{bleu moon}

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"Why don't you have a costume aculy?". Luccy looked up at me with his big eyes.
"I do have a costume I'm a scary babysitter who eats children in their sleep". I hugged him tightly.
He shied away from a bit.
"Are you gonna eat me?".
"Lucky if that was real I should behave been you a long time ago already". I smiled.
"You aren't a child eater?".
"They don't exist".
"And vampires?".
"Zombies... Ghosts?".
"All these things you hear about at Halloween aren't real". I took a candy bar from his basket tapping his nose.
"Not even werewolves?". He unwrapped a soft candy ball chewing on it.
"Not even werewolves exist lucky". I smiled comforting him but mostly myself I'm scared of wolves I dont like them even big dogs scare me to the dead already. So I realy wanna believe they dont exist.

I hope they don't...

"Sadly werewolves are cool shawn talks about them a lot".
"And if shawn tells you you think it's treu?".
He nodded
"I do he knows a lot about them he has even a wolve teeth".
"Discussing". Tried not to throw up.
"He tells stories about fighting one he won".
"That's impossible even if the would exist they can't fight them". I smiled.
"It's cold". He pressed his body again to my side.
"I pulled my jacket over his shoulder.
Yes, it is let's go back to your home". I smiled. Walking him back.

After dropping off lucky I walked over three doors unlocked the door thing off my shoes quickly.
Suffering over go the kitchen boiling some water for tea.
My phone went off as I answered it saw shawn's picture in the background.
"Hey y/n".
"Shawn what the heck why are you telling lucky about things that don't exist?!".
"What about the werewolves?".
"Yes don't tell him lies Shawn".
"You don't know if they exist or not".
"God do you believe that still?".
"Have you ever seen one?".
"No that's why it isn't true".
"How do you know then?".
"You...o my God Shawn".
"Anyway, how are you?".
"I'm good just home from trick or treating with lucky".
"Can you give me some candy too?".
"You're five years old Shawn".
"What I like candy".
"You love muffins".
"I do... But you know what I love more?".
"Okay good tell me". I rolled my eyes.
"Human flesh". He joked.
"Can you shut up with the werewolves stuff?".
"No, maybe I am one".
"Sure you are Shawn". I nodded not believing him at all.

Werewolves don't exist their myths

"then don't believe me fine".
"You're only laying to yourself, Shawn".
"Fine wanna make a night walk?".
"Night walk with you". I tried not to brief out laughing.
"Yes please".
"Why not?".
"You'll scare me off with your werewolves stuff".
"Maybe I even turn into a werewolf".
"Shut up no!".
"Okay okay, I'll stop".
Thank you".
"Why are you so scared of werewolves exactly?".
"I don't know their big dog's so unpredictable".
"Okay good to know".
"Why so you can scare me off more".
"Kinda like that". He chuckled.

Starting at the big moon it's bleu moon today pretty ironic if you ask me I wrapped my hands over my cup of tea. A weird feeling of unrest boiled up into my stomach.

Shawn was right...

He told me a lot about the moon and its different phases it went through also about the bleu moon one of the rates phases of the moon I wonder why he's so fascinated about the moon and the moon only because when I asked about the zodiac sigs he didn't know a lot about it.
Shawn is a special human being he's sweet and funny but has something unusual. I knew it the first day I saw him he was different that was five years ago he was just two months seventeen but in my eyes he was old I started to admire him he's though and handsome on the outside but I like to describe him as beautiful and shy. Sometimes it seems like he has a million different faces.
The boy confused me a lot I like him but he's so distant from me.
"At least he talks to you". I smiled to myself.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now