{you'll be thinking of me}

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"Goodbye shawn". Sara waved at me.
"Bye Sara". I walked out of the sliding doors of the gym putting my earbuds in, to the streets back home.
I looked up at the bar were y/n and I was getting drunk followed by that augment which was our breakup. The moment flashed by like a movie

my body felt warm even though it was cold night alcohol was rushing through my veins my vision inside the bar was blurry which made my head spin because now everyone was sharp and raw on my eyesight even my hearing picked up everything a little bit too well which made it thousand times worst y/n was weakly standing on her feet
"I told you not to drink that much!". I shoot her a death glance.
"You're just as drunk as me". She leaned against a wall. Rating her eyebrow at me arrogantly.
"I'm not!". I walked towards her the all angry I couldn't tell if she was scared or irritated.
"You are!". She pushed me away.
"Yes!". She hit my shoulder.
I stared at her for a while feeling the slight pain spread across my chest.
"Did you just hit me?". My eyes widen in disbelieve she never hit me not on purpose.
She didn't respond looking away from me.
"Why did you hit me?". I tried to catch her gaze.
I waited a while for an answer but after a minute I lost my patience I knew y/n wasn't amazing in communication when I was angry but she could just answer me.
"Why did you do that?!". I grabbed her wrist twisting it.
"Let go...". She looked up at me.
"No, tell me why did you hit me?!".
"Let go... Let go of me!". she yanked her wrist back healing my fingers off.
"Why..!". Some people passed us so I stopped leaning my arm against the wall above her, lowering my head towards hers.
"Why did you hit me?". I stared at her.
"Answer me y/n!". I got the wall with my fist, y/n froze. Normally I should apologize right now but my anger is hard to control.
She looked down playing with the ring on her finger the ring I gave her on our first anniversary.
"I'm still waiting for an answer y/n". I heaved my voice.
"I was angry okay". Her voice was barely louder than a whisper.
"What?". I look down at her.
"I was angry!". She looked up starting into my eyes.
"So am I but that doesn't mean you can hit me!". I started back into hers.
"I'm pretty sure if you were in my shoes you should hit me too".
She wasn't lying.
"Now please step away".she pressed her back against the wall trying to create some space between our bodies. I kept standing we're I was my feet nailed to the ground.
"Shawn, I said step away".
I took a little step back not wanting to aculy follow her commands.
She rolled her eyes and bumped my shoulder walking away from me.
"Where are you going?!". I turned around.
"Away from you". She didn'striped walking.
"Hey no, you're not walking away from me!". I ran a few her and grabbed her hand. Punching the side of her head.
She stumbled back rubbing the point where I hit her.
"Wow I was right you would hit too... Thanks, hé". she smiled at me sadly, walking towards her car leaving me behind.
"Not worry about me I'm gonna crash at bri!". She started the car and drove away.

I'll never forget that day that I realized I lost her. I reached for the keys in the pocket of my jacket I'm kicking the door slowly. Stepping into the hall hanging up my jacket taking off my shoes.
Connors's head peaked out of the ajar door. He waved at me.
"Hey, Connor how did it went with Caleb?". I throw my key's on the table. Leaning against the wall.
"After an hour of trying he to put him to bed her fell asleep".
"I'm sorry Caleb has a hard te sleeping when I'm not around".
"It's okay he's sweet". Connor smiled.
"He sure is".
Dull footsteps came closer to a door opened. And reviled Caleb sleepily rubbing his eyes my old birt stuffed animal trapped between his chest and his little arm.
"Caleb hey buddy".
"Dad you're home".
"Why are you here?".
"I couldn't sleep... Sorry, dad I know you told me I should try but I already tried three times". He shuffled closer to me wrapping his arms around my waist. He glanced over at Connor.
"You have to go?".
"Yes, celeb I have to go back to maya". He grabbed bis phone and his key's walking towards the door.
I followed him with celeb lining on me.
"Thanks, con". I waved at him.
"No problem shawn". He smiled.
"Bye uncle Connor". Celeb waved sleepily at him, Connor waved back until he stepped into his car.
I looked down at the celeb who rested his head against my hip. I picked him up, walking over to his bedroom.
"I don't wanna sleep". He rested his head onto my shoulder.
"But you look tired". I ruffled thought his hair.
"I'm not".His head a hoot up smiling at me.
"You're still gonna try to sleep, buddy". I opened the door with feet laying him down in his bed.
"So how was it with Connor?".
"Uncle Connor is funny... He told stories when he first met you".
"You had fun?".
"I did we made pancakes really big ones". He drawer figures in the air mimicking how large they were.
"That's amazing". I smiled kissing his forehead.
"Goodnight dad". He yawed burying himself into the blanket.
"Goodnight buddy". I tried to smooth his hair back hit he swatted my hand away slowly, I smiled reaching out for the night lamp on his bedside table.
"No I don't need a light lamp I'm already six".
"You're sure?". I stared at him as he stated back with his ice-blue eyes.
He nodded.
I nodded back slowly walking away.
Even before I was into the living room Caleb respond out of nowhere.
"Wait, dad...".
I shuffled back towards his room.
Can the nightlamp on?". Leo was pressed into his chest and he was shaking.
I quickly turned on the light.
"Of course they don't be scared". I hugged him.
"What if there's a monster?".
"Monsters don't exist". I rubbed his back.
"Elli said they do".
"Monday when your back at school you tell her they don't".
He nodded slowly.
"You think you can sleep?".
"Yes, dad".
"Good". I kissed his head and went back to the living room. Making some peppermint tea scrolling thought Instagram. Mostly through y/n's account.
Y/n is married to nick he is sweet from how far I know him. He makes her happy that's what matters.
Her wedding photos we're beautiful she asked my friend Josiah to be the photographer for that day, she first invited me too. But I lied that I have a rely on an important meeting I couldn't miss.
I still wished I was her man now that I was the one next to her that I was the only one who put that ring on her finger. That I could see her live in her beautiful wedding dress that I could kiss her.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now