{fear of holding a baby}

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"Why are you still nervous". I took his hand trying to stop him from fidgeting, but he started tapping his feet nervously.
"Just nervous!? I mean meeting your family was one thing it this is your entire family y/n!".
"Shawn, I talk 24/7 about you they hear your name in every conversation they love you already only by hearing about you".
"What if I'm different from their expectations what if I dont reach the standard they set on me to be?".
I looked at him took his other hand.
"Shawn hey look at me".
When his eyes met mine they catch the sunlight making them beautiful golden-colored eyes.
"Have you ever seen yourself in the mirror?".
He giggled softly and looked down at his unmissably red cheeks.
I placed my hand on his warm cheek.
"Beauty isn't only the outside y/n".
"You think you aren't beautiful on the inside? Shawn, you're the most beautiful, sweet, gentle, humble person I've ever met".
He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. Whereby mine started to get rosy.
"You're cute when you blush".
"You blushed first!".
"I didn't".
"Come on admit it for once you never admit something!".
"I admitted that I love you you know that I hate to admit it".
"I love you shawn Peter Raul mendes".
"Love you too y/n y/l/n mendes".
I hit his arm.
"Own fault".
"Don't you wanna marry me?".
"Not yet".
"But y/n...". Shawn dropped to one knee and looked up at me.
"Stand the hell up".
He stood up and laughed His heart out.
"Oh God, it this was real it was so bad".
"Agree mendes".
"No, I would do that I would propose at a beautiful place because you're beautiful too".
I smiled and kissed him, Fixed the collar of his denim jacket and jumped off the kitchen counter.
Putting on my leather jacket and my sneakers.
I turned back to Shawn he was fighting with the zipper from his jacket.
"Shawn, muffin!".
"Yes?". He turned his head to me.
"Come on we go".
"Okay...". He slowly walked over to me and put on his shoes.

Outside the sun was shining perfectly to tan my skin. Birds were chirping happily, it was perfect so calming.
But Shawn still couldn't find any rest. He was squeezing my hand constantly stared shaking when we walked closer to his car.
"Muffin you're shaking hey it's gonna be fine. What if I drive?".
He nodded his head probably too nervous to talk.
I walked to the driver's seat assisted it closer to the steering wheel recited for my sunglasses and buckled myself up. As soon as Shawn bullock himself up he reached for my hand and held it. He turned on the radio and hummed along with say you won't let go by James Arthur.
I smiled at him and focused back on the road.

The garden from my grandparents was filled with people my family is pretty big laughter and talking filled the air.
Shawn pulled me closer it was kinda a reflex from when we are in a crowd he doesn't wanna lose me.
I walked over to my parents to let Shawn have familiar faces before meeting a bunch of new ones.
"Hey, sweetheart". Mum hugged me
"Hey, mum".
Shawn and dad began to talk about random stuff but he didn't let go of my hand.
"Come on Shawn let's meet my grandmother". I walked him towards the sofa we're my grandmother and cousin were talking. My older cousin Daniel noticed us first stumbled over to me and hugged me protectively.
"Hey little".
"Hey, Daniel good to see you, bro". He let go of me and looked at shawn looked at him slowly from top to toe then looked at me wrapped his arms around me again.
"Listen Shawn mendes She was mine before you came".
Shawn's face went pale as never before. I got out of daniel's grip and hugged Shawn.
"He is joking muffin".
"Yea hey sorry man you know that was a joke". Daniel gave Shawn a bro hug
"Yes...". Shawn smiled when my cousin finally approved him.
"He is just nervous" I explained to Daniel.
"I understand man I was balling my eyes out right before I met my girlfriend's family".
My grandmother walked over to us and hugged Shawn.
"You must be shean".
"Yea sorry shawn, y/n has talked about you so much".
"What should I sat she is kinda obsessed with me she even watched me in my sleep". He laughed softly.
I hit his arm slightly
"Shawn, we don't talk about that here".
"Okay, honey". He kissed my cheek and wrapped his arm around me.
"Shawn did you see y/n's new cousin already?". My grandmother sat back down.
"O my God yes I forgot you have to see her shawn she is so cute her name is Alexis and she is just three weeks old you have to see her she will love you and you will love her!".
"Okay, calm down bouncing ball". He smiled at me.

As soon as we walked towards my aunt and uncle the parents of Alexis. Her sister Eli ran up towards me took my hand and dragged me along.
"Come see me new sister y/n!".
"We were going to".
She looked up at shawn jaw dropped.
"He looks like a teddy bear!". She let go of me and hugged his legs.
"He isn't a teddy bear Eli this is shawn my boyfriend".
"Wow, I have a friend who is a boy too his name is Alec".
"This is kinda different Eli". I tried to pull her way from shawn because she disabled him from walking.
"How?". She looked up at shawn in 'awe'.
"Well...". I looked at Shawn hoping he would help me to explain to a four years old what a boyfriend means.
Shawn kneeled down to her
"It means that we are gonna be mummy and daddy once". Shawn pulled a piece of hair from her face.
"Just like my mummy and daddy".
"Can I be a mummy too? and then alec is the daddy then I have a boyfriend too just like y/n!".
"Eli Eli look at me". I kneel down too.
"You and alec are too young to be mummy and daddy and you're too young to have a boyfriend".
"When am I old enough to have a boyfriend?".
"If you're just as old as I am or a bit older".
"And when can I be a mummy?".
"Ask your mum okay".
She ran to her mother who sat on a chair with the tiny baby in her hands.
"Mummy when can I be a Mummy and alec daddy?".
"Where do you have that from?".
"From y/n and teddy bear".
My aunt looked up at us and raised her eyebrow.
"His fault". I pointed at shawn.
She stood up and shook shawns hand.
"Shawn right?". She looked at him.
"You were right y/n he is truly a creek God".
"Well, thanks work out every day".
"See how proud he is at himself that's my muffin". I hugged him he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head.
I looked at my newborn cousin.
"Anyway nice to meet you shawn I have to prepare the barbecue can one of you hold her?".
"Yes of course". I took Alexis in my arms and even compared with my hands hers were still tiny, I admired her for a while, completely zoned out for a while just watching her laying in my arms sleeping.
Shawn lay his chin on my shoulder reached his hand out to touch hers. He caressed the back of her hand with his thumb softly. At that moment she opened her eyes beautiful amber orbes starting at shawn's direction.
I literally felt his arms going jelly.
"Wanna hold her?".
"No no I'm fine".
"Still afraid to hold a baby?".
"Aww, the 6,2 feet tall super muscular shawn is afraid to hold a baby".
"I am afraid to go hold a baby what if I drop her and she dies?".
"Shawn, you're human you down drop another human".
"No y/n I can't hold her".
I turned around looked up at him. He tried to place her in his arms but he stopped back.
"Y/n stop I can't I don't wanna hurt her".
"You won't shawn".
"Calm down muffin take a deep breath".
He inhaled and exhaled deeply.
He nodded I placed her legs and butt in his arms her head rested on his chest.
He started to breathe unevenly again looked frightened at her scared to drop her. I lay my hand on his arm and completed him to calm down.
"You are doing an amazing muffin".
Alexis smiled at him and held his pink.
"She loves you".
"I'm holding a baby y/n I'm holding a baby!".
"You did it shawn I'm so proud of you... You'll be an amazing father".
"You'll be an amazing mother to y/n I love you so much". He kissed my head.
Daniel walked over to us.
Whispered into my ear.
"Don't tell me you two got baby fever".
"Hell yeah, I got it". Shawn laughter out loud.

Fear of holding a baby


Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now