{cold blood}

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Y/n y/l/n. A completely new name for me a completely new name I have to bear with my guild after this day a name I more reight forget then remember after twenty-four hours.

I walked into the major hall from the house were y/n and her brothers live

her oldest brother is a leader and from the Canadian FBI one day at a mission they sent hundred of police straight to their deads which sends them for the decadently but because they are leaders from a primary organization they can't go under that law. Sadly for y/n it's passed to her and I have the gun in my hands this time again but this is different I've never been in a this secured family before plus I've always killed guilty subjects not innocent once.

A woman walked up to me neat clothes hair curly flowing over her shoulder. Tablet in her hands.
"Morning mr mendes new officer?". She stretched out her hand for me.
"Commander from officers royal family send me here to attended up the team".
"Of course I remember now sorry for my bad memory its all pretty hectic right now".
"With the family yea, I heard the story sorry to hear that".
"We've been trying to keep y/n safe but you know can't lock her up in a room anymore young girl maybe a few yours younger then you, you know how it goes". She smiled.
"The fisty fighter's mentality". I smiled back.
"Yes she is the feistiest here... Anyway follow me". She led me through the halls towards a living room where y/n's oldest brother was sitting on his desk studying some papers.
"Mr y/l/n". She tilted her head a little.
The man looked up at me he was one year old than me. But his motions still send slivers over my spine. He was surely not as tall as me but his muscle mass was twice mine.
He looked up at me a smile appeared on his face.
"Hermano mendes". He happily stressed out his hand for me.

Oh yea their family is half Spanish

"Hey". I smiled.
After he lwt go of my hand he put his finger on is the earpiece.
"Y/n, Levi get to my office...they don't speak to me, young lady". He spoke into his earpiece to his younger siblings.
"They can be a bit hard to handle especially y/n".
"I know I have a younger sister too".
"How old is she?".
"Oh, the age when you need to let them go slowly".
I smiled not responding.
A long silent lingered between us until we heard two voices arguing
"y/n give it back!".
"You're so dumb that you let it on the table so its mine now".
A boy and a girl identical to each other stumbled into the room.
"Can you two just grow up for once!". Their older brother hit his hands on the wooden desk.
"She took my gun".
"What I...". The girl turned towards her bother to explain. But fell silent when she saw me.
"Yea 'oh' so y/n, Levi this is mr mendes the leader of our officers".
The two stayed quiet until y/n bumped Levi's arm.
"Say something then".
"What why me?". Levi looked at his sister confused.
"You're the oldest".
"One second".
"Guys don't be so childish you are both old enough".
Y/n rolled her eyes.

This girl has an attitude

Levi was the first one to speak up.
"Holla hermano nice to meet you". He shook my hand.
I waited for y/n to say something.
She just raised her eyebrow braced herself into a formal position and stretched out her hand for me.
"Nice to meet you mendes, Bienvenido al FBI".
"Nice to meet you y/n". I smiled at her.
Can I go now?". She turned towards her oldest brother.
"Give the gun back". He held his hand out for her to hand the hun.
"It's mine now". She turned towards the door walking away.
"She can't just do that its mine she has her own one". Levi glanced over at his brother waiting for him to do something.
"Y/n!". Her older brother raised his voice.
"I'll get it back". I spoke up for the first time she left.
"Trust me it'll work". I walked out of the door following y/n.
"Y/n...y/n wait stop". I watched up with her.
"Hermano mendes let me guess my brother send you to follow me like a pero".
"A what!".
"A dog pero is a dog in Spanish".
I shook my head.
"Anyway, I need the gun". I held out my hand for her.
"And what if I won't give it?". He raised her eyebrow.
"Come on y/n I need it I promised your brother". I looked into her eyes trying to make her agree with me.
"Please niña".
"Multa". She rolled her eyes handing me the gun.
"Thank you". I smiled.
"Adiós hermano". She walked away stuffing something in her jacket pocket.

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