{baby boy}

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I woke up turning around to wrap my arms around shawn's torso, instead of shawn's body my arm hit the mattress. I opened my eyes, looked at the left empty side of the bed.

He must be in the kitchen already...

I sat up against the headboard, the sun just came through the window shawn still doesn't have any blinds to protect his windows from the sun. I stood up walked towards the kitchen to see shawn leaning against the kitchen island drinking his tea. I smiled and walked over to him wrapped my arms around his bare torso as soon as my arms covered his skin he grabbed my hand.
His skin seemed to burn, his skin is always warm but never unhealthy hot.
"Baby boy what's wrong?".
"I think I feel sick". He squeezed my hand.
"Baby, you're burning up".
"It's so warm here".
"Why are you even awake baby?".
"I wanted to make you breakfast plus I wanted to see you before you go to work".
"Baby, I'm gonna call you sick today okay".
"No honey it's okay".
"It's okay?.. you are burning up shawn!".
He quietly laughted, pored in some tea for me.
"Want pancakes... I can make pancakes... Let me make them, my fever isn't that bad".
I grabbed his arm stopped him from walking.
"Go back to bed baby boy".
"No baby".
"No shawn... Go back to bed I'm gonna call you sick and make breakfast". I walked towards the cupboards grabbed a bowl.
Shawn stood behind me. His arms weakly wrapped around my waist, his head lowered my neck, rested his face against my skin pressed some lazy kisses against it.
"Can you tug me in?".

He is likely a baby if he is sick

"Wait for a second I'm calling you sick". I called the number of his work.
Shawn heaved himself up on the island counter grabbed my hand and squeezed it, dragged me closer to him and rested his head on my shoulder.
"Repairing motorcycles Toronto, with Teddy".
"Uhm hey Teddy with y/n".
"Hey y/n what's wrong?".
"I wanted to say that shawn won't come to work today he has a fever".
That's okay work won't drive away, tell him to get better soon from me".
"I will teddy, bye".
"Bye y/n".
I looked up to shawn smiled at him, he pressed his nose onto my skin.
"Come on baby let's get you to bed".
He slowly slides off hit the ground, I wrapped my arms around his torso and let him lean all his weight on me, as I walked towards the bedroom. Lay him down stuffed an extra pillow behind his head, and tugged the covers under his body.
"I'm gonna make a smoothie okay?"
"Can you give me a heating pad too?"
"Of course baby". I kissed his forehead softly.

I had the cold glass in my hand, the heating pad stuffed under my arm, the strap painkillers placed between my teeth.
Shawn lay in the major bed covered in the thick blanket, groaning in pain.
"I got you a smoothie with mango, avocado, pineapple, and banana all frozen in". I placed the glass on the bedside table, lay the painkillers next to it.
"Painkillers are here, and I got you a heating pad".
"Thank you, honey".
"I send you the numbers from my work leader and all my co-workers if you can't call me call them I also have my mum's number on it".
"Yes, baby?".
"Can I call you if I miss you?". He took my hand played with my fingers softly humming along with a random song.
"Baby boy, normally you should but I have three meetings today only call me if something is wrong okay".
"Okay, honey, I will".
"You can always ask my mum if she wants to come I'm sure she will".
He hugged me pressed his face in my chest, ran his fingers through my hair.
"Baby, I need to go now".
"Can I get a goodbye kiss?".
I smiled and kissed his cheek then his forehead. When I wanted to walk away shawn grabbed my arm sleepily, stopped me.
"You missed".
I quietly laughted and kissed his feverish lips softly.
I waved at him while walking backward bumped into the doorframe, I quickly look back and laughed, blow a quick kiss to him and left the bedroom.
I put on my shoes and grabbed my jacket.
I unlocked the door and stepped out walked towards the lift.
When I got down I stored out and walked towards shawn's car. Stepdad pulled the seat closer to the steering wheel and drove off to work.

