{his crows}

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At night Ketterman looked even more merry rain poring down to the tiles. The moonlight shimmering down onto the warehouses.
Even though my leather gloves, the air numbed my fingers.
This is my city I'm the boy of the barrel the boy who was thrown into the harbor sea to drown. People call me dirty hands. Myths go around about me and my armor. Why do I wear my gloves? That I'm a part demon. That the blood of the once I killed stung permanently on my hands.

All of them are somewhat true

Ketterdam is filled with monsters, it just happens that I have the longest teeth.

The menagerie house was filled with men roaming behind girls with exotic clothes bells on their ankles. Their all the same, they all fell into the trap of Helene the trap of begins trapped.
I've been here before watching carefully, selectively choosing.
My crew. The crows need someone strong jon and I have been assigned to a heist what for the two of us seems impossible.

I found someone strong

Her name is y/n brough to the menagerie at fourteen because she was exhausting enough.
There wasn't anything exotic about this place, it was even worse than the white rose.
Even though there was nothing special about her she had something in her, a fire. I've seen her handle a knife. She'll be a good investment I would say. I could set her free she could fly over the rooftops of Rotterdam she could stab all our enemies follow them quietly. Gathering information.

I waited outside of Helen's office the smell of too strong air smoke filled my nose.
"Mr mendes." Heleen motioned me inside.
I pulled my gloves higher up my wrist. Walking Inside to see y/n.
She was small not even reaching my shoulder. Colorful light blankets were folded to be a dress sparkling into the dimmed light. Bells ringing with every move she made. hair covered in diamonds.
"Y/n say hi to your new client." Helen pinched her cheek.
"Not a client." I didn't pull my gaze from y/n.
"Right he pays of your intuition to be free wherever you go with a price of course."
"What's that?"
"You'll work for the crows." I inched my face to her level, still having to look down, I don't wanna hurt my back.
"I... I thought she was gonna work as one of your servants."
"Oh no there are no events in my business, we're already the lowest of the lost I the barrel." I smiled.
"But she... she is nobody important."
"No, she's nobody important she isn't like the others... Everybody in my crew is important." I glanced at y/n as her eyes widen.
"My boss will lead you a contract but we'll talk about it later." I turned back to Helene taking the stack of money from my coat setting it down to her desk.
"Ten million Hugh isn't it?" I set my hat back on my head motioning y/n with me. She followed me tensing like she was waiting for something. Like a hand on the small of her back.

No not ready for that...

She walked next to me quietly. If I didn't know she was here I won't even notice, but her presence was heavy always there.

*Five months later*

I woke up from my quarters in the warehouse. The golden light fell into my room. Crows already waiting to be fed.
Waiting for her.
I changed into some trousers and a white blouse not bothering to do my hair.
Just half an hour later she was there quietly coughing down the windowsill.
"Good morning y/n what did you found out about the van eck family?"I didn't look up from the newspaper I was reading.
She let out a slow breath. Easing herself to lean against the window frame.
"Brian... Brain van eck, son of Jan van Eck ran away from the mansion a few weeks ago world at a tannery now. He's smart. Good with explosives and knows his way through the ice court he'll be perfect for demo man." She motioned the crows towards her. Feeding them with breadcrumbs.
"Good job y/n". I smiled my eyes sliding over the letters but not reading them.
"You shouldn't make friends with the crows."
"Why not?"
"Because..." I looked up at her

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