{i was supposed to kill you}

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My heart broke somehow when the child was separated from their parents. Families begin dragged out of their houses.
"Shawn!". Connor's voice reached my ear.
"How is the situation now?".
"It goes perfectly". I tied to keep my voice as normal as possible, but my heart was racing.
"Where are you?".
"Block E5".
"They are taking away the y/l/n family you take the front to guard I take behind".
I waited for him to jog towards me. The door from the house next to me. Shouting and screaming reached my ear as I reflex I wanted to help the family but I know I need to help the guards to take them to the capital i'm not here to help them now I'll help them later.
"No stop get off of me let me go!". A young male's voice screamed out.
"Sebas don't". They dragged the family out of their house.
The son all angry, the father almost in tears, and the mother stone-cold starting in front of her without any feeling to be read of her face.

God if she had a daughter I would so date that girl

In the corn or of my eye I was Connor jogging towards me. I took that as I Singh to move to walk in front of the guards as extra protection for them not to run away. I forced myself not to look over my shoulder too scared that I feel sorry for them. I took a short look at my dad walking behind me his grip on the son Ever since I'm the son of the highest military man I'm involved in keeping the population on track
Dad smiled at me I returned the smile.

It doesn't feel right though

I turned back walking towards our capital.
"Shawn you're finely here I was already worried about you". Brian smiled.
"Go back to city kid this is the military ground". Some Guards wanted to grab him taking him away.
"No please he'd my best friend". I held my hands up for then to wait.
"Guys let him go". Dad pressed his hand on my shoulder.
The guards let go of brian.
"So their base becomes stricter with seconds doesn't it?". He smiled nervously.
"Calm down you aren't gonna get shot if you stay with me".
"I won't leave your side buddy". He patted my solder.
I smiled pulling my arm over his neck.
"Mendes junior". I turned around by hearing my name.
"Just call me Shawn".
"You need to be back in sector Y for guarding".  

I scanned the streets it was empty my gun in my hands. Waiting for something to move.
Even though I know I wrong shoot I'm too scared for that.
In the light of the mikn appeared a shadow. Running towards the other house. I raised my gun walking towards the moving shadow.
Stay where you are!".
It didn't slow down.

God admits!

I started running towards it following the moving figure.
When I drawer closer I got some feathers in focus.
She or at least i assume it was a she... She was small I could easily tower over her or pick her up and draft her over my shoulder. Her hair was cut short just below the shoulder as most girls have in sector Y.
A glimp of the signature outfit if sector Y catches the light.
A light blue hoodie and black jeans.

God, she runs fast

I flowed her towards the hotter from the street to the forest.
What she might not know is that there's a gate now.
Perfect timing to corner her.
I smiled running faster. Reaching for the fabric of her hood pulling her back towards me.
"What are you planning on doing?!".
"Shit I knew I better could move over the roofs". She thing her head.
"Not the smart from you". I leaned in closer to her ear.
"Not that smart at all".
She smelled like forest and fresh bread. 
She hit me on the side of my head even before I could feel the pain I passed out to hit my head hiring the ground.

When I opened my eyes I was blinded by the sun my whole body hurted I couldn't even move. I turned my head slowly. To see I was in the forest all the way dragged over the gate. By her.

Not only fast but strong too

"It took a hell long time for you to wake up". The girl coughed down in front of me. Now in the morning, I could see her facial feature better.
Soft flawless skin imtermating prying eyes, her hair shining in the light of the morning sun. My eyes traveled down to her hands. Holding a gun. A sig p320 just like mine.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now