I opened the door from the meeting room and saw everyone looking at me.
"Sorry, I'm late".
"Do you have an explanation for it
"My boyfriend is sick and I needed to take care of him sorry".
My coworker looked at me a bit annoyed.
"Take a seat".
I took a free seat and sat down. I pulled out my phone to see if shawn texted or called me.
He didn't.

Meetings are mostly boring because I don't have a leader rank in this company.

Already twenty minutes in and my mind wandered back to shawn. Laying in bed trying to sleep but still staggering with staying calm.
Suddenly my phone started vibrating like crazy. My boss looked at me anyily.
"No phones here y/n".
I looked at the screen and shawn's name popped up.

He must be just missing me

"yes sorry".
I ignored his calls for four times.
He started texting me.

Shawn: pick up honey

Shawn: honey pick up!

Shawn: y/n please it's really bad!

Shawn: I really don't feel well

Shawn: really y/n I want you to come home!

Shawn: I need you here right now...

Shawn: please y/n come home!

I shifted in my seat nervously, looked at the clock hanging on the wall.

Just one more minute Shawn then I'll be coming home...

That minute took years to pass by, but when the clock finely hit nine I walked out with my coworkers, but instead of going to my desk I went back outside to find Shawn's car and stored in stared the car and drove off as fast as I could.

I ran into Shawn's apartment didn't even bother to take off my shoes or jacket.
I opened the bedroom door but Shawn wasn't in bed the thick blanket was raspy throwback into all kinds of curves.
"Shawn baby it's me y/n".
The apartment stayed silent.
I walked over towards the bathroom, saw Shawn holding onto the sink with one hand his other clutching his stomach, my heart broke when I saw him as weak as he was ever been.
I ran over to him lay my hand on his broad shoulder. He was slivering and tempering uncontrollable, I took off my jacket and placed in around his shoulders.
He quickly looked up at me smiled sadly.
"Hey honey"
"Baby boy are you okay?".
He looked down shaking his head I felt his back mussels tense up. Softly sobs began to leave his throat.
"Baby tell me what to do please can you tell me?".
He lay his hand on mine.
"Sorry honey... I know you had work but I really felt like throwing up and passing out".
"It's okay baby why did you even walk away from bed?".
"I wanted to make your lunch for when you were back".
"Baby boy why do you still wanna take care of me if you're sick?".
"Because you are my girl I need to take care of you, honey".
"Not when you're sick Shawn".
"But honey...".
"No, let me take care of you once".
I kissed his cheek and hugged him carefully.
He kept hanging over the sink for a while, rubbed between his shoulder blades in order to smooth in from tensing up more.
"You're okay baby?".
"Wanna go back to bed".
He looked at me nodded sadly. I removed some curls from his burning forehead and let him lean on me.

I lay him down in bed again sat next to him, he held my hand tightly I this grip.
"Are you going back to work now?".
"No, I'm not... I'm not leaving you alone here". I kissed his cheek.
"I love you, honey".
"Love you too baby boy?".
He leaned his head on my arm snugged his face into my hand palm.
"Can you lay next to me?.. I wanna cuddle".
I nodded, took off my shoes and jacket, sat down next to him, he lay his head on my chest played with the cords of my hoodie. My hands slowly ran through is curls.

I love his hair...

"Can you tell me a story?".
"A story?". My hand held still.
"Yes, when did I make you extremely happy?".
"God, I don't know, you make me happy every day...uhm... Maybe that time when no boy wanted to kiss me and you did".
"I still don't know why that game was so important in high school".
"Even though it was stupid, I still think it's important".
"Why honey?".
"Because it was my first kiss".
He kissed my cheek and waved his fingers through mine.
"I love you, honey... Thank you for taking care of me."
I love you too baby boy".

He played with my fingers prepped kisses on my face until he falls asleep on my chest, still holding my hand, our legs twisted together my hand still in his hair.

Baby boy

Imagines Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now