{daydreams on paper}

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I lay on the sofa running my hand through Tarzan's fur, watching y/n write. Hair into a braid a did for her, blue light filtered glasses on her nose, wearing grey sweatpants and one of my silk blouses. It's fascinating looking at her while she is typing away completely disoriented from this world.
She has been writing this book for years now even before I met her. Today she was writing the last chapter, her nose changed up starting at the screen. She hummed for a while tapping her computer with her nails softly.
A little gasp left her lips then her hands went back to the keys.
I smiled looking at Tarzan who lay on top of me. He is getting heavier and bigger. When I adored him I could hold him in my arms he was soon small I could just bundle him up in blankets and carry him wherever I want. He still thinks he's a puppy because he wants me to carry him all day. Y/n always adored him when he was a puppy, but now she was so happy that she could dance with him. It's cute.
Tarzan started at y/n tail drawing in the air happily.
"What is mummy doing hé you wanna go and look?" I riffled through his fur, he jumped off of me tipping over to y/n resting his head onto her knees.
"Hey, sweet boy." She lay her hand on his head. Typing with her preferred hand.
"So cute." I sight to myself.
She exhaled deeply slowly trying a world letter for letter. One past click sounded through the apartment before it all went silent.
She leaned back onto the chair. Smiling at the screen.

She finished it... She did it!

A smile was already on my face.
After a minute he broke the silents with a soft mumble.
"I'm done... I finished Shawn I did it!" She smiled jumping up from her chair. Hugging Tarzan happily.
"Mummy wrote a book, Tarzan... Yes yes, I did." She looked from him to me.
"I wrote a book, Shawn." She stood there still in shock.
I walked over to her lifting her from the ground squeezing her.
"Yes, you did darling I'm so so so proud!" I spun her around. Happily.
"You are so amazing o my skies!"
"You used my word." She smiled happily.
"Yes, I did my amazing writer girl made a new thing of course I'll use it." I smiled setting her back down.
"I have to call Maria." He paced through the room. Tarzan tailed her.
"You call your publisher darling, make this book go viral." I scrolled over to her laptop reading the last chapter.

Oh no she didn't!

I hate cliffhangers especially y/n's cruel no remorse stone-cold but so good.

"Let's go to New York to meet up with Maria and my design artist!" Y/n smiled craving my hand dancing around the lichen counter.
"Okay, I'll buy some plane tickets."
"Train." She added calmly.
"What?" I looked at her comprised.
"Let's go with the train... I wanna start writing the sequel."
"Whatever you want darling." I smiled kissing her forehead.

"Come on Tarzan we're going to New York." I clipped his least on, watching y/n placing her laptop in her backpack notebook in her hand, blue light filter glasses between her fingers. Looking for something still mumbling something.
"Shawn, did you see my pen?" She snapped her fingers.

Yes I do

I smiled at her waiting for her to realize.
"What?" She started at me.
"Darling." I pointed at my ear.
"What?" She inches closer to me reaching out to drag her finger over the coolish of my ear.
"No, darling." I grave the pen from behind her ear.
"I think I found something you're looking for... My amazing writer girl." I smiled hanging it to her kissing her head.
"Thank you, baby." She smiled hugging me tightly.

The crowd of people rushed out of the train bumping into y/n almost crushing her to the ground.
I grabbed her arm quickly. Pulling her closer to me.
Tarzan dragged us over.
"Tarzan no sit."
When the crowd tinned down. We stepped in.
Our booth was small a bunk bed hanging on the wall. A little desk on the other side and a place for Tarzan to sleep. I wished there wasn't a bunk bed, but we have to deal with it for now.

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now