front of me.
I put the lights on the same color as her wall.
"Yes, it is".
We sat there for a while quietly looking at the lights.
"So you are a sensitive girl... Since you are influenced by your environment so much".
"Yes, I pretty am high sensitive as you can call it that's why bri is overprotective with me because I can be pretty hard to handle".
"He just doesn't want to you get hurt".
She nodded and smiled.
"I guess boys don't really like me".

Wait, what... I do!

"Why do you think that?".
"Because they want a confident girl who likes to show off her body... Well, I'm not that person I'm kinda a softy". She smiled sadly and looked down at her hands.
I sat on the floor next to her hand took her hand loosely.
"Not all guys hate soft girls". I squeezed her hand softly.
"Yea sure...".
"I mean it I like soft girls I will rather be at home cuddling on the sofa than being in a club knowing she would get herself in trouble". I heaved up our hands and kissed the back of hers.
"Thank you, Shawn, for making me feel better". She kissed my cheek softly and smiled. But I know I can't go any further. Because I can't break my friendship with brian.

The forbidden girl

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now