{too late to turn back}

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I closed the door from my apartment complex and walked towards my car. It's been half an hour since I dropped her home but I need to see her again I'm lost without her.

Damn, I miss her.

Seven minutes ago I found out that she has a new boyfriend I can't blame her we broke up a year ago but tried to be friends I knew I couldn't.
I desired to go back to my parent's house for a while back to my home Pickering to my sister and her dog oreo I wanna hang out with Jordan even though I said I hated him for being Aaliyah's boyfriend.
When he was in her friend group I dodnt really like it if he was alone with her. I never like it when there are the boys in the mix of her friend group.
But I kinda grow attached to the boy and he is pretty sweet And cute with my sister.

The radio turned up and I heard my own voice mixed with Khalid's. I started humming the lyrics of youth.
I drove through the streets Along with the placed we both knew so well.

Like the bar were we first kissed. I remember it too good it was at Moda y/n wasn't allowed to go into bars back then so we spent hours on makeup and stealing her older sister's intended card because she looks like her a lot. We walked towards the entrance as y/n stared walking more slower.
"Hey, come on it's not that scary".
"I dont feel okay with the idea". She took my hand.
"Come on step out of that innocent girl character and have fun for once".
"Can we just hang out at your apartment?".
I looked down at her hand rubbed her shoulders.
"First, off it's not fun to dance in crowed rooms if you are short, second off there are two types of short girls at the bar's the hot one and the armrest and guess who the armrest is again?". She crosses her arms over her chest.
"Treu, I always use you as armrest".
"But you're a cute armrest and I'm sure you can dance too and with me, you won't be overlooked".
He raised an eyebrow at me.
"I promise... Come on when did I ever break a promise?".
"That time when you promised me not to take my mum's muffins".
"I was five".
We both broke out laughing at each other.
"Okay, what can I do to take away your anxiety?".
She heaved her shoulders.
"You know kissing can relieve stress".
"What? That's complete bullshit".
"No just trust me". I leaned in and pressed my lips against her's. She put her hand on my shoulders and pushed me away immediately.
I just shook off her rejection because she knew she didn't mean it that way.
"Did it work?".
She shook her head.
"No, it only freaked me out more!".
"Come here armrest". I pulled her towards my chest and hugged her.

I focused back on the road, silent driving. Passed my old neighborhood. Towards Diana princess of wales park. This park we had put the first real date since we kissed outside of Moda. I stopped out of my car and walked inside the gates.

Y/n had called me after a week to say she was sorry for acting that way and shoving me.
As an apology, she asked me out for a date in the park and that I don't have to worry about anything.
When she sends me the location I found her sitting against a tree trunk reading a book the hate u give'.
She looked up at me and smiled. She pulled her bag onto her lap and dragged out two bottles of beer and a pack of muffins.
I walked towards her sat down too onto her jacket.
"I wanted to bake muffins but didn't have time".
"No, it's okay I love this".
She smiled, handed me a bottle, and stared in front of her to the lake. Sun reflected onto the surface. A mother swan dobbed into the water behind her three little fluffy ones.
"Well, I bought the book".
I snapped out of my gaze when her voice reached me.
"The hate u give it's pretty accurate still and I'm beginning to understand some stuff".
"Well good that Jon told me and I told you".
"Yea... Listen I'm sorry I pulled away from you I didn't have to do that".
"No, it's fine I already could tell that you didn't want to and I still did it was kinda stupid from me".
"It's not that I didn't want it...".
"Then why did you pulled away?".
"I was in an insecure mental state".
"You could just tell me then i didn't even drag you out there we could just see a movie or something".
"Is that an adversative to a movie?".
"Yes, I thought maybe the invisible man at TIFF bell lightbox".
"I love to go". She took my arms and rested her head on my shoulder.

